Lucas – United In Oneness We Are – 24 October 2012

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Wed, 10/24/2012 - 07:03


Lucas – United In Oneness We Are – 24 October 2012

I am that I AM. I see and observe.  I  speak of  EGO and EGO disguised as spiritual teachers, gurus, channelers and writers.  I see the EGO getting in the way of unity and unconditional love.  The words spoken are polluted with sentences of attacks against those calling the EGO out. The sentences of division and hatred, the sentences of denying and ridiculing, and so on, all those  sentences  show EGO will  react to that what seems to touch and hurt it.

I observe people using other channelers, others writings or writers to proof things they say are right as their EGO needs that acknowledgment and has not enough power on its own. The weakness of EGO shows as unconditional Love does not have this and is powerful on its own.  I see people interpreting and giving messages the wanted explanation for their own benefits and purposes.

I see people using a veil of spirituality and  hide their EGO behind it. They forgot that real spirituality comes not from thoughts and EGO but from the heart and feeling of unconditional love.  Those who still use their EGO and thoughts to exploit and  manipulate others for 3D duality purposes need to  find their way back to their hearts. Find back to Unity and Oneness.

Compassion is still that what you receive as answer for being an EGO based being. You choose to stay in your thoughts and EGO. But do not think there is understanding or even pity for your EGO.  It will be called out again and again. And the EGO will react upon it as long as you have not found out it to be obsolete. It needs to be let go off.  Find back to your real light being state and that is not that what you think you are and you are just saying and writing to be.

A light being is that what you are. Just BE that love and express it. Your being came from love and  is One with all that is love unconditionally and eternal. You are One with all and in all.  Just not talk about it, BE One. Act upon it not say or write or channel to act upon it.  I have compassion for those that still keep denying themselves the unity and love that is present in the now for all.  You reach out with love and you get EGO back, still love keeps reaching out. It calls  out to be One again.

I see that what I have observed will touch those that Egoistic fund themselves or are going for 3D pleasures, greed, and materialism. You can not sell unconditionally love and Oneness for something else than what it is. You fail every  time your EGO wants to sell it as love.  It becomes clear those teaching that and telling that are exposed in the end as there is no love in this. It should be enough to say that Unity is not an abstract theoretical discussion or philosophical point to discuss or write about. Unity is a state of being One.

Be One. Be unconditional Love and come out of being victimized or being the victimizer, your EGO based thoughts and end for yourself the duality cycle NOW. Be present NOW and see Unity. Help Uniting and share and co-create in unconditional love. All that will manifest the new paradigm as we are creating it already being united. United in Oneness we are.

Love and Light,


(c) 2012 – Copyright of Lucas, all writings of Lucas maybe published, re-blogged and posted only in full without altering anything with the blog mentioned in the article with name of the author Lucas.



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