The Galactic Free Press Update: Disclosure Movement By the People Has Begun

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 04/25/2013 - 08:11


Bringing Humanity Home Energy and Event Update With Love from The Galactic Center



Greetings Love Beings, As Anticipated Huge shifting has been occurring in the past 72 hours with More on the way. What has also occurred is The Planet has moved up in Frequency and we will be riding this onward and Upward. We Feel the very first signs of the Movement for the People's Disclosure is beginning to unfold as more begin awakening. We are Entering an intense Acceleration through our incoming Eclipses.



Tomorrow, we will have A Full Moon In Scorpio, The Festival of Christ~ which is the beginning of the Wesak festivals and the First of Three Powerful Eclipses arriving for the Planet within the next 30 days. These Eclipses with the Festivals Will Be Assisting Us in many ways and they do represent intense Change.


 Quoted from Rev. Christine Meleriessee "The Festival of the Christ ~ April 25th, 2013 "Is the first festival of the three and usually falls around Easter.  This year it did not as the Easter holiday was earlier which also signifies the time of changes of removing the old pantheons.  On April 25th, we experience an amazing Festival of the Christ.  On its own this energy is life changing but with the Lunar Eclipse of this date, we are going to be changed very deeply." End of quote


These Foundational energies for change were Set in Place during this same time period last year. These Eclipses will Assist Us in magnifying the New Earth Energy Coming In and facilitate Energy Movement for the Light. Many doors to your new lives will begin opening and or revealed. These Eclipses also represent trigger points for events to occur according to the Divine Plan. This Incoming Full Moon is About hidden Truths Being Revealed, so the energetic space opens up for More Love to Enter the Planet. This Full Moon Contains intense transformational energy and many are probably already feeling this.


 Through Irma Kay Sawyer" ....Full Moon Message: The high aspect of Scorpio energy is about deep Truth – which in itself can bring healing and a regenerative power. You Are That (which you seek.) This is a time to bring this truth *home* so to speak. In times of a temporary Eclipse, there is a shadow cast and a darkening of the Light. It also presents a Cosmic Gateway moment in between worlds. In moments of cosmic stillness, there is great power and potential for insight..... Intend to be connected to your highest Soul’s wisdom. And so it is. – The Keepers..."


 Quoted from Star Sister Marcia...At 3:57 p.m. EDT on Thursday. a very powerful process of healing and metamorphosis will begin  For many of us, this will be a personal turning point.  Eclipses are renowned for bringing sudden, unpredictable, sometimes shocking change. This is just the first of three eclipses that will occur within the next month, along with the third, world-changing square of Uranus the Awakener and Pluto the Transformer. Like every lunar eclipse, this one coincides with a full moon. The Scorpio Full Moon that comes each year when the Sun is in Taurus is known throughout Asia as the Wesak Moon.  Also known as the Buddha Moon, it celebrates the birth, enlightenment, and death of the Buddha. It reminds us that the process of shedding our illusions and false selves is as intense as that of giving physical birth..." End of Quote


Sunspot AR1726 has a delta-class magnetic field that poses a threat for X-class flares. Credit: SDO/HMI


BIG SUNSPOT: Fast-growing sunspot AR1726 is now so large that people are noticing it as blemish on the solar disk, visible when the sun is dimmed at sunrise or sunset. Bartholomew Tsang sends this evening snapshot from the Ho Koon Nature Education cum Astronomical Centre in Hong Kong:


The behemoth active region, which spans more than 150,000 km from end to end, has a delta-class magnetic field that harbors energy for strong eruptions. NOAA forecasters estimate 40% chance of M-class solar flares and a 15% chance of X-flares during the next 24 hours. Solar flare alerts: text, voice.


Many are now confirming with us, we are in the final stages of some huge transformations for the First Wavers on The Planet, As they Integrate onto the Unity Grid and begin the Co~Creation of The New Earth. These will be assisted by our Upcoming Eclispes and continue the rest of this year. As a result We Will Have another a Huge influx of New Awakenee's. All Divine Roles are Activated as You are Present In the Moment of Now. All Will and is Being Revealed.


 Quoted from Meline Lefont'.....An extremely uplifing and beautiful time is just around the corner for all of you due to the upcoming eclipses arriving in the course of 1 month (april 25th, partial lunar eclipse, May 10th annular solar eclipse and May 25th penumbral lunar eclipse). They will surely bring about much in your reality, even more than has been the case up until now, and everything builds slowly but surely up to your genuinely real reality which unfolds itself from your heart and from your inner Self....

The upcoming 3 eclipses are not only going to disengage much but also trigger a lot in your reality, so be careful with your thoughts of and for each other, and your mutual interactions and be aware that these intense energies will bring you to such a climax that it will seem too overwhelming for you to handle but nothing is further from the truth as these energies will lead to your salvation....

