Double Intuition Cards

Submitted by Tryak437 on Fri, 10/26/2012 - 22:01

Before moving to a new city at the end of next week, I decided to spend the remaining balance on a gift card I had. I decided to purchase a new Oracle Card deck and was looking at the ones I did not yet own - aiming for a bit of diversity and perhaps some new guidance. I already had: Dolphins/Mermaids, Mayan Language of Light, Fairies, and Spirit Animals. I prefer the smaller 44 (this number has been recurring for me since I was a small child) card decks, which are easier to shuffle, to traditional 72 card tarot deck. 


I decided to pass up the Raphael angel deck, even though I am rather fond of Raphael. I also passed up two other decks focused on healing - including a tempting forest-based tarot deck. My healing is coming along rather nicely and instinctively, I don't need any messages about it or to mess with it right now. :) 


Angels and Saints, another tempting choice. I had recently discovered my family geneology was an offshoot of Eastern Catholicism and I have always identified with Brighid as my patron Saint. On a recent vacation I found myself, on the railing of a cruise ship, speaking to a Puerto Rican man about never being separated from the Christ-like love in our hearts, and so not having anything to be afraid of. I also have some dear Catholic friends and resonate with a few bands that draw their heritage from their. Nevertheless, it wasn't quite the deck for right now. 


There was also another somewhat generic Angels deck and an Archangel specific deck. However, the Archangel deck featured 15 Archangels - a number that doesn't quite fit with how I'm being guided right now. It didn't seem a fit at all. I have many strong Michaels in my life that care for me and I know that Michael is a strong guiding presence in my life, but I also passed up that deck because it was a bit too specific. 


Feeling somewhat at a loss for why I went out to buy a deck I asked for guidance and waiting patiently. A girl came up and shifted a book on the rack beside me, revealing an entire row of decks that had been previously hidden - on the same shelf as the Spirit Animals deck that I also found to be an intuitive find. Perfect -- I looked through them and there was one in particular I focused on -- Gateway


I have always felt I was adept at the energy of gateways and portals. This seems to be something that I am called to understand and work with. The Language of Light oracle card Muluc also resonates with me. I'm moving in with someone that was born on a Galactic Activation Portal day and we are currently in a GAP period in the Blue Castle of Burning. 


Looking at the receipt -- it's like opening a gift bag of guidance every time I buy something, lol -- my total contains my birth year in the cents. The dollar amount contains a seven in the ones column and a ten (earthly perfection) in the tens column. I pay with a gift card whose balance in both dollars and cents are both clean multiples of seven and a twenty-dollar bill to finish the rest of the total. My change contains the day of the month I was born on in cents. My dollar change is nine -- heavenly completeness. The purchase was made at "33 seconds". 


Looking through the coins in my change there is a native "totem-style" bird on the front of one coin, with a (pigmented on the metal) yellow sun rising over its wing. I am moving east, where the sun rises from. A two-dollar coin with the year they were minted first, and also an important milestone year for my childhood. A second two dollar-coin with an important milestone year for my young adulthood. Three pennies - one matches the year on the native coin, one is an inverse of my birth year, and the last one has the year 200. The serial number on the five-dollar bill contains my recurring number "44", as well as the inverse of my birth year contained on the coins. 


I opened the cards up when I got outside and started slowly looking through the pictures and reading the face of the cards. Usually I do a reading before doing this -- and still find accurate results. However, for some reason this time I didn't want to wait until I got home. Looking through the cards I found one that was upside down..what the heck. The card was "Trusting Your Intuition" and the phrase printed on the front "My life is truly guided." with an image of a river flowing through a forest and off between the green hills in the foreground. There are snowcapped mountains in the distance and outside the keyhole are autumn leaves.


We just had the equinox recently, I live in a mountain valley, the mountains near me just got their first snowfall, we are well into the leaves changing season, a huge spiritual turning point for me was camping near a river in the forest, I live by a creek (and have lived by several creeks in the last 7 years), I often see a gold key in my dreams and I being a member of the "Golden Key" Honors Society about six or seven years ago -- found my letter today going through old papers)


At first I was laughing at how obvious and perfect this guidance was. The card was upside down so I wouldn't miss the clue. However, there were two cards after it and then....a SECOND "Trusting Your Intuition" card. The deck in total, when counted, contained 45 cards. Wow....if that isn't a clear message I'm not sure what it. 


Another recurring guidance that I receive is things that can be read both directions. For example, I will see a year on a coin and the second coin I will receive will have the two digits reversed (48/84, 17/71, etc). I read the second card as a clear "bracket" letting me know what "code" to read in this message. The two cards in the middle were: 


"Taking Action" - "I enthusiastically embrace life's boundless possibilities." The image on this card is a dark silhouette leaping over a stream in a desert. There are reddish hills in the background. A tree is bending from the bank he is on as if it wants to leap over the river too. It's as if the world is turning and he is leaping the river to turn with it. 


Today I booked my flight to move to a foreign country, gave notice that I was terminating the lease on my apartment, and started closing out some of my financial accounts. I was in contact with the person I am going to live with who reassured me that life is an adventure that isn't worth it if you dont take risks. This after I had asked for guidance, apprehensive that he might change his mind once it was too late to go back on my preparations.


"Stepping into Stillness" -- "My power is born in the majesty of silence.". The image on this card is a young woman with braided blond hair, sitting on a crescent moon over a sleepy (British looking) suburb admist a starry sky with wispy clouds. Her eyes are closed and she is in a flowing lilac nightgown. 


Despite being raised with the pressure that I should minister, I have never felt compelled to tell others about my faith. Sharing of spirtual beliefs (from a somewhat eccentric biblical group) was always difficult for me as a child and I tried to blend into the background as much as possible. At work someone on my team had the tattoo "if these are silent the stones will cry out". As a child I was told to accept this meant we had an obligation to preach, even though God could very well use the stones if he wanted review though, I have recently begun to take this quote differently -- that some are meant to be silent and all of creation will testify based on their example their embodied I AM presence.


I seem to get recurring messages that I am meant to be a rock...the one seen as 'sane' that everyone feels comfortable approaching. I have been told that the way I write makes the Truth accessible to anyone. Perhaps. I know that I have been gifted with words. Maybe that is what has made the journey of this last year so hard -- who has words for 'grace' that has not been touched by the Light?


There are many things not outside my experience that I find still beyond my explanation. The energies of Shambhala are certainly one of them. Felt when I was camped in the woods by a river...and felt again when I lay still on his chest. Intuition, beyond explanation. An intangible like when you can grasp water as it pours through your fingers, but after the sun dries it up you ask if your hands were ever wet to begin with. Experiences that forever change the way you SEE everything around you. You have heard the expression "What has been seen, cannot be unseen?". 


What do you SEE? Come SEE with me. :) 

Second purchase of the night the total came to 9.11. On the way to the store I saw a license plate with "666", which always makes me laugh. More often than not I have been associated with this number by individuals or groups, due to my involvement with Wicca, Druidry, Neopagan groups, Metal music, and the Gothic scene. The merchant ID on the receipt for the purchase was 666 followed by the hour of the purchase. The dollar amount I saved was my birth month and the dollar amount remaining on my card was the day of the month that I was born on. 

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