Dear Hearts,You Are Disclosure: Pleiadian Message Channeled Through Caroline K.A.

Submitted by Starlight Journeys on Mon, 04/29/2013 - 08:23



star system

Posted April, 30, 2013


We are here dear ones, and today we come to you in great celebration of a truth which is unfolding at this most important time.

We ask each and every one of you, those who are reading these words now, and who understand the magnitude behind them, we ask you to look deep within your hearts, for your time of calling will soon be upon you.  We ask you to look at the truth which lies within each and every one of you.  A truth which is rapidly rising to the surface, for it can no longer be squelched and hidden away.  There are too many of you now who are openly communicating with us, and the word is spreading like wildfire.

Dear ones of Gaia, as you well know, we chose not to disclose dates or time frames whatsoever, but we tell you there has been a great push in regards to disclosure, and as we have also told you before, the greatest push of all must come from you, the collective, and each individual, each Lightworker, Way Shower and Starseed who choses to join with us in bringing this great truth to light.

Each day, more truths are coming to the surface within your personal lives, within the collective and throughout your world.  More people are now chosing to wake up, they are asking questions and they are fully realizing the system they once trusted to provide, and protect them is not working.  It never has.  It is a false system, and this truth dear ones, is rapidly rising to the surface among the entire population of Gaia.

We ask you, those souls who are in fact communicating with us, and there are a great many of you, with the utmost sincerity of heart, we ask you to step forward with us.   We ask you to shed the remaining layers of fear which may still reside in your hearts, and come out into the light as communicators of love and trust.

If you feel you are ready to push forward, use your social medias, internet, radio, blog sites, to an even greater extent as further validation  of your communications, and of our existence.  The manner in which you do this is not as important as long as you do so with love in your hearts, not out of ego, but out of genuine and sincere intent for the well-being of each and every soul upon your Earth.

We ask you to step forward, and work with us in bringing disclosure into the light of truth.

For many years, the truth of our existence among you has remained hidden with lies, and cover ups, the sole purpose for the dark hats to maintain their dominion over you, and keep the truth of your heritage hidden.  Over many life times of duality and illusion you unknowingly succumbed to their malicious intentions, and accepted these ways of being as your truth, and this dear ones, was the beginning of your fall into darkness.

Dear hearts, there is a new light coming forth from within each and every one of you.  We encourage you to embrace this light, for it is your absolute truth.

Although our communications with you have grown to miraculous proportions, regrettably, we are limited as to what we can truly begin to discuss with you. At this time, the technological aspect of our behind the scenes work is not nearly as important as your spiritual development, growth and learning, for these are key elements which will advance your journey along the path of ascension as individuals, and as a collective, for the greatest good of Gaia, and all her people.

We have so much to share with you.  So much to learn from each other, and we are equally eager to meet with you, to walk side by side in friendship and in love, and to show you the wonderful technologies, and ways of living which will  greatly decrease that which plagues your planet: hunger, disease, fear, despair, all which greatly contribute to the declination of your beautiful planet.

We ask each and every one of you to disclose your personal truth, only if you chose this path.  Disclosure is happening.  Each time you communicate with us, whether in prayer, through channeled messages, or in the dream time, this is Disclosure.  Each time you look up into the night sky, and you see one of our ships, this is Disclosure.   You are Disclosure dear hearts, and we need your voices, your experiences, and your hearts to disclose the truth even further.

We say to you, there is great movement regarding disclosure happening behind the scenes as we speak, but this is all we can say at this time.  Let it be known our hearts are filled with greatest of joy when you, our Earth brothers and sisters, chose to open your hearts to us, and to trust.

We ask you now, if you feel called to do so, to further express the truth of our communications in any way which you feel called to do so.  Ascension and the restoration of your planet, and Disclosure is still up to you, the collective. We hope now, more than ever, as you continue your communications with us, you will use this opportunity to forge ahead with us in bringing the truth of Disclosure into the light.

Many are already aware of this truth, but are afraid to express their beliefs of our existence.  Fear is still among you regarding what others will think if one expresses their true beliefs, but let us be clear.  This is your mind working against you.  The ego will do anything to survive, and it's best mechanisms of attack is feeding you false illusions and beliefs.  Fear.

We ask you to look deep into your hearts.  Let it guide you to your truth, and to what you feel is the next step on the path of this mission you have chosen to experience in this present life time.

If you feel ready to do so, embrace this time of emergence within you.  Embrace your truth, and the truth of what is.  It is time to release any, and all fear of invading aliens for this is simply not the case, as you well know.  In the bringing forth disclosure, our top priority is not to instill fear.  Understand this is a gradual process, but at the same time, it is becoming quite urgent.  We feel this urgency, just as you do.

Dear hearts, we are with you in camaraderie, and in light.  We love you dearly, and our greatest hope is to reunite with you one day, and to walk freely among you, together, as brothers and sisters, as family once again.

We are the Galactic Federation.  Have faith in the divinity of you.  Above all, trust us, and know you are deeply loved.   We are one dear hearts, and this is your truth.

We bid you fare well for now.

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