This is huge to take in and comprehend and will in most cases lead to confusion. That’s why we again stress the fact the remain centered in YOUR HEART, this is of the utmost importance!.....

The coming days and more specifically, the energies of the eclipses, will reveal much concerning disclosure, the truth about your existence and ours, as a few projects have been started up in the timeframe of these eclipses implying that you yourselves will bring disclosure to the forefront. We can only applaud your for this and rest assured that it will reach many hearts and, viewing it from this position, it will be an astounding success!....." end of quote


Quoted from Adama ..."Indeed you have entered the final chapter of the planetary changes that were planned based on the cosmic cycles a very long time ago. Vibrational changes are on the horizon with much intensity. You are simply in the middle of those changes you were prepared for, before your recent physical assignment.

The planet is ready for the transformation. The same readiness is valid from your side. All that will unfold is not in a future time anymore. In whatever form, these transformational energies can be brought into your reality field. Just stay tuned to the navigational system your heart is connected to. There is a delicate balance between your newly forming .... heart. Brain and heart are connected in a way that could not have been presented earlier. Your ...ready to feel .... This is the most important sign of the readiness.....

It is indeed a rollercoaster in many of your lives because the changes and transformations on your personal level are accelerating. Keep up the good work beloved ones. These changes you are experiencing on a daily basis now are all the symptoms of the greatest transformation you as humanity are going through....." end of quote


Ring Around The Sun By Alan


We have shared Before in previous Updates, There will be no stopping this Energy momentum! The Anticipated Release of Sirius assisted us In this Process as focused Energy was placed Upon this Event and all Participants. As a result of the curiosity many had about this movie. What we saw in this Documentary, although some parts were irrelevant and many of you who read these updates are aware. It represented Lighting a spark of interest for seeking Truth from those who are unaware of what has happened and is happening on this Planet and how they have been under control. In this way the release of the Movie Sirius could be a Success, if it can reach out to the programmed masses. 


Over 11,000 People piled into the room to watch the Red Carpet Event, which carried Many Codes of seeded Truths. The next day we observed over 40,000 Likes to the Sirius Movie Fb Page. We have definitely arrived at the The First visible signs of Full Disclosure By The People, Planetwide Peace, and True Equality. The ball at least is now rolling and This Planet's Destiny is Unfolding, which is Home Into the Light.


Quoted from Kara Schallock....."We’ve gone through lots of changes and intensity, guiding us gently or kicking and screaming to our destiny; that of living our Soul’s Plan and in the higher dimensions of Love (Who we are) and Unity (who we are together). There is no duality in this space. And if you are still experiencing duality (opposites, which is a 3D illusion), ask yourself if you are perpetuating it by actively taking part in it or are looking outside yourself for answers and/or confirmation that duality still exists or that you experience it based on the fact that that’s what you’re used to; not paying attention to your Inner Knowing. Go below the surface, let go of outer illusions that dictate to you that indeed nothing has changed.

I want to tell you, those of us who choose to see life with 5D (and above) glasses, see that in Truth, we have transcended the schism of duality. It’s your choice as to how you see the world. One choice is to see Love everywhere, thereby empowering a world of Wholeness. Another choice is to see duality everywhere and see the world as broken and you empower this. However you choose to see the world is truly how you see yourself. ...

We are in a time when so many high frequencies are connecting with Earth. We are constantly being infused with Light Codes and are in direct communication with the higher realms, whether we realize this or not. We are awakening fully to our Divinity and that should be our only focus, for when it is, everything else aligns with it and is created from it. Our consciousness is rising and expanding, which creates New Life. As we focus on how we feel, we are guided.

And as we focus on Love only, we see that the old dissolves and we step more and more into our placement of being the Divine, Christed Beings that is the Truth of Who we are. Also, you may receive new Guides as a result of your heightened consciousness. Indeed, we are definitely in the New Earth, and it is becoming more and more obvious as we observe dispassionately at all that is occurring. It is all in Divine Order. Take a deep breath and Be Gratitude for your place and purpose of bringing a new consciousness to Earth and all of life, transforming the old into a higher Grace....." End of Quote


Now that the release of Sirius has occurred, our next incoming event is the Citizen's Hearing on Disclosure at the end of the week. How synchronostic. This is another unprecedented event for the Planet occurring when so many are now much more aware of Extraterrestrial Presence and its More Planetwide Accepted. They are anticipating this to be a breakthrough event. We Send Our Love for the Highest Outcome.


