It's The Little Things

Submitted by Reiki Doc on Sun, 12/30/2012 - 04:05

This is reposted from a new blogger. Her wanting a sign of comfort from her mother, who has been deceased twenty-eight years, resonates with me, as she too is a medium...


As a medium, I urge my clients to "Look for the signs" of your loved ones in Spirit, because they are always around you.  The most common signs are of course white feathers.  pennies or coins, 
a certain bird, animal or insect (butterflies and dragonflies are favorites) and perhaps even something more recognizable like a favorite song that suddenly comes on in a restaurant.

My first blog "White Feather of Love" that you can find here on my website was about my mom and the big white feathers that she sent me for years following her passing.  
I don't seem to get much of anything from her anymore lately, and that's partly due to the fact that it's been 28 years now since her passing.  I know as a medium that the longer a soul is on the other side, the less frequently their signs show up.  This is because they have evolved and moved onwards and upwards in their own journey on the other side.  They have plenty to do over there to continue to grow as a soul if they choose.  Sometimes, they will also spend some time with someone else in the family who is struggling if you yourself are doing well.

After the first 15 years after my mom's passing, I knew that my brother became her focus.  He started getting multitudes of white feathers and pennies, while I was getting hardly anything.  Ah well....I knew as a medium that I couldn't always be the favored child and I knew that my brother desperately needed these signs much more than I did.

Fast forward now to last November.  I hadn't gotten even a tiny white feather drifting out of my down coat or a penny from heaven for months on end.  I was struggling and had been discouraged for weeks on end.  Surely I would get SOMETHING from my grandma or somebody right?  I'm a frikken medium afterall!  I found myself glaring at the sky and saying things like " you THINK you all could send me SOMETHING?" I said as I waited... silently listening with my super psychic medium powers....nothing....silence.... Sigh...."Ok REALLY?!!!"  Grrrrr.....I grumbled and felt that Spirit was again teaching me to understand what it was like for my clients that come to me who wait and wait hoping for just that ONE sign...
Oh...I forgot to tell you that this little scene was playing out inside our dog run.  I live with three dogs, and scooping up after them is a mandatory daily job for me to have any semblance of a clear pathway to my car.  
So guessed it, I was frustrated, teary and feeling generally sorry for myself whilst angrily scooping poop asking my mother WHY she had so RUDELY abandoned me for so long and I could REALLY use just a teensy tiny little sign PAHLEEEZ!  

At that very moment as I was looking down scooping a big pile, a very wet bedraggled small white feather softly landed on the poop in the scoop.  I didn't have my down coat on, and there were no wet white birds anywhere.   I KNEW it was her.  She had a very funny sense of humor, and she did this on purpose big time.  

I said out loud, "SERIOUSLY?!" and started giggling until I laughed so hard I had tears flowing across the huge grin on my face.  
Of course....of course it was HER.  I needed to know that she still loved me that day as those months and months had gone by without anything from her.   I had been living in a dry spiritual motherless desert.  She heard me...because only SHE would have thought to have put that pitiful little dirty wet feather exactly where I would see it.
So...even a medium needs reassurance that her loved one (my mom) is still around...still caring...still loving me...still connected to ME from the other side.  
I am so thankful for these lessons that I continue to learn from my own loved ones in Spirit, and from all of YOUR loved ones that I get to help YOU connect with!  

Never ever underestimate the power of Spirit and the power of the LOVE they have for YOU that grows stronger every year.  Even if you don't sense or feel them near, THEY ARE ALWAYS AROUND YOU...and they know exactly how to get your attention at the most opportune time trust me.  Be patient, keep asking, pay attention and BELIEVE.  

You just never know when or what you might find...even in a pooper scooper.



It is a beautiful story.

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