Bill Ballard – 11/11/12 – 11/22/12 – 12/12/12 Event Links – Please Consciously Join Us To Shift Humanity And Mother Earth – 10 November 2012

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Sat, 11/10/2012 - 08:03


Bill Ballard – 11/11/12 – 11/22/12 – 12/12/12 Event Links – Please Consciously Join Us To Shift Humanity And Mother Earth – 10 November 2012

(Lucas : This summing up of links is not all that is out there. It just makes clear there is so much going on and all are being busy with the manifesting, visualisation, imagining and meditations around the world for the 11/11 , 11/22 and 12/12 dates and even more dates. Let us all make it a great day for a start tomorrow 11 November 2012. Be in unconditional love manifesting with all the new paradigm. Ain’t that great!)

A Collection of Videos leading to the 11/11/12 Global Mediation and then the 11th 11:11 Gate Activation on 11/22/12. I am posting my most recent in order first with that of many others below, which will help to describe and explain what is going on spiritually on Earth at this time of Global Ascension. The collective of humanity will follow sooner or later.

Bill Ballard


11/11/12 Links: (see farther below for 11/22/12 and 12/12/12 event links)

11-9-12 Bill Ballard 11-11-12 Dreaming New Earth & 11-22-12 11th & Final 11-11 Gate Activation

11-8-12 Bill Ballard ~ Why Envision Money & 3-4D Things Into Your Focus of New Earth

11-8-12 Bill Ballard ~ We ARE Shifting Our Planet ~ Discussions on Money and My New Earth Vision

11-7-12 Bill Ballard ~ 11-11-12 Coming Soon ~ Dream of Your Heaven On Earth Now

James Tyberonn ~ 2013 – Year One Of The New Earth The Magnificent Beginning 11/9/12

Total Solar Eclipse 11/13/2012 ~ Ophiuchus in the Dark

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan – 11:11 – That Special Time Of Year – 10 November 2012

Filament Eruption & Earth Directed CME Nov 9, 2012 (Earth Arrival on 11/11)

11-11-2012 ~ The Eleventh Initiatory Gateway of Light

11/11/12 Global Events: Co-Create the New Paradigm

11/11/12 Calling ALL Lightworkers

All Around The World—Open Up Your Heart…Forever United!

Ascension update: Ascension energies

11:11 Stargate: Transcendence, a new “mile marker” and being Love

Twin Flame Frequencies Rise Once Again on 11/11/12

Opportunity Of The 11/11 Gateway – Recent Energies In Perspective – 8 November 2012

The Forty Days Between 11-11-12 and 12-21-12 a Message from Kalki Maitreya through Elizabeth Trutwin

Galactic Superwave – Science Meets Ancient Wisdom: Part 1

Galactic Superwave – Science Meets Ancient Wisdom: Part 2

Large UFOs near the Sun – Great review – November 8, 2012

THE EARTH ANGELS; Sharing More About 11-11, And What It Means To Us. By Bella Capozzi. November 9, 2012.

11:11 Portal to Your Sacred Heart

Sananda ~ An Explosion of Love ~ As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~ November 8, 2012

We Have Shifted The Whole Earth To Higher Octaves and Creation Abilities!!

ARCHANGEL INDRIEL. “Peace, Love And The 11-11.”


The 11/11 Sacred Rose Stargate Activation of 2012

11/11 is “ONE Day”- A global event of synchronous breath, intention, imagination, and prayer (18,000 persons joined the 11:11 Facebook event here alone)

Worldwide Visualization for a Breakthrough – Please Join Us!



UFO Sightings Huge Flying Starship Spotted over Pensacola? Outstanding Footage November 7 2012

Incredible UFOs Land and Launch Over Denver 2012 HQ

Numerology Master Number 11, 22, 33, 44 Astrology Secrets of the deep

The Galactic Free Press /Sound of heart organisation – whole day event via


11:11 11th Gate Activation Links (11/22/12):

11th 11:11 Gate Activation on 11/22/12 (Solara’s Nvisible Site)

11th 11:11 Gate Activation on 11/22/12 (Cobra’s 2012 Portal)

The Activation of the 11th Gate of the 11:11 Doorway (Facebook)

Anchor Group Instructions for the Ceremony The Eleventh Gate Activation of the 11:11 November 22, 2012

Anchor Group PreparationsThe Eleventh Gate Activation of the 11:11

Organizing an Anchor Group 11:11 11th Gate Activation

Anchor Group HomeThe Eleventh Gate Activation of the 11:11

The Eleventh Gate Activation of the 11:11

Sophia Love – Eleventh Gate Activation – 10 November 2012

Eleventh Gate 11:11 Activation. Are You Participating?


12/12/12 Event Links:

StarKnowledge Conference Phoenix Arizona 12/12/12 (Facebook)

StarKnowledge Conference Phoenix Arizona 12/12/12 (Website)

The 12-12-12The Cosmic Crystalline Completion
December 9-10-11-12 2012 In Arkansas – The Crystal Vortex (James Tyberonn)



by XdavidRananda Spears on Saturday, November 10, 2012 at 9:18am ·


On the 11th of November 2012 (11:11:12) the Higher Heart chakra of Mother Earth will open and she will take her first step into 5D awareness. The fifth dimensional Earth will begin to take form and those who have opened their own Higher Hearts will be able to start ascending to the 5D Earth, if that is what they have chosen, and when the moment is right for them.
This rebirth of Mother Earth will be initiated by the incoming energies of Divine Love radiated from The Divine Mother; “Shekinah”. This Light energy is Pearly Pink and Gold and it will enter the Higher Heart chakra of Mother Earth at 11:11 AM GMT at Glastonbury, England, which is the location of Mother Earth’s Heart chakra. (The vortex at Glastonbury Tor / Chalice Well.)
All of those whose Higher Heart is open and who are thus in 5D awareness have the ability to add their energy to this rebirth of Mother Earth by radiating the Pearly Pink and Gold Light of Divine Love into her Heart at 11:11 AM your local time, on Sunday 11:11:12. This event takes place in 5D which is in “The Now Moment”, in no time.
From “Father” via Rananda on the 10th November 2012.
Love and Light from Rananda. X

Just Channelings

Over the next day there will be a big energy day (11/11) followed by another big energy day: a solar eclipse on the 13th. These two will combine energies to create a very powerful Source Gateway. Now, you can ask yourself in the next week, “How do I want to utilize this energy to the highest degree of empowerment?” The energy is building phenomenally. There’s no need to go and search for what stil
l needs to be released, for it will surely come to you. Anything we still need to let go of, especially that of controlling and rescuing others, will come up for us in the most powerful way possible; this is so it is completely rooted out in order for the sacred Holy Spirit Light coming in on those dates flows in unimpeded. A lot of the deep stuff is within families, so be aware of what buttons are pushed and your desire to control another’s choices (or be controlled). Remember, everyone is on their own sacred path and all is in Divine Order. Let us remind ourselves that the most compassionate thing we can do is to support, listen and love unconditionally others while they make their own choices; trusting that they too have the power to choose.

~ Soulstice Rising via Kara Shallock


I really liked the UFO footage from denver I live close to where the film was shot. awesome!

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