Quoted from Connie Willis..."Political activist Stephen Bassett, along with researchers and military witnesses, will tell their stories before former members of the U.S. House and Senate at the Citizens Hearing on Disclosure, starting at the end of April in Washington, D.C. They will testify about events and evidence that supports the idea that many people have of an extraterrestrial presence regularly engaging the human race. Their goal is to end the alleged ET truth embargo.

As controversial as UFOs and aliens are, the last time Congress held a hearing addressing the extraterrestrial issue was in 1968. How can that be? There are so many daily sightings around the globe, some telling of crafts that are stupendous in size....

It is thought by some, myself included, that if we were all privy to knowing that ETs exist, we could cure every disease, mental disorder and energy problem, because it is thought the alien visitors have these answers.

I believe disclosure will tell us who we are as humans and what our role is in the universe. I also believe we humans are ready to handle the truth of these other beings.

Good luck to those attending the Citizens Hearing on Disclosure speaking out about what you and many countless others have witnessed in the sky. I am quite sure the day will come when your efforts and courage will be acknowledged by the masses..." End of quote


Vortex~ Cloud Shift over Mt. Shasta


Stephan Basset Citizen Hearing Disclosure

Its time to Share the Truth



The Truth is Being revealed Now in Grander and Grander Ways. As more of the New Earth Energies Enter this Planet many are having the Courage to stand up through spoken word, Movies, Documentaries, Blogs, Global Meditations, Websites, Sharing information with others via video, internet Groups~ Gatherings and social network sites. This is Spreading the web of Light far and wide with intensity. The More information shared the more others have the opportunity to break free from the chains of the old paradigm of power over.


 Quoted from James Gilliland".....First we have to understand who the archons[ minions] are and their program to break free. The archons are an ancient collective of discarnate spirits, demons, regenerate ETs, some greys, reptilians and serpent beings who feed off negativity and care nothing for humanity and the Earth. Their program is to keep you enslaved through your very own mind and to create as much separation, pain, and suffering as possible.

This is done with programming, various kinds of media, societal programming, psychotronic technology using ELF, microwave, radionic and other frequencies, not to mention mind to mind manipulation with the archons[ minions]. The television and the news is one of the most obvious designed to keep you fearful, insecure, and in need of a savior outside of self. It is also designed to keep you focused on the material world, acquiring acceptance and approval outside of self, being well adjusted to society for your very survival.

Krishnamurti best summed up this process with the quote, “It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society. ”

That being said let’s look at today’s society. We must also look at the social, economic, and environment conditions. Look at the wars, the diseases, the unbridled greed and corruption in government, the disempowerment of most religions and complete failure to bring man/woman closer to the God/Creator/Spirit within as well as unify humanity.

Do we have universal peace? Do we have Brother/Sisterly Love throughout humanity? Do we have individual freedom and prosperity for all? Do we have a clean pristine environment? What is the condition of our air, water, the land? Let’s not dismiss these questions too readily without using brutal honesty.

Who is in control of this planet? The next question (and again using brutal honesty) is, “Are you contributing to the mess?” Are you part of the problem or part of the solution? Are you trapped in the archon matrix making choices and acting according to soul and spirit or the programmed and manipulated ego? Who do you serve, God of the beast?

The archon network’s first and foremost goal is to separate man/woman from the God within. It is to keep you focused on the external and control you through the base attitudes and emotions of the first three chakras – Survival, Sex and Power. It cannot let you operate from the Heart because once you move up into the heart and beyond it loses its power over you.

The heart is love felt, deep profound love for all humanity and the Earth. The throat is love expressed – not a lot of that going around. The third eye is God seen in all things and the top of the head is I AM God, at-one-ment. Now we have to ask again with brutal honesty are the heart and the other higher chakras being expressed in today’s society, our own daily lives? Are these higher forms of expression coming from our leadership? When we engage others are we in me/I mode – how can this best serve me – or we in service to others mode?


The closer to enlightenment more you will be tempted, challenged, completely screwed with to take you off the path. The archons are famous for using friends, family and lovers to distract you, pull you away from your soul purpose, God/Creator/Spirit connection. Few have the moral character, courage, sensitivity and training to keep themselves from the manipulations and control of the archons and their network of the unconscious and the ignorant. In the days to come it is imperative that you choose your friends wisely.

The key to breaking free and ending the spell of the archons is within. It is not from with out as they would love you to believe. There is a powerful, manifesting, loving, joyous, God/Goddess within each and everyone. The spark awaiting to become the full flame. Go within, meditate in nature, learn to heal unseen negative influences and the prayer of manifestation from the lord God of your being. Have an open loving heart and be of pure intent. Do no harm to humanity or the Earth. Be of impeccable integrity and when you slip clean up your mess.

