Uploaded on 4 April 2013 by fromthecelestialteam
Hello Beloveds,
This is Judith. The video I’m offering to you came through me all of a sudden, and at a “time” when sitting in front of a camera was the furthest thing from my mind. I understand that this is because my own thought processes had nothing to do with it. Rather, it came in response to a “collective doubt” that has been persisting within humanity, one that can only hold us back if not addressed. So, the moment an energetic opening in that wall of collective doubt occurred, like a tiny vortex, you might say, the celestial team came whooshing through with this video. Obviously, they had been waiting for it.
Their transmission felt more like a gigantic shudder than a whoosh as it came through me, howver. It shook my body with the force of an alarm bell until every cell resonated with the truth: We are POWERFUL, and we are SOVEREIGN. No being, and no energy force in the cosmos can interfere with our re-ascension process. Not NOW. Nor are there anymore limitations that stand in our way. They all “expired,” is the best word I can come up with, when we crossed the threshold of our 12.21.12 solstice. Re-ascension is a choice that each of us is free to make. We cannot be stopped, and we cannot be pushed to re-ascend any further than we allow ourselves to.
This is FREEDOM. Expansion is NOW our natural process. We can also stand in our own way by hanging onto old habits born of illusions of powerlessness, if we choose. To the degree that we do that, we will feel as if “nothing has changed” for awhile–until life begins to feel even “harder.” Why? Because by hanging onto old limitations, we will be swimming against the flow of our own expansion. Eureka.
To claim our sovereignty, we can’t dawdle and play in the playgrounds of self-doubt any longer. Playgrounds are not very good places for the kind of power WE have, let me tell you! (Or maybe I don’t have to…?) How can we possibly use our power consciously and responsibly, in accordance with the joyful reason we are here, unless we claim it?
The Scientific Proof- Your Power as a Creator Being is Beyond Measure
As the Hopi elders told us, WE are the ones we’ve been waiting for. All we need do is claim the power of our Love/Light and BE the indomitable Light of Love that we truly are, have been, and always will be.
Thank you for this validation Hi Ho He
Love this video :) It supports exactly the channeled message I received from God I Am through me about fifteen mintues ago that I posted here on my blog at www.iandasheart.blogspot.com too. Thank you for all of that, love: I like that video format. It's much faster than words on type. I received a note years ago to buy a recording device. Apparently, we need more workers accessing more rapid time the high heavens. Thanks for listening to God I Am as you Hi Ho He Love is all we are. Energy is love. We can access that power within and ignite this earth heavenward again Hi Ho He Love Love Love to you and all lights bright everywhere. We are everywhere as a lightbeam. Here's to the lights moving in, moving and grooving in love sweet love Hi
God and Einstein must have missed this one
free delivery worldwide..and the description of this capital work is an understatement.
Thank you :)
I went to the link, love, but it said there's nothing there. Is there a title I can look up. Thanks again! Love, Love, Love we are in All Life Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Ho Ho Ho Whew Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Hi He He He and one big Tu That oughtta do it Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Whew Phew Shew and Tu Tu Tu Hi