Carbon Based to Crystalline based, the importance of WATER

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 04/15/2013 - 15:41


We will continue to update our websites with Disclosure information and general guidance as to how work with the heightening energies that are now flooding across the planet. We have been asked by all realms/races to blog about WATER. There is no co-incidence that humans exist on a planet that has so much water and that the human vehicle itself is made up of so much water. Unfortunately like so much in the human life experience the subject of water has many teachings of distortion within it.

At this time upon the planet with the heightened energies the need for INCREASE in water intake is vital. The human vehicle is changing from cellular level outwards and this is going from a carbon based structure to a CRYSTALLINE structure. The way that the human vehicle manages and anchor energy is changing and shifting and we are moving to using energy more and more within the human vehicle. It is therefore vital that you begin to address your water intake and start to take conscious waking notice of how your body feels. Common signs that you need to drink more especially with heightened energy includes (but is not limited to) - dry skin, brittle nails, itchy skin, an increase in appetite (this is usually the body asking for more water), tension headaches, headaches, irritability and the need to go the loo less often. Now these may appear to be common sense and they are mostly but at this time on planet earth many are ignoring these symptoms or trying to treat them with other ways than drinking more water.

The type of water is also important, as water is NOT just water. Personally where I live in the world I dont drink the local tap water, it is highly treated and chlorine is the main chemical they appear to overdose with, you can literally smell the chlorine as the water pours out the tap. I have tried to filter it but guidance was to drink bottled water, this sometimes is mineral water and sometimes spring water. Be guided by how you feel or if you are confident dowsing then dowse the water and ask for guidance.

Beware of the flavoured waters that are advertised as they contain so much more than water and some juice. Do not be fooled by the waters that state "added vitamins". The human vehicle is changing, it requires HYDRATION the vitamin aspect is completely different. We would also guide away from herbal teas and coffee. Coffee is a major obstructor of energy in the human body, it is not just the caffeine it is the actual bean itself. If you cannot get through your day without a cup of coffee then we would ask why and we would ask you to look at what it is doing to your body, if you body CRAVES something it has been taught to crave it.

We are not stating what you should or should not eat or drink, we are not medically or herbally trained however the most obvious eating and drinking patterns are so obvious that many miss them completely. To drink coffee and to drink plenty of water takes you to neutral, the water will rehydrate to the level the coffee dehydrated you it will not see you HYDRATED completely. It is the same with herbal tea, many people drink herbal tea ignoring that herbal tea is not water, it does not matter that you make something WITH water, the water can be negated with the substance it is mixed with.

The issue of water and the human vehicle will continue to be brought to the attention of the human race for the race that sought to contain and suppress the human race did this on ALL LEVELS. The role of water on planet earth highly distorted and this will begin to be revealed in due course.

One side effect if you will for those who are entering the disclosure and ascension process of not drinking and hydrating enough with water is WATER RETENTION, this may also apply to males as well as females, it has been always been taught that water retention is hormonal. We would draw your attention once more to the NEED for changing human vehicle to have plenty of hydration. In the heightening energies the human vehicle if not getting proper hydration will begin to hold on to the water already contained within the human vehicle. This can be very uncomfortable and can go unnoticed, for many it may result in overeating as the need to consume may be high but in TRUTH the body is asking for water, thirst is often mistaken for hunger. If in doubt drink water first and then eat. As we have stated the crystalline human vehicle will start to use and obtain energy from the frequencies around it and not from the foodstuffs it has been taught to use.

We have been guided this side effect will continue to increase due the crystalline structure of the "new" human vehicle and the need for the hydration. Water carries information and the energetic signatures are amplified through the water contained within the human vehicle. To be able to connect at deepening levels with our galactic families we need to keep our human vehicle hydrated in order that we can absorb and anchor the new higher energy frequencies. The increase in hydration will also address the sensitivity issue that many are experiencing as the need for "close down" will be negated by the hydration of the human vehicle.

It is important that you begin to understand that the human vehicle may look the same on the outside but the actual "workings" of the human vehicle are changing rapidly. The "old" human vehicle structure did not absorb or anchor energy frequencies from the higher dimensions, it was deliberately distorted to become this way in order to contain and suppress the human race. We ask for you to process this TRUTH through your heart space and begin to work WITH your human vehicle as it now changes and comes into balance.

Copyright Karen Doonan, all rights reserved

A lot of the bottled water out there is acidic.  That fosters more ash content in the body leading to inflammation. 

The best water will be thru a really good filtration system (i.e. Kinetico), unless you're lucky enough to live in a place where the water is naturally pretty clean and great out of the tap (i.e. Alaska).  Full home systems (soft water + RO) are pricey but based on buying bottled water you'd probably spend the same within a few years, over time, it will pay for itself.


Not negating all the great points in this message --- just want people to know that not all drinking (bottled) water is alkaline or healthy as claimed.  

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