Your Past Lives and You

Submitted by Reiki Doc on Sun, 01/06/2013 - 04:55

Has anyone ever come up to you and said, 'You are an old soul!'? If they have, this article is for you.
Our past lives are an important part of us. Let me say that again: our past lives are an important part of who we are right here right now--today!

How are we to go about discovering them?

Do you have any identifying marks on your body, such as a birthmark? Sylvia Browne has noted that many birthmarks coincide with lethal blows from a past life that 'carried over' to the next.

Have you ever visited some place you've never been, and felt amazingly 'connected' to it? Chances are good that you spent a past life there, possibly a happy one. New England has great call for me...

Are there any fears you have that are irrational--such as fear of falling, fear of choking, fear of dying young? I thought I would never make it past my sixteenth birthday. I thought something would happen to me before I reached that age. Little did I know, in the immediate past life before this, my life was cut short before I became a teenager. These fears come from how you died. A soul 'can remember' certain traumas from one life to the next.

Any triggers--foods you love that are ethnic, fondness for a certain period of fashion (I myself adore the thirties and anything art deco) might possibly be a clue as to where your 'connections to your past lives' are.

How does one go about and learn more on past lives?

Part of it is from being open and being still. I have learned most of my past lives that way.

Another part is from taking a class on or doing a meditation on the Akashic records. The Akashic records are in a library not on Earth, and the volumes are big golden books as tall as you. Inside is everything you ever thought or did in a lifetime. Typically, your ability to view your current lifetime is 'cheating'--and when you go to look at it, all you see is blank. That happened to me once, in meditation.

I took a class from Kevin Todeschi, the head of A.R.E., the group founded by Edgar Cayce, on The Akashic Records. It was an e-class online, and it was very simple and well-thought out. There were guided meditations to do at your convenience and questions to answer. Kevin was very active in moderating the boards and answering questions. It was there I discovered, of all things, in a past life I had been a man who was a brother in battle with my father (in this life), sometime around the civil war.

Just as a deck of cards, especially Tarot cards, can be spread out before you and have a deeper personal meaning, so it is the same with all of your many past lives.

Allow them to come to you. You are normal and healthy when this happens. The memory block that has been place on every inhabitant of Earth has been lifted. Everything will all straighten out, and you will begin to see evidence and gain comfort from your lessons learned and wisdom achieved in your past incarnations on this planet.




(Permission is given to share in its entirety with credit given to Reiki Doc)



You don't have any past life.


Don't get suckered.



If an Unseen tells you "You are so and so..."


Challenge it.




i have been told..."You are a Kumara..." "A Hathor"

"You are a Pleiadian , you have agreed to do this and that.."


I Said..."A WHAT...?  Dat so..? Prove it."

Then I quickly dissolve any possible contract.


Why did i say that you don't have any past life..?


OK, it 's like this. We humans have a dual nature.

Divine and human. (That's easy)


The human that we identify with 99% of the time is a 3d consciousness.


The Divine,...however.......... is multidimensional.

The Divine identity is the one who went out and had multiple incarnations

multiple karmas, multiple enemies .


That is, technically at this juncture, NOT YOU.


The human "you" was created separate and limited.

It you buy into  an identity, such as, say, "You are Toth" you just gave this Unseen a limitless permission to pile up his karma unto you.


Ever heard of self-karma..? Where    "you" as Toth,Spirit hit you  Human with say,...all kinds of incurable,or infectious diseases...? That's cruel.  I used this Toth identity  just to illustrate the folly of this reincarnation business.


Now, you have a job to remove, neutralize and dissolve  not only this self-karma but also all kinds of karmas, from here to all worlds where Toth incarnated. 


Remove, neutralize and dissolve  the contraptions that go with them,   (implants, armors devices plates , crystals,,,Oh, the 666Mark of the Beast, the Metatronic Death ring, etc.,,,) 


You will also  inherit all the enemies he created along his merry way....and face them without resources nor help from Toth....These enemies are relentless and unforgiving .(I know from experience).


You will also dissolve the energies that were created by these karmas, (pain, undeservingness, self-loathing, unloveableness, guilt,   etc.,...) now that you know they are not yours.


And return  to the rightful owners,  all energies stolen by Toth ,from all his  multiple, countless  lifetimes.


But, waitaminute........You die exhausted and defeated,  but Toth does not. He goes on forever creating action-and reaction for the next separated and limited human to figure it out..


All because you thought you were that glorious being of light and love.

And you don't have to discover them  "pastlives"...........they will discover you.





A cosmic Joke.


Now, just because I refuted this reincarnation, would that mean, I am

a nothing..?



A spark of  NO-THING. Pure and innocent...

and so are you.


Remain awake,



Did you say the memory block has been lifted............?

Which implants were removed...? 


The Divine has no "identity", no "karma", and no "past", that comes from the mental/astral/ego "self". You seem to be claiming you can get rid of all these things by ignoring your Divine Self, which is only going to stuff them into your unconsciousness. You can't just resolve thousands of years of emotional attachments and cellular memory by pretending your current incarnation is the "real" one and the rest have no influence on you.

Also, the Hu-Man "you" was not created separate and limited, you're confusing the Hu-Man with the ego/mind.

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