Submitted by Lia on Wed, 01/16/2013 - 16:11




Earth Star Network is a fifth dimensionally conceived gathering place for lightworkers.  Our goal is to connect lightworkers to ground new consciousness through ACTION and broadcast the collective change that is occurring on the planet.  We launched on the 8 August 2012 with the specific message that spiritual shift or 'ascension' will be achieved through humans manifesting higher consciousness and have been guided since 2009 about our role in communicating this process.  Part of this guidance is that Earth Star Network's significance is mirrored in "external symbols and models" - this includes our location, name, launch and also - as we have recently discovered - a crop circle!

I telepathically received guidance that there was an Earth Star Network crop circle on 28 August 2012 and that it represented another signal of Earth Star Network's role and purpose.  On Friday 26 October, almost two months after receiving the information, a matching physical crop circle emerged - and it was very affirming about how the consciousness shift is occurring, as well as the significance of crop circles in our awakening.

In the past I had been guided about crop circles that already existed or appeared at a future date.  I therefore created a representation of the two key Earth Star features of the circle and other documentary evidence to record the event so that if the actual circle appeared at a future date I would have a public record of telepathy in action.  I also looked through many crop circle archive records to see if it was an existing crop circle but I didn't find anything. 


It was to my great delight in October that the circle finally appeared.  I was searching the internet for ideas for a new project I was working on when I stumbled upon this wonderful find on an image search - a crop circle from 2001:



There it was!  The star with the flower inside!  I also recognised the significance of the broader crop circle design: the heart chakra motif.  Of course, if you have been following Earth Star Network's development, you will know that we launched to announce the opening of Gaia's planetary heart chakra, also known as the Lion's Gate activation, here in Great Britain.  It was a flower-star-heart-chakra-British-crop-circle tripply whammy signifier!



In the context of Earth Star Network and consciousness shift generally, the symbolism is helpful, and I felt it useful to share to elaborate on our function, as well as to reiterate some of the deeper themes of consciousness shift that now should be emerging.  Principally, we adopted the name Earth Star to reflect the planet's active union of the lower and higher dimensional planes.  The Star is the symbol of the higher dimensional self, and the flower the earth plane of the lower dimensional self.  






"HEAVEN ON EARTH" - the star is the higher dimensional body, the flower the human earth body








When the fusion of higher and lower bodies or ‘ascension’ occurs within a being, reality ‘pole shifts’ and we are back to a co-creative state where we are able to work internally with the higher self to achieve a more transcendental picture of our external, earth bound reality.  This process occurs in individuals who are able to make judgements about reality based on heart chakra energy, since it is the energy centre through which the universal self - the lower and higher selves - functions in harmony.  


When we announced ESN's launch at the Lion's Gate Activation - the opening of the planet's heart chakra in Great Britain - we were signalling that the planet was moving through a portal where those working with the heart centered energy would now be co-creating consciously with their higher self to manifest a new reality on the earth plane.  This is ascension - occurring both personally and collectively.

The crop circle - synchronistically - captures this theme, with the star and flower situated in the Anahata 12 petaled heart chakra symbol.  The Anahata is defined as the chakra of 'celestial realm', embodying the meaning of union of masculine and feminine, the supreme and the earthly and transcendence:

"Anahata is associated with the ability to make decisions outside of the realm of karma. In Manipura and below, man is bound by the laws of karma, and the fate he has in store for him. In Anahata, one is making decisions, 'following your heart', based upon one's higher self, and not from the unfulfilled emotions and desires of lower nature"

Interestingly, the Anahata does not traditionally include a flower in the centre of the star - this was added to the crop circle!

Dawning Crystal Age report on the heart chakra interpretation of the crop circle - it was through this post I found the image on a search engine


The location of the crop circle in Wiltshire, Great Britain, as well as two thirds of all the world's crop circles, is also a signpost to the location of the planet's heart chakra and how GB is functioning as a geographical stage for the collective unfolding of higher (extra terrestrial) consciousness.  I have received guidance about the importance of Wiltshire, as well as a lot of insight about how crop circles act as coded messages for those awakening to higher dimensional thought.  GB is playing host because it is the geographic location where higher and lower energies are beginning to express themselves in a planetary way.


Further affirmation of this planetary energy was provided by the Olympics, which was held in GB in 2012 during the Lion's Gate period and our launch, as a signal of what the planetary heart chakra energy represents.  The Opening and Closing Ceremonies included references to William Blake's Jerusalem (a poem about the second coming in Glastonbury England), the industrial subjection of mankind, rebirth, the divine feminine, the violet flame and the internet as a platform of equality.  Also not forgetting the Lion branding on every single piece of GB merchandise representing the kundalini fire of the heart!  Please see our Pinterest Board for more insights. 

