Dancing in the Rains of Shambhala

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 02/24/2013 - 08:01


girl in rain


There is so much I want to share and yet, at the same time, so much feels incomplete in the ability to share.  We are still moving thru the energy of the black hole, well, at least as of yesterdays field of readings.  Some are still reading themselves to move into that black hole energy.  Like my lovely lady said… its a matter of moving to the right zip code!!    Nothing before its time and place on the field of life.

The first lady had a very wonderful element to her imagery.  I could see her being sucked up into her thick black biology funnel moving thru the black hole itself, she actually had head and shoulders into the new galaxy (which is actually ancient, but seems new to us right now.)  The intensity of light was so bright I couldn’t see thru it.  But it was what I did see on her funnel thingie that just made me smile, well it was really her description of it that made me smile.

It was as if it was fall on her funnel cloud, all these dead leaves were falling away and to the ground.  As if on cue (and she was) she said “ohhh my BeLeafs are falling away!!”"  What a great visual and just… perfect.

But, there was something stirring within me, caused souly by finding that sharing from May 19th… the energy I suppose.  I had time between my 1st and 2nd appointment so I decided to take a bath.  I wasn’t 100% sure it would produce anything, but I needed to get clean anywayz… so why not!

I called on Jorge, I again had questions.  Instantly, he showed up, but not in my tub or meditation space within my tub.  He was standing and peering thru my back door.  It is going to be fun to learn how to be so… energetically flexible in created life as we are in meditation.  I moved my meditation space from my tub to the back door.  As soon as I opened the back door to let him in, he turned and started walking to the river.  Of course I went with him!!  But with slight caution… its cold here!!  I don’t like being cold thank you very much.  He took me to the river, into the river.  Brrrrrr.  He changed the tree line to palm trees and said it is now tropical here.  Gotta love a man who can change the weather and the setting to warm you up!!

It got wonderfully weird from there.

He laid down in the river (keep in mind, our “river,” The Jemez River, is about 6 inches deep.)  I could see the water running over him and he became as fluid as the water.  I stood over him, a foot at each hip where he lay.  The water must have taken off his clothes, cuz he was now as nakked as a jay bird… and… well… ummm…. erect too!  My own vision was placed on the energy that was created between my legs standing above him (this really was not sexual at all.)  I was shown the triange energy that was created in the leg area of myself… with a power point called his erect penis (again, I was not sitting on him, but standing over him… just wanna me clear here… smile.)

I also thought back to phantom crystals that have triangles located in them, created due to the earths movement (earthquakes/earth-shakes) as they are growing:


I think I thought of these crystals because the energy created between my legs looked and felt exactly like that.  I am not sure what really started to happen, but there was an energy moving upwards from Jorge… and the energy itself moved into my root chakra… as it did, I got bigger.  Talk about a scene right out of Alice in Wonderland!!  As my body grew larger and wider, all of a sudden everything about me was yellow.  I even had a yellow sun dress on as I was growing (didn’t have that one before that moment.)

I thought about the readings… having seen several other people sporting a yellow sundress.  This hasta be related.

I watched as well as experienced myself growing as large as the Mesa top and wider than the river itself.  Jorge was so blended with the energy of the water, both present and flowing at the same time.  And then… the moment my size reached the top of the mesa… it really got weird.  I turned into a super fast rotating fan kind of thing… spinning in a clockwise motion but with these strange blades at the top of my whole head, which this morning I realize is my “antenna.”  Thru this spinning I must have been pulling up thru me the watery energy of Jorge, cuz all of a sudden my blades spinning wildly started emitting rain.  Energy rain, liquid and fertile all at the same time.

I watched this beautiful rain spread all over the back yard.  Then, if weird didn’t get weirder.  I was told the next time it rains, to go out into the back yard, to the river and allow myself to get completely soaked by the rain.  My only request… can you please send us a warm front!!??

The moment I agreed to do this crazy literal rain absorption .. suddenly flowers of shambhala started coming up out of the ground, everywhere.

Somehow I suddenly realized what the Galaxy of the Heart really is leading to…  Shambhala.  Heaven on earth.

What I find funny, we are supposed to get a winter storm today… a rain/snow mix.  If it rains at all once my day is done, I promise you, no matter how cold it may be… I am going to go get drenched!!!

Circles… the entrance to the cave of creation.  Triangles… the energy to release the mystery to earth.

I am going to leave it there for today.  Gotta get ready for the Soul Gym.  Please feel free to join us… it is, as always… FREE!!  8am MST today!!

(((HUGZ)))) dripping in energize rain!!

Lisa Gawlas    www.mysoulcenter.com/energy_readings.html


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