Birthing the Christ Consciousness Through the Feminine

Submitted by lovelylinda on Fri, 02/15/2013 - 17:29


Communing with Mount Shasta in the sunlight.
Communing with Mount Shasta in the sunlight.

My experience in Mount Shasta this past weekend was a culmination of all that I am. I did not know if I would share it as it was so sacred. I have prayed about it and been given the signal that I am to share, as the time of the Christ consciousness being seated on the earth has arrived. I felt the power of it building as the time approached and asked to be strengthened to receive what was to come. The day before, the restlessness in my body was intense. All that I could do was  ground myself over and over into our mother earth. The weekend was arranged according to friends' schedules but of course, Spirit made the arrangements for it to be the weekend of the new moon as well as the beginning of the Chinese New Year, the year of the water snake.

1Two of us drove from the south and one from the north. We shared photos and tonings along the way through the phone. From the south, we were guided to weave the energies of the mountains to the west with those to the east. Mount Lassen stood out like a beacon in her white coat, asking to be utilized. We felt that we wove the masculine and feminine energies of the mountains and elemental beings into a tapestry of light that converged at Mount Shasta. We arrived at our rental place which was surrounded by trees with a view of the mountain out our window.  We set up our altar with a red scarf,  the color of the Chinese New Year. The lamps flanking it were red, of course! We took out the crystal bowls, which are infused with various minerals and gems  and were instructed to work on one another. There was much clearing and aligning of the masculine and feminine within each of our beings. My womb was a focus of clearing which I would understand later. Our three fields were brought into harmony and resonance. We went into town and were guided to purchase a bottle of red wine for our ceremony. I do not drink, never having enjoyed the taste of alcohol, yet I knew that I would partake. None of us knew what was to take place, only that we were to be present and offer ourselves as vessels for the light. We returned to prepare dinner and drink a toast to Mary Magdalene and Mother Mary. They were present with us.

The two major crystals as well as the Prince card that came to me. All the cards I picked that morning were to do with transformation.
The two major crystals as well as the Prince card that came to me. All the cards I picked that morning were to do with transformation.

The next morning, one friend shared her dream of a Lemurian master beckoning her into the mountain. As he opened a portal, she saw many beings dancing in celebration. The master informed her that the celebration had begun and we were to join in. She also discovered a picture book on a shelf, showing the mountains of the world. This fit into her vision that we would be opening a gateway on Mount Shasta that would connect with all the mountains of the world. We took the images into our beings and allowed our energies to flow from Shasta along the waves of energy that connected all the mountains.

I had a seemingly unrelated event as I attempted to turn the kitchen water faucet to a drip rather than a stream as we were instructed to do so as to prevent the pipes from freezing. I broke the faucet and with that felt a flood of shame. I observed it and breathed through releasing it. The call was made to the owner and all was resolved. This weight of shame of the feminine had to be released for the next step to take place. I am in awe of the ways of our Creator and how all is aligned for the light to flow.

The sun dancing in delight on the mountain.
The sun dancing in delight on the mountain.

We had felt that our triad was to be squared by a fourth person. I called a lovely woman that lived in Mount Shasta, that I knew only from facebook. She was able to come. (Again Spirit at work, aligning all so beautifully!) The four of us sat with the bowls placed in the four directions and toned and played as we were led. The bowls played to align her energies with the group and we harmonized our fields of light. We were guided to go to the mountain. We took a tarp, blankets and food up to Bunny Flats, the highest point that the road was cleared to, on the mountain. It was a crystal clear day. We laid about, talking and resting. I saw our fields dancing and weaving together. I was told that there was no need to "do" anything, that it was all happening by our being together. I relaxed and trusted the process. Later, we said goodbye to our new friend and returned to our place for dinner.

We decided to watch one of the movies in the place. It was a heart opener and we all had tears. My eyes began to tear in earnest as it felt like a pin was being stuck in them, first one and then the other. This sensation of having something in my eye had been happening on and off for a couple of weeks. This time it was very intense and painful. My vision blurred and I began to sob. I had such a longing in my heart for my beloved, as myself as well as a partner. I felt I could not bear the separation one moment longer. My friends both noted that this was a pattern that happened to me right before I made a shift in consciousness. They were right. A doorway opened and I found myself in the embrace of Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene and Jesus. The two Marys had been working with me to stand in the flames of their hearts over the past several weeks. I had gradually increased my ability to hold the energy. Jesus then reached out and touched my heart. My body shuddered and the sobs poured through in waves. I touched my friends' hearts, transmitting his love. I was then taken into his heart flame to be purified. There are no words for this experience. The three hearts became one and my heart was held within this trinity of light. I felt the sacred heart of my Catholic childhood and knew that the images of the swords and thorns were illusions of suffering. All was now dissolved and seen for the truth of love that it always was. My heart was ablaze with a heat that felt like a roaring inferno to me. I felt their hearts weaving my heart into a chalice of golden filigree light. The heat intensified.  As this reached a cresendo, the heat moved down into my womb. My emotional body continued to sob as it attempted to adjust to what was taking place.

