Where do we go from here?

Submitted by nerdalicious on Wed, 06/26/2013 - 17:30

million bucks

Greetings lovebots,

One thing we can all agree on is that we are in interesting times. All around us it seems that the world we knew is collapsing: scandal after scandal are finally reaching the surface and the 100th monkey syndrome has finally reached the threshold. We are at the beginning of the beginning of our new golden age. How does it feel for you dear reader? I can only speak to myself and those immediately surrounding me. My wife certainly feels exhausted all the time, sleeps more than usual and is suffering from some ascension symptoms. Too bad she thinks I’m nuts. She married me!

As far as my feeling, I can definitely feel achy all over my joints and have had tons of energy depletion episodes multiple times a day for the most recent few weeks. I’m not worried about the NSA in particular. Heck, if they are up to no good, then I can only imagine how painful ascension symptoms feel for those lurking in the darkness! My biggest complaint would be intestinal and joints if I had to pick. I’ll live. Love is flowing all over the place: I just need it in a salve to negate those aches!

There have been a couple posts recently (I can’t remember where, I think here) that have gotten me thinking: “Where do we go from here?” There will always be those among us who look at the calendar and scoff at delays and shoot the messengers. It doesn’t dilute the message, just the timing. Our ascension is event-based, not calendar -based and this continues to befuddle many people. Nonetheless, the thoughts in the link above still apply: “What would you do if you were free?”

Let me be the first to announce my cynicism. I’m so used to being stuck in the mud, offers of fresh produce and no mosquitoes sounds silly. Gimme a break! There always have been those bugs and there always will! Nonetheless, the coming reality will and is unfolding before our eyes; albeit in slow motion as we do an “instant replay” and live through all this to get the most out of it.

At one point this afternoon, I had to humor myself and try it. I’ve breached the subject with my wife several times over the years just to try and get her thinking outside the prison cell. No such luck. She’s basically a chicken and thinks this is all we’re ever going to live with. Basically life sucks and then you die. Sure there are a few good memories along the way with the family and all, but come on. I digress.

I started my usual process of making a priority list and got pulled away as usual. (Don’t do this sort of dreaming at work. Your co-workers will think you’re up to no good when they see the giddy look on your face! ) Maybe you have already begun the  process of dreaming up what your life will someday look like. Make sure you do it from a place of somewhat peaceful solitude with minimal distractions. That implies waiting until the kids are in bed. The point is start or keep dreaming up what your life will look like.

A great starting point if your mind draws a blank is to start with what it is in life that really makes you sing. (Read the above link at this point if you haven’t already.) I pretty much have outlined it in this blog for me: legos, sax music, golden age ascension, and all things nerdy. That about sums up where I would focus my efforts. Plus I think I have a blog post from a year or so back where I left myself a short list of things I wanted to do once we really are freed up to pursue living for once.

So good luck lovebots and don’t forget to keep drinking water, napping when you’re pooped, avoid other people’s dramas and practice long tones every day!


Re-posted from the main nerdalicious blog at http://hurltech.com/wordpress/

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