Forgive yourself, forgive others, develop a sense of gratitude and when spirit wants to speak through you or send love into a situation that needs love, understanding and light do not block the flow. Become like a hollow bone for Source without fear or trepidation.

Now is the time to rise, claim your divinity, support others in their awakening and leaders who are empowering you and leading you to the God within. There are legions seen and unseen helping in this grand awakening do not think you are alone. The mind in which you seek is the mind in which you connect. It is not about being saved. It is about rising to the occasion.

You are the ancient ancestors, the off worlders, the Elves and Faireys, the Gods incarnate you have been waiting for. Time to reunite. When one becomes one with the one consciousness that encompasses all consciousness on all planes and dimensions throughout the multiverse. When one ignites that spark within to become the full flame it is all you and you are free....

The archon[ old program matrix] network is being exposed for what it is, unraveling and being torn asunder making way for a new Earth, a new grid. We must release the past, awaken and heal if we are going to continue on this ride. Any choices and actions to the contrary will be met by universal law, what is known as karma or the reaction, which is becoming almost instantaneous due to the quickening. We are not so clever as to outwit our souls and the universe. You cannot serve two Gods and cannot have one foot in the archon network and one in kingdom of God. Heaven on Earth is not divided.

Be well and Godspeed,...." End of Quote


We Keep repeating the Game is over for the denser energies because this is True. This Planet Has until December 21st, 2014 to Adjust to the 5d Frequencies and no program ego mind can make it through. We will share with You again this Planet is existing in these 5d Frequencies so there is no choice accept the Light Path One way or the other, Only Love will Exist On Planet Earth=Heart. The Light and Balanced Harmonics is Humanity's Natural state of Being and Mother Earth=Hearts Decree.


Quoted from Sarah..."No Being of any sort has the right to control another Being. Period. Become Aware....Stop lying to yourself and allowing your mind or ego to lie to you.....[ FOr the minions or denser energies] Its a big mess.... they know they are dying and the ones most resistant to move into the light will be removed. This is the earth's wish, she is done tolerating this and put the call out to either comply to her wishes to ascend or she will personally remove you long ago. The old ways are done and its a new age of love, feminine, caring, divine, the goddess age. Get with the program basically.” I was sharing two nights ago similar info about the earth and her decision to proceed and remove those who are not willing to change yet rather play games. And that many are leaving due to choosing to leave or not being able to accept change " End of Quote


The first steps towards the Disclosure Movement By the People has arrived and we feel many more will now step forward in this Movement on various levels. Be Love in Action, Share the Truth Via Social Networks and Websites. Real Light is True Information, this is How we can Be of the Greatest Assistance for Humanity in these Moments. Humanity is here on this Planet to experience and participate in the Divine Plan.


Decreed by Heaven~ Prepare for the Intense Energies of our Incoming Eclipse Full Moon Event. More Processes and Codes will be activated for the firstwavers. The Frequency of the Planet has raised and is raising now more quickly as processes of events unfold.

This is the Divine Plan Manifesting Now On Planet Earth=Heart.


Remember Loves we are not in a time linear schedule, We are In A Divine one!


~Thank You for Spreading These Messages to Others and Keeping Your Hearts Open and Staying Tuned In~


  Just Be Present and Follow the Synchronostic Events!


  ~End Transmission in All Love is Unconditionally, We are So In Love With Humanity~


 We Love You Unconditionally~ Love, The Galactic Free Press Staff~Humanity's Earth Allies, The Company of Heaven and The First Contact Ground Crew Team.

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Total Funding Goal 3000$

If Everyone shares a Little we all have enough!


  Join us Live Every Monday and Wednesday for Whats Happening On Planet Earth, Join us On the Grid at 10:30am Pacific and for the Internet Love Party Every Saturday Beginning at 1:30pm Pacific . Participating in these, you are participating In your role in the Divine Plan To Help Bring in the Higher Energies into the Planet. These Will Continue until Our Craft Decloak~ You can Join us Via this Link:

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~ We are Stationed In Mt Shasta~



 Artwork Thanks to


 (Yojman Chase), Mt. Shasta is~of all Power Points here in the Northern Hemisphere~what could truly be called “Headquarters”,  Mt. Shasta is many things to this planets protection and service into the Light. She is also known as Ascension Mountain.



 ~WE are Going Home~

 ~We Mother and Father God, Represent the Atoms you are made of. Our Pineal Glands are Completely activated and opened. We are of "Divine Intelligence", and Represent the 2 becoming ONE. We are also the Very Essence of the Unknowable, which Equals Source, Equals Love, Equals Truth, Equals God, and Equals LOVE EVERYWHERE PRESENT=YOU.~


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