Cobra Update~ MAKE THIS VIRAL! Prepare For Change

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 07/14/2013 - 07:07


Sun, 07/14/2013 - 08:16

If GFP can validate this participation link is real deal I am happy to participate!!!


Love and Light unto Oneness!

David Porter

Sun, 07/14/2013 - 16:26

How many times will I have to remind you before you own up to you previous predictions and promises. Who is this really? Are you just in it for the living keeping the half asleep people on the edge of "events" as to get and keep subscriptions (money) from them?

Or are you associated with the cabal?

Or are you a nut-case?

Your promise of February:

By Cobra, Yet another promised date of the "EVENT" GFP, 02/24???


Cobra, 4/9/13 "Portal to open then Cobra can inform us of the financial situation?"

With each of your invalid promises that you continue to insert into the lives of the people that don't materialize at all, ever on any plane of existence you loose more credibility. The problem with this is though that unless we the people go viral dis-crediting ones like you that continue to pollute the populous for whatever is your motives, there are seven billion of us to feed you and your plan. So what is your plan Cobra?

So far you know you story, or stories as you have given so many differing ones now.

Do let us know when one, just ONE promised event happens and we will be all ears until then please back off the illusive promises to the people.


It seems that you have alot of unreleased emotions of broken promises. Perhaps having "faith" that everyone involved in this operation will eventually assist the changes necessary.

Instead of whinging about what you dont see, look to what you do, the simple acts of kindness that goes unannounced. Namaste.

Many have put faith and energy in the prospect that light will prevail, once and for all, but we have several perspectives on just what changes must happen in order for humanity to reach freedom and prosperity. I am sure people for the most part cling to the version they are most comfortable with because the possible scenario's are so wide and varied. For instance, we have the 3 day machine to transform body and mind, there is the bank cabal overthrow that leads to NESARA, there is mass disclosure with the phasing in of new programs, and there is the WWIII scenario and the complete overthrow of USA by Zionist. You ave to take the latter serious because they continue murdering, Israel used a nuclear devise in Syria recently along with Fukishima and 9/11, all nuclear. Zionist run the US through AIPAC and many foundations, corporations and think tanks. Despite these facts I try to focus my energy on the prospect humanity deserves after thousands of years of slavery, the prospect that our banking system is toppled and we gain our financial freedom which is our spring board to a beautiful world we create. This may be illogical and or wishful thinking, denial or plain old crazy, but I put my energy into something we can all benefit from and deserve.  

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