Conscious Evolution - Preparing for Ascension 2012: Chapter 5- How We Lost Our Way

Submitted by drmoe on Sat, 10/27/2012 - 08:58

Asking for Help


It’s not easy to ask for help, is it?  We wander around this plane trying to figure out who we are, getting stuck here or there, not knowing what to do next.  We are hampered by this unwillingness to seek help.


       “Who can do it alone?”, we could ask.  Well, no one, apparently.  We all rely on each other at some level.  There are days when we feel strong and days when we feel weak.  Leaning on each other is a necessary requisite to getting by in this life.  Culture can say what it wants about “doing it alone” or that “men are stronger than women”.  The fact is we need each other in times of weakness and it doesn’t matter what gender steps up to lend a hand. 


       When we are too tired or ill to do it ourselves, we need to reach out and take that hand, to let someone help and pull us free of the swamp. Better than drowning, isn’t it?  Better than giving up altogether.


       Sometimes Life shows us things we need to learn in the smaller problems we face.  We may believe they are huge, but perhaps they are merely instructive, designed to push us out of a certain impasse.  Oh sure, we’d rather read the book, that would be easier.  But some lessons have to be earned.  They have to be taken through life experience because they require more than mere intellectual appreciation.


       It’s difficult, though, those times we feel overwhelmed by one of life’s “challenges”.  Yes, we’d rather walk around that swamp and study it from a distance, than wade our way across and get dirty.  That’s when help may be required, when the challenge feels too tough to manage alone.  So ask!  Someone will come along and offer you a hand.  Take it! Don’t be shy. And don’t be apologetic.  You weren’t designed to do everything by yourself.



Chapter 5: How We Lost Our Way


The heroic quest is an adventure, unbridled and true.  It moves one from the past to the present and into the future, always pointing the way to a new destination.  We will see this unfold as we move along with this revue.

The myths of the world typically say one thing; God is alive and well, and lives in our hearts.  Our task is to find the God energy within ourselves. 


God is no longer out there in some church, some doctrine or similar external authority.  These sources cannot provide all that we need today. God, the Great Creator, resides within each and every one of us and that force animates all life as we experience it.  Every living creature, every entity that breathes any gives off energy is of the God force.  We are God, individually and collectively. We wander this planet in search of our individualized God nature to reveal our piece of this great cosmic puzzle.


How did we get turned away from this all important purpose, this destiny we charted, this pursuit of self, soul and love as the ultimate frontier?  How did we become so lost in the desert of a constricted and displaced emotional life experience that we began wandering aimlessly?  How, for so many centuries, have we strayed so far away from our own true Source?


In the stories of creation, of which there are many varieties, it is said that man was an experiment and God observed with great joy how our lives were played out and how we met our needs.  Later, it was said that humans, as creatures, were viewed as so beautiful that the “Gods” wanted to co-mingle with humanity.  This began the descent into matter, into the density of the planet, into the ‘rootednesses’ of the material world. This was the beginning of the trance.  Like the director who believes his movie is real life rather than a metaphor, we lost sight of our Divine inheritance when we fell into the belief that earth life was all there was.  There have been many movies about this subject, where someone loses their way in a self-created reality, forgetting they have the keys to a much nobler destiny.


The symbolism of myth eloquently captures this hypnotic state.  Heroes are always typically cast into situations they must overcome to resume their lives and retrieve some treasure.  Gold is not the treasure, Love is!  Love of Life, the Earth, one’s fellow man and love of mystery are the real treasures.  Most certainly the love of the mystery of Life!


We are taught as children that magic and mystery exist, but cannot be fully understood.  Most world religions like to underline the fact that magic and mystery are fathomless.  This type of teaching has been continued by self-appointed spiritualists who have become mired in their self-created matrix. The whole notion is absurd. When you’re always looking outside of yourself, following formulas and scripts, you inevitably lose your way.  The lesson from both myth and modern therapy is to look within.


Children don’t believe that magic and mystery are fathomless until they are taught this and conditioned to the idea. At this point, they turn off their curious quest.  Intuitively they know that God, something greater than themselves, exists in their hearts. They believe the mystery is solvable, if only someone would help them understand it.  Our God nature certainly knows this to be true.  The Creator placed this key inside all our hearts.  Our challenge is to retrieve it for ourselves. This quest is particularly challenging because we have been conditioned away from the process.


Heroism is about working our way back to that core center through our feelings, emotions and our very human nature.  We are sentient beings who have a heart center to guide us.  We can learn to trust this resource early in life when demonstrated by others already on the quest.  All children are budding artists. With their heart center readily available, they are ready to bloom with our encouragement. This native ability can equally be squashed with rigid dogma originating from external sources and rigid 3rd dimensional thinking.


It is sad that recent generations, including our own, have contributed to this process of not trusting the Self.  This is how we lost our way.  This is how gods become mere mortals with nowhere to turn except where egos point.  And egos, as history repeatedly demonstrates, are ill equipped to guide gods forward.


This is how it all began.  We literally forgot that we were the gods who set out on this mortal journey.  We fell in love with our creations, the material body and earthly circumstances, and lost our “Self” in the process.  When we finally woke up we began to realize we each created a life drama or act.  We are not yet fully awake, but we are becoming more conscious of this fact than ever before.


The Army of Light is waking from its slumber, reaching for greater illumination, greater levels of awareness, while moving ahead with grand purpose and design.  Everywhere heroes are charting and following their path Home.  Remember the fine familiar phrase, ‘Home is where the Heart is’.  We can re-assert this with authority when we remember its true meaning. 


What do such phrases mean for a population gone mad and so far removed from its original purpose?  It means we are fighting our way back, en masse, to the pulsating heart center, where the golden pulse of the Creator resides and animates our lives, where souls sing in harmony and play together like a well rehearsed symphony. That’s how the Army of Light works, in sync with all parts of its self, fully informed and fully alive.  Every instrument pulsates to its own tempo and is, yet, synchronized with the whole orchestra. 


How do we get there, to this ideal we fashion and project onto the movie screen of our lives?  What is required of us to make this happen? We must listen!  We must learn!  We must act!  When we hear our inner voice we must listen and move with it.  Let it guide the way. Listen to the Voice, the Soul, the only Beacon worthy of note, the message created and installed by God.  We move forward as directed and we find our way Home.


In the coming chapters we will look more closely at this activation process, this inner guidance and how it functions in our lives.  There are many seekers who are actively engaged in this process today, directing their lives from their respective centers.  We will examine how they arrived at this point and flesh out the process in greater detail. The answers we seek are as intriguing as the questions. 


The answers beg for greater understanding and take us deeper into the heart of the mystery, the place we were forbidden to enter as children.  As adults, we can move beyond the indoctrination we received as children. Now, we can boldly go into the heart of the mystery.  No one can hold us back any longer, no institution, no religion, and no authority outside of us.  We are the masters of our destiny. Our questions will take us where we need to go!


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