Abundance for All...(Part 1)

Submitted by ellion on Tue, 04/02/2013 - 13:58

Why hasn't abundance for All manifested yet in modern society?             


I have been watching "NESARA" now for 15 years and still it's the same.  "Anytime now", "Just around the corner", or other such worn slogans.


Recently, a new one has cropped up called the "OPPC" or something like that.  To me its just another conception that has been injected into the hope industry of control.


Of course, they could both be right and suddenly become manifest as the worldwide financial system comes crashing down and that would be excellent.  Then again it could go another 15 years, about the time I turn 81, lol.  In truth, we don't know anything more than the words or videos we watch.  Blend that with experience and you have your present understanding, always subject to change.  So if money has been your the determining factor for happiness or sorrow,.the present condition of the economy may be troubling you.


I have long ago found that, being an observer, detached from the ups and downs is rather peaceful.  As a writer once said,,, "Don't let your heart be troubled"..  Something you can take to the bank, aka heart.


Yet, I have always found money, a most interesting subject of study.  It is an energy that can be compared to the glue holding society together.... good and bad...  Who doesn't somehow depend on it?  To one degree or another, I might guess, nobody in the modern world.  Perhaps in the jungles of New Guinea or the Amazon, some exceptions may be found..  Some may be apalled at that thought, but denial has the ability to cloud realities.


I like to watch "Gold Rush" and "Yukon Men" to name a couple of TV favorites.  These are of 3D experiences that are full of intrigue.  The first depicts the lives and struggles of three teams of men who spend the Summer digging and processing hundreds of tons of dirt and rock to extract what amounts to a few pounds of gold, which they exchange for hundreds of thousands of dollars.  The second chronicles life in the Yukon where men spend their lives preparing for the oncoming Winter.  Animals die for their fur in echange for money to buy supplies.  



Although they operate in remote locations, money is still the energy needed to continue their lifestyles. Currently, it is the hoarding of money that keeps mankind in its present state.  The illusion of the corporate's "equal opportunity" has made this possible.  


Now comes Technology.  A Force produced by Source to change all that.  Abundance for All will sprout for All to see and partake of.  People helping people its foundation.


Love and Peace,


Sarah Shiddian

Wed, 04/03/2013 - 06:04

You know only what you want to know. You have not yet come to understand how manifesting works. What you put your focus and belief on comes to your experience. Too few people have understood that a while ago hence the delays. Now we KNOW better, we attract different. The only glue between ALL THERE IS is love, NOT money.

Be glad, dear Ellion, for IF you get to see it at 81, then it is because you are ALREADY 81 or about to be, or because you will have kept your focus and intent on what you do NOT want. Otherwise, be glad, because you will NOT have to wait until then. It is here NOW.

Love and Light, and clarity to you brother.


Wed, 04/03/2013 - 11:01

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

Thanks for the kind words Sarah.  I cannot dissagree that Love is the true glue of society, but that has not emerged as the collective understanding.  In 3D however, it is still money.  Try going to the local store and purchasing something without it. .  A hug or a kiss is of little value in the world of commerce.  My post was more directed to that,  I guess I should of been clearer, but it was only Part 1 and I will be writing more on that subject later.


I am a creator and I am aware of manifestation.  In fact, I just jotted this down yesterday after writing this first part.  "Words coupled with emotions from within or without, create possibilities.  Focused action and determination are its seed..  Perseverance unto completion - its manifestation."  


What I wrote about NESARA and OPPT is simply my experience.  I do not particularly want it, nor reject it.  I am quite happy with what the Universe dishes out. I just don't focus on it like I spent all that time in the past doing.  My focus Now in the business world is its own transformation and how Love is playing its part in doing that.  The general trend is to wait for the pre-supposed "crash" to occur and "see what happens".  I'm looking at it moree and more like a transfer of power in the upper echelons of control, from the greedy to the benevolent financiers.



Thiese thoughts have arrisen through my studies of the financial world in the past 40 years or so and current events.  Nothing is cut in stone (except love) lol, but thats my viewpoint at the moment.


Love and Peace Sarah..


I truly believe Ellion that what your saying is right on... these "quick fix", it's going to happen any minute scenario are creating to the emotional upheaval and insecurity that many are feeling right now...

I will keep this short because I just got in here 10 minutes ago... but someone tagged me in a post the other day asking "if you could get rid of one thing in the world, what would it be?"

I was glad to be tagged because most of the answers centered on "effect, not many on cause... only 1 other poster and I wrote in "fear", the rest thought war, politicans, greed, hunger, all the 3D effects, which we all no does no good because they are DEtached from the self and until we feel peace within, all the outer energies that people seem so readily willing to attach to will manifest in another form.

Blessings... MaryB

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