Submitted by Lia on Thu, 12/16/2010 - 11:18




~HUMANITY IS Coming Through the Veil ~




~Love Letters From The Present Moment of Now, Heaven on Earth~


Love from the Galactic Federation of Light, From The Company of Heaven, and Galactic Central. We are Your Family of Light and Earth Allies on Planet Earth=Heart. We are Also The First Contact Ground Crew Team. Also Present With You is Us, Mother and Father God, Your Parents of Creation and Beyond. We Love You Unconditionally.



Heightened Awareness Is to Observe the Synchronostic Events Occurring Simultaneously.”


Love Always Says YES, When You say Yes, Love Says Yes Back!! It’s a High Five All Around the Universe, Love=Yes=Yes” .


Greetings, Many Blessings, Miracles, and Many Magical Synchronostic Events. Our Messages Delivered TO HUMANITY ARE Each in Truth, The Highest Legal Documents on The Planet. We, AS Love and Spirit, Hold The Highest Law in Existence, which is Unconditional Love. We Are the One Universal Law and Universal Understanding of Oneness and Equality. We Are the Law of the Land and We Are The Land, No Matter What. If You can Understand What this Means For You, you can Print these Out as they are Your Ticket To Freedom. There is No Law Higher then Love and Creation. If you Truly Understand The Love That You Are, This is the Moment to Share All Love IS With Everything. Be The Love You Are. Love Grants You this Gift, That Equals the ALL.


We Could Go to The Highest Courts on this Planet [which is Currently The Supreme Court of the United States] and Present The Very Truth Of The Words WE share, By Presenting them The United States Constitution and Bill of Rights. The judges don’t really understand what they Actually Mean and Stand For. If they do not adhere to the Rights Clearly Stated in These Documents, they will have committed treason according to your current set up [they are also in violation of Consciousness=Love=God] . Each of them had to be Sworn in to Protect and Uphold The Constitution of The United States, which includes the Bill of Rights. These Stand For and Represent The Rights Of the People By the People and For the People. They do not stand for the rights of the corporations, and the institutions. The corporations have been lying, stealing, and cheating the People from their Rights To Pursue Freedom and Happiness by “making up” unjust and unfair rules to protect and fatten their bank accounts of corporations and institutions. They also have been withholding The Truth from The People to keep them in a state of tyranny and oppression=slavery. The Constitution Clearly States that These Rights Set forth In These Signed Documents are To Protect The people and not the institutions or corporations or the federal government. These Documents Further State That Each Person has the Protection under these Laws For True Equality and The Right To Pursue Happiness and Liberty=ALL. We Are Sure those in the Judiciary System Would Not like to commit treason, once they fully understand the True Laws that were Set up in 1787 with St. Germain [George Washington] and Team’s Help, A Perfect Set Up For Exactly This Moment of Now, when these Documents [The Us Constitution and Bill of Rights] Free the People from tyranny and oppression, Forever… And So It Is and So it Shall Be Done. AS Decreed. Mother and Father God



Better Way By Ben Harper



This is not a revolution that is occurring, a revolution uses war, guns, and fighting. This is Evolution that is Occurring Right Now, no guns are required nor war or fighting. Holding hands is Much More Fun. Creation is Occurring, Everything is Changing and This is where Everyone Will put the weapons down. Everyone Will Just be Happy as They Remember We Are ALL One and We Celebrate.”



Its the end of the world as We know it Song


~In Truth, Humanity was not Created to bow down to the system,the system is meant to bow down before Humanity. This is The Constitution, the system that bows down before the People.~


Humanity is a Unique Species, this is Why From All Over and Throughout Creation Many have come in to Help. The Real Lightworkers that Are here on The Planet are a Part of the Best of the Best of The Best, Highly Trained in The Divine Plan and Carrying out the Plan. WE Are All Here to Help Birth A New Understanding, One Based On True Reality and not lies or illusion. Not Only have We Brought in The Best of The Best of the Best, We Also Have Many More Throughout the Other Dimensions Bringing The Whole Through. We Have Shared with Humanity that This Truly is a Multi-Dimensional Event. With High Fives All the Way Around the Universe.


~We are the Oneness of Consciousness, Aware in Every Moment, Multi-Dimensionally~Mother and Father God



~We Are Here to Help Bring all of HUMANITY Through the Veil [The Veil is the fear, where THEY think THEY cannot walk, and Yet THEY Have to walk to Make their Way Through, for The Awakening and The Graduation Of themselves]. All of humanity must  let go of their fear to step through, and they also have to understand and be aware of what they are afraid of so that they can let it go. WE are Of The Light, And We Are Only Love, In the understanding that Energy is Just Energy. If You are One that is resisting the Energy, Embrace the Energy and then Step through the Veil. Irregardless, all of Humanity is Going through the Veil, One Way or Another, This is The Divine Plan. Resistance is not going to keep Humanity from going through the Veil, it will just make it more difficult. All of Humanity will have to let go because there is nothing to hang to~Mother and Father God


John Mayer, Heart of Life




 Events- The Remembrance of The True Self, The Birth of The God Self. Welcome To The Graduation Moments…


~Welcome To Heaven On Earth~ Energies Unified and Experienced….Love is All There IS!!!


We Love You with the Highest Love Honor and Respect. We Love You Unconditionally. Love Mother and Father God Amon Ra, Your Family of Light, All The Angels, Everyone In Creation, and Your Ground Crew For First Contact.


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