The 'Lion' energy featured prominently throughout the Olympics 2012 celebrations as a traditional British emblem


A lot of guidance about these planetary energies and our mission as Earth Star Network was relayed to us through our higher intelligence, but we are not the only ones that have been party to this information. Many other spiritual sources - both historical and current - have indicated that Great Britain is the planet's heart chakra centre.  A separate project called Earth Stars, which we only found out about in September, not only shares our name - but was also formed in GB through guidance that the country is an 'Earthstar chakra stargate'.  Chris Street, the visionary for this project says he was divinely inspired by dreams and visions from the divine feminine aspect of the world soul.  Chris has also written books and articles about the relationship to the Olympics and William Blake.

The Earthstars project


In 2012 and Beyond, spiritual writer Dianne Cooper also says:

"The twelve spiritual chakras of the planet will open and this will profoundly affect everyone.  There is a full explanation of these including a map of their whereabouts in 2012 and Beyond.  The Olympic Games in London, the spiritual Earth Star Chakra of Earth will bring great light enabling this process to start.  The Intergalactic Council has always known it had to take place there for the new light must be grounded deep in the Earth.”"

These synchronistic relationships and planetary symbols are strong indicators of how the planet is an allegorical mirror of our consciousness state.  Synchronistic events and outer symbols are not just designed to provide a sign of change, but to signal to us that reality is not necessarily as we perceive it.  If we are clear sighted about who we are, we can see how what occurs in our outer world is first dreamed and experienced within.  The difference between a conscious and and unconscious planet is that an awakened one understands this dynamic as a collective and stops manifesting realities that are not conceived in love.  Unfortunately, many channels are still looking to the outer world first for signs of a changing planet, rather than understanding that we can only manifest heaven if we know what it looks like in our mind and heart FIRST.

This painting of the 'Lion's Gate' was painted by one of ESN's artists and lightworkers - Regie Saxerud - over twenty years ago.  Regie said she had known of the event for a very long time.



I am elaborating on these events and the meaning of the crop circle and Earth Star Network to draw further attention to what consciousness shift represents:

- The promised ascension of 2012 comes from within and IS underway as we learn to work with the heart - be careful of myths, misinformation and distractions!  The real news is that humanity is evolving into a higher, multi-dimensional form, with a strengthened intuition, an ability to discern truth and corruption, telepathic insight, a deeper affinity with nature, an appetite for love that cannot be stopped, transcendental collective consciousness and an emerging equality in masculine and feminine agendas.  The awakeners are the headlines and they are here now and growing!

Avatar could well be considered a 5D film - holding up a mirror to our own leap in understanding as the world soul is reactivated through the feminine and we reunderstand the nature of our physical body


- External reality is deeply symbolic - an allegorical mirror of our heart and imagination.  What we conceive in higher dimensionality, we experience symbolically and energetically in the earth plane through holographic creation.  This is co-creation, transcending karmic, programmed reality.


- Love is NOT just a concept related to just being positive or none-judgemental; it represents knowing that our nature as earth based holographic 'avatars' is to experience through emotion and be.

 - Crop circles are coded symbols used to mirror higher messages to awakeners.

- Great Britain is broadcasting planetary and collective signals of manifestation, as Gaia's planetary heart chakra.

I hope this provides some insight and reassurance about the divine events unfolding.  Let's celebrate what we are achieving as the manifestation accelerates into 2013; we are realising and doing the most amazing things - inside and out.  In much love and light,

Tan (Andrea), Earth Star Network (originally published October 2012)






Earth Star Network was co-created in higher dimensional consciousness and we work continually under guidance to provide a clear channel of light information for 2012.  Our mission is to work as the 'communications agency' for the newly awakening and allow all lightworkers, wayshowers and heart-purposed individuals - collectively - to become true examples of love in action.  As we grow, our message of light will too.



Our technology and information services are still being developed but if you want to find out more and get involved you can pre-register for updates at www.earth-star-network.com or follow us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/earthstarnetwork where we provide as much day to day guidance and information as we can as well as some background information.  Daily soundbites of wisdom and inspiration can be followed at www.twitter.com/earthstarnet.



If you have a mission, story, dream or vision of 2012, ascension and love please come and share it with us so we can spread your light!



 *I have no view on whether crop circles are physically created using unknown technologies or human beings.  Either method would still be drawing on the influence of higher intelligence.

** It's important to stress that GB is not exclusively heart conscious!  The location of the planet's chakras is simply a way for us to understand the geographical and collective qualities of energy states.

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