Light Artist Janosh
Divine Qualities - Wisdom, Illumination, Constancy
Retreat - Royal Teton Retreat, Grand Teton Mountains, near Jackson Hole, Wyoming, USA.
Lord Lanto was an ancient Chinese master who lived about 400 B.C. He is said to have accomplished more than any other master of earth. He developed the light in his heart to such a degree that it shone like a golden sun through his flesh.
Lord Lanto teaches the path of attainment through enlightenment and mastery in the crown chakra, and can assist souls in receiving the Holy Spirit’s gifts of the word of wisdom and the word of knowledge.
Many of Lanto’s incarnations were in China, where he focused the flame of illumination that infused that country’s culture with great wisdom. The Duke of Chou, one of his Chinese embodiments, is reputed to have been the guru of Confucius.
During his final lifetime, Lanto adored God’s presence within his own heart so fervently that the divine spark residing there—the threefold flame—could be seen emanating as a soft golden glow through his chest. He desired that through this living testimony other people would also recognize and believe the truth of their own innate spark of divinity, the doorway to their personal enlightenment and victory. He sustained this visible light until he ascended around 500 B.C.
Lord Lanto, great light of ancient China, now serves as one of America's foremost savants. The devotion to the word of wisdom and the word of knowledge of this quietly-wise sage and fiery-eyed bodhisattva has truly qualified him to initiate the evolutions of earth in these gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Ascended Master in whose presence the sublimity of the Mind of God can be touched and known, by portion, as he teaches the ancient way of universal christhood that made the golden age of China great, that comes down from Maitreya, the Coming Buddha who has come, and is brought to the fore by the hierarch of the Royal Teton Retreat, the Ascended Master Lord Confucius.
Lanto was and is a Master of the power of precipitation—an alchemical process of drawing forth cosmic light and substance from the Universal and coalescing it into physical form (a predetermined matter matrix) by the science of the spoken Word. Therefore, appropriately he was chosen to bear the flame of precipitation—a Chinese green tinged with gold—to the stronghold of the Grand Teton, where the Brotherhood had established the magnificent physical focus known as the Royal Teton Retreat.
Lanto’s etheric retreat is located over the Grand Teton in the Teton Mountain Range in Wyoming.
Currents of Golden Liquid Light
" . . . I AM Lord Lanto, Chohan of Illumination's Ray. I impart the Consciousness of Wisdom to the Sons and Daughters of God, so they can first know who they are and then act upon that knowledge as they internalize the Flame of God, the Threefold Flame of the Heart that speaks to their every endeavor in life, if they will allow the Heart to open.
"So many go through life locked away in the recesses and the depths of their mind, and the workings of the intellect, never knowing the Illumination of the Heart's Flame imparting to that mind all of the Golden Light of the Sun that would bring newness of life, expressions of God Identity in every pattern and detail imparted to each of the spiritual centers of Being, so that one might create, precipitate, manifest more of the Golden Light of the Sun that is to shine upon all Sons and Daughters. This Golden Sun bathing the consciousness brings about the Golden Age culture and the reemergence of Divine Mother Light that each one may revel in as they fulfill their Fiery Destiny.
"For some time, you have only known My Flame as the Chohan of the Second Ray of Illumination. You have likewise understood that I stand fully engaged with My Conscious Attention upon the youth and the children of the world that they may have imparted to them the Divine Culture, and education in their True Identity. What many may not know is that I once lived in embodiment during a time where there was such a Divine Culture that many have referenced as one of Earth's true Golden Ages.
"I hold in My Consciousness the understanding of the education that is required of each of the vehicles of your consciousness, so that you might produce such a Divine Life as I lived then; where all about you, you see the Glories of God, the wonder of creation, the magnificence of the Divine Mother Light bringing into manifestation the Purity, the Beauty, the wealth of the Abundance of God.
"When your consciousness becomes as trained as mine was then, even in this very hour, you can begin to live that Golden Age, and indeed, this is how these cycle must begin. For if you do not have the Vibration required to anchor the Fire of your own God Consciousness into these outer vehicles, how will you pass on a Torch of Light to the next generation? How will they be taught? What will be the example you set? Will you have internalized all that has been imparted to your mind, moving the charge of Light into the emotional body, forming and fashioning new creation by your hands, and endeavoring to live a life that invites the descent of the Golden River into the midst of your world?
"This, Blessed Hearts, is such a great Opportunity. For if enough Sons and Daughters are willing to awaken to the Christ Consciousness, imbued with their own Causal Body momentums of Victory, you will realize a Golden Age before you know it! . . . "
Messenger- Carolyn Louise Shearer
Unknown light Artist
~•♥ Ascended Masters Teachings ♥•~
Research Material:
Ascended Masters- Who are they?
Ascension Research Center
The Temple of The Presence
Sharing Love note:
In honoring a vision that had been humbly received. In this vision was re-given an ancient text, translated into three languages. Which is a contract that had to be signed in love & trust, and so the 'Ascended Master Teachings' is here for all to share in love & trust that we honor their timeless wisdom and uphold it original designation 'Our Divine Creator' divine light working through 'Ascended Masters. Anointed Representatives Galactic Free Press- File Archival The Ascended Master Teachings.
"When we awaken a Master Ascends within."
nine minutes 25 seconds
Wow! That was fast! Now I will go back and read it all.
Love, Astreia-Dorothy
Oh - I am copying this information into a notebook like a schoolgirl.
I feel you on the copying.
I feel you on the copying. When I can't get on the net, the information is there to process.
Love Nageeta