The Parable of The Emperor’s New Clothes and The Real Awakening

Submitted by kaliah.k on Tue, 01/15/2013 - 07:23


You may find yourself on an awakening journey, and can relate to having felt similar to Neo in the movie The Matrix. When Neo is meeting Morpheus, Morpheus tells him:  “What you know you can’t explain, but you feel it. You’ve felt it your entire life, that there’s something wrong with the world. You don’t know what it is, but it’s there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad…You have the look of a man who accepts what he sees because he is expecting to wake up. Ironically, that’s not far from the truth”.  Neo decides to take the red pill, making the choice to see reality for what it is.

So waking up is a double edged sword.

You have been kissed by the lips of God and now are lead to feel the omnipresence, the omnipotence, of the Universal power Of the One True Nature. Nirvana. You may even have implemented latent psychic abilities and spiritual intuition on your path.

Fast forward:  You now acutely see that the emperor has no clothes.  The awake individual sees the insane people all around him.  From his viewpoint, everyone is delusional.  Yes.  It began as you felt something was wrong while looking at the emperor, and the crowd behaving wildly.  You sensed something was fishy.  You climb up a tree to get a better look.  Suddenly, it becomes immediately clear the Emperor is butt naked.

The Emperor’s New Clothes is a hoax.  And you are so stunned that you say, outloud, “OMG, I’ve been had!”  No one else pays much attention to the rambling person in the tree.  The masses continue celebrating how beautiful the Emperor’s robes are.  What to do?


The Emperor’s New Clothes in Our Modern World, The Real Awakening


How does this relate to our modern day world?  You see the gross injustice of modern financial systems’ (i.e. the federal reserve, corporatism) top to bottom stratosphere with it’s hoarding approach, and even stealing. You see the  blatant environmental disregard leading to severe environmental degradation that’s been inflicted by big corporations and perpetuated by the common unaware man. You’ve opened up to the knowing that there is astonishing manipulation and control by nefarious forces designed to ensnare and enslave the masses.  Why are people, at least here in the USA where I live, so obsessed with zombies?  I think they are sensing something…….They are Zombies!  This asleep state has been nurtured via the mass media and advertising that uses subtle NLP / hypnotic techniques.  These hypnotic suggestions we’ve been bombarded with since we were born tell us what food to eat, what to think about (thus all the shallow focus on celebrities), and what consumer goods to crave in order to assuage the ego.

More alarming still is the assault on us and our beloved planet from every side.  GMO’s in our foods, multidinous toxic chemicals in our hygienic items, lack of free energy in housing, harmful cotton growing practices in clothing, polluted water of every source (ie groundwater via fracking, rivers via industry, oceans via plastics and ocean spills), secretive chemical spraying of our air, and injecting our bodies via vaccines and drugs with known toxins of every kind.  The average pregnant women today has 236+ different unnatural chemicals found in her umbilical cord, and in my opinion, these chemicals (not the least of which are dioxins, Phthalates, and BPA), exert a direct coorelation to the increase in miscarriage and preterm delivery rates.   “The controllers” have done this covertly. (I don’t choose to spend time to go into who these beings are.  There is plenty of information out there, just google it). And, those caught in the delusion believe these products, industries, and practices are good for them.  At least the ones we are even told about.  There have been many hidden, secret agendas that are just damn scary.  That would take at least 10-20 books to even get you started researching.  These controlling forces have largely succeeded.  That is, until you woke up.  

So What Now? What to do?  Do you become bitter about the Emperor and start complaining about the insanity of at all?  You could.  And if you are like me, you’ve done that plenty of times.  Do you rise up and fight?  Again, you could.  And you’d be experiencing the phrase “What you resist, persists.”  Do you comfort yourself with your creature comfort distractions? Do you move away into isolation to become a recluse?  I’ve been in isolation for years, not feeling like a part of society.  And, I have had comforting distractions to soothe me along the way, like food and movies. My feeling is these actions are ineffective.

Now, you do see that a few people around you are spontaneously waking up. You feel prompted to share your insight one on one with someone you feel like you have a connection with, who comes to YOU with questions  This can be a valuable way to influence change.  Also, you will be able to discern who else is awake.  Connect with them, and soon your numbers will grow.

You may ask, “What effective actions can I take?”  Their a several possibilities.  One is to be about your work.  For example, begin a blog.  Those people who feel drawn to you for whatever reason, may experience an internal shift from hearing your perspective and interacting with you.   As well, you may meet people who are largely disengaged from the delusion and be able to potentiate your efforts for change alongside you.  The more you are in your joy and accepting what is present for you in any given moment, the more potent your contribution to life on the planet.

This largely simplistic analogy of The Emperor’s New Clothes for the world in crises, I admit, is miniscule compared to the tasks ahead for all who are free of the delusion.  However, I am largely optimistic.  My spiritual practice has lent much hope to the present crises we find ourselves in. Three spiritual guides I have recently been following, who each carry a unique and valuable piece of the puzzle, all speak to similar themes of how we have the greatest spiritual force here on earth now, than we have ever had before.  This assistance is lending it’s aide in birthing a new reality.  All three well known spiritual guides have said that we are now and have broken free of the most sinister agendas.  This assistance is possible because of the increased amount of population awakening and subsequent works of those awakened ones.  Those who have catapulted this world into the CLEAR existence of a new reality.  Are you one of them?

So if the reality to have a world that is vibrant and alive, and where our environment and the animal kingdom are respected and honored, is here now, what will you choose?  I believe new ideas will be showing up in with incredible speed to be implemented to allow for environmental sustainability on an unprecedented and massive scale.  For example. What the internet has done for us in 15 years, free energy could do in 4 or less years. I also believe that wealth is here now for us, if you choose it.  Make the demand, and watch the universe deliver.  Do your work.  Healing the inner child is essential.  Clear your issues and self imposed blockages while you walk the road of having it, whatever it is.  There are multiple modalities that serve people, such as EFT, Access Consciousness & Access Bars, Quantum Lightweaving, Quantum Vortex Healing, H.E.A.L. Technique, and Heart Point Therapy.  Just find what feels right for you. We can and are making a difference.

These are exciting times.  Thank you for reading my blog.  Please provide your comments below.

Nageetah IsRae… (not verified)

Tue, 01/15/2013 - 08:10

Geeta swirling in joy.  Thank you for the powerful energy exchange.  That's what I AM talking about.!!!  We are beginning to connect the dots oh so gracefully....


Love Nageeta

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