In light of December 21st 2012 hype, world disasters and world peace.. I never thought the world would end on 12-21-13 although I'll admit I had hoped some more of the drastic peaceful hype by many new agers would have manifested a little more apparently......I was somewhat disappointed more drastic changes for the better didn't take place, however, after some consideration and some studying of world issues as a whole I believe many including myself also believe the globe as a whole has and is beginning to become more unified and positive in many ways...if you consider, for instance, just decades ago women were once not even considered full citizens, blacks were not even treated as human beings and the Nazis were successful at exterminating approximately 2/3 of the Jews living in Europe, and much more..Then consider that a short time later we have a black President, a woman who ran for president, native Americans being handed out money from the very Government whos ancestors practically exterminated them hundreds of years ago..heroes uniting all over the world to benefit the sick and oppressed, laws prohibiting racism or sexism, medical phenomenon like St. jude going from terminating cancer in 4% of certain kinds of cancer in children to curing 94% of child cases in that very same cancer despite whether you have medical insurance to pay I'd say things are looking up :) :) call me an optimist, idealist or idiot but I like to look on the bright side of life.. Sometimes it may not seem all that bright with things like the Boston bombing and Connecticut elementary school massacre (horrible to comprehend) but, believe it or not, many things have improved quite drastically in a relatively short amount of time.. We obviously still have a long way to go as far as world peace..but, relatively speaking , things have improved in many ways surprisingly drastically... Years ago jews weren't even allowed to practice there religion legally almost anywhere until the United States accepted Synagogues....Now, besides that, there are Catholic churches and Muslim Mosques around the block from one another...there are places of worship intermixing Judaism and Christianity as one faith!...Unfortunately, people indefinitely have more access to weapons including ones capable of mass destruction some devised by information available on the Internet like how to build a bomb! On the positive side technology including the worldwide Internet have been the single handed been life saver of deathly ill people in masses... So we have a lot to consider as a people...especially our youth.. As far as outlook on the world as a whole one thing we know is media loves to glorify tragic drama with more consideration to how many people it will grasp the attention of than how it affects how viewers feel about the world and people they live concomitantly with which is sad... With computer technology accessibility to get information within seconds around the entire world imagine if the mainstream used those resources to focus on the positive things happening as much as they did the negative..Just a thought.... Please feel free to share any ideas or comments.. I'd love to hear all of them!