The shadows and the light dancing into wholeness.
The shadows and the light dancing into wholeness.

I was guided to lie down, with my head at the foot of the bed. My eyes were open only to the inner vision of what was taking place. The space was full of beings of light. I was told that the prior four months I had spent in solitude and stillness, had prepared me for this moment. I was to be a vessel for the Christ consciousness to be anchored into the earth plane. It was to come through the feminine form at this time on the earth as a balance to the masculine having birthed it through Jesus. The two friends with me were a gift to me, to assist in the process. Both have told me that they "have my back" and have supported me, time and time again, as I have grown in the light. This was a fufillment of a contract made long ago by our souls. Indeed, it was a birthing for all of us as the trinity energies held true. I knew that all of my lifetimes were a preparation for this present moment.

The clouds of love appearing as the setting sun's rays reflected over the mountain.
The clouds of love appearing as the setting sun's rays reflected over the mountain.

My body began to undulate like the snake, shaking and shuddering. My one friend received a shock from my crown chakra as the energy was released from my head. She placed her Christ consciousness crystal which has a phallic shape on my torso. I felt it working with my inner fires. I then asked for the Mother Shamballa crystal to be placed between my legs. It is a heavy sphere of smoky quartz which my thighs grasped and held as my body continued to undulate in waves. There was an intense sexual energy of creation at work and I sensed the priestesses gathered who had initiated me in this process eons ago. My heart was calibrated with that of our mother earth as well as the Great Central Sun. As that  beat was established, I felt the ribbons of lovelight spread to the hearts of humanity and all were held in my embrace. One heart, one love. That is our truth. My voice toned the sounds of birthing. My friends anchored my palms with a touch at the center of each one and assisted with their voices. I was told that I would now see all through the eyes of love, hear with ears of love, taste with the sweetness of love, speak with the tones of love, touch with the sense of love. All my senses were birthed anew through the flame of love. I heard myself saying, "Father into thy hands I commend my spirit." I felt complete in my mission and I knew my Mother's/Father's blessing and joy.

As I came out of this experience, we were able to share our understandings over a celebratory glass of the red wine, sealing what had been birthed. Our talk allowed a fuller picture to emerge. The original triad was of Joseph, Mother Mary and Jesus......the Holy Family. Mary Magdalene came in as the fourth as she was the beloved of Jesus. At that time on the planet, the Christ energies could not be accepted through the feminine though Mary Magdalene carried the consciousness with Jesus and assisted his path to its fruition. The point held above this square was held by Anna, grandmother of Jesus, mother to Mother Mary. She held the feminine field of love at that time long ago as well as now. The bottom point to the diamond was held by Joseph of Arimathea. He was the masculine energy which held and aided the Essene community and provided so much support for the mission of Jesus.

The pink love flames touching down.
The pink love flames touching down.

The Christ consciousness is not a person but rather a field of consciousness. It is being birthed through the feminine form on the planet now to balance its birthing through the masculine over 2000 years ago. It is neither feminine nor masculine. It is a consciousness of wholeness and oneness. This was reinforced the next day when we went to the crystal bowl shop and spent a couple of hours playing with bowls. I was drawn to the only chalice shaped bowl in amongst the hundreds present. It was of a purple hue, with reflections of magentas, emeralds and blues. It brought through the energies of androgeny. I laughed when told that as it is the next evolutionary step. We come into balance in our being with our own divine masculine and divine feminine and this prepares us to enter into the wholeness which we label androgenous.

I share this story not to glorify myself in any way, rather to illuminate the doorway in your heart that opens to your own Christ consciousness. The earth can now hold this frequency. It is here, birthed through me and so many others and the numbers will increase until all are walking in full Christ mastery. This is the time of magic and miracles that we have waited for. It is the second coming of Christ, not limited to one individual, but rather being birthed through all of our hearts. Ask and be open to receive your birthright. I raise my glass to you in your birthing.

In Lakech, Ala K'in.  We are all one.



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