The Pleiadian High Council: We’ll Help Expand Upon the Teachings of your Oneness

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 07/23/2013 - 10:50


Rick Mordecon

Tue, 07/23/2013 - 13:59

definitely on my beam here. Lightworkers can never give up, because our work is our life, and our life belings to the advancement of humanity and the earth and all of her creatures.

David Porter

Tue, 07/23/2013 - 17:57

This message is packed with much essential information that we are all seeking just now, in some cases desperately. Besides our own Heart Centers which we read to the degree we read them. We have who else "out there" to depend on knowing the truth?

Some of us that have read Leadbeater, Blavaski, Besant, Bailey, Filmore, Casey, Sherman, Weed, Monroe etc, and the more updated Light informants such as Redfield, Hay, Williamson, Walsh, Chopra, Porter, Ike, Ruiz, Rollins,,,can see the absolute truth in much of this metaphysical material.

However, having One's that carry this kind of information with Them in present time and able to convey it finally VIA channeled message with the assistance of internet, WOW!!! This is something to be appreciated by all of us.

My edit to all of you is not meant as to place negative in minds of any or resistance. I am out to seek the truth the best I can discern it and disclose it to the general sheep that are  in removal of the wool. The same ones as I that can and have been led astray for a very long time by those whom wish to control others. Although I doubt that any that read more than one of these transcripts are the standard Southern Baptist clan.

Not meaning to pick on you without reason this you said:

"One of the biggest aspects of the initial disclosure announcements you’ll witness as they’re being planned currently,"

Allow me if you will to paraphrase this:

One of the biggest aspects of the initial disclosure announcements you’ll witness as they are part of our plans. 

Please step in my shoes, our shoes for a moment and read each of these statements. One creates an urgency that may lead one to believe that this will "soon" in our timelines come. But by this month next year they will think, "why hasn't what they said last year come to surface yet?" And this is where we are this year from last years messages and were last year from the preceding year. Should I go back further in timelines, this is becoming monotonous. And it's simply all in the phrasing of it to us.

The Child that doesn't know when Christmas is, but then is told and the gifts under that tree are rubbed in his face, well, need I go on?

Please see the following real time example of just one of the many messages from on High that we have so blessed with.

SaLuSa thru Phillip S---repost by Steve Beckow 7/9/13

"The evidence of Sierra Neblina and the crop circles is that August 4, 2012 is the divine deadline by which the free will of world leaders to delay and obstruct Disclosure of the galactic presence comes to an end."

This blatantly informed us that you guys finally received the green Light from The Divine to intervene at will, that was just about a year ago, and in the entire posted message it sounded as if it would finally take form in our reality,,,tangibly in a matter of no more than several weeks back then.

Wes and High Council, this is not to discredit any of what you just said, but an edit on the way in which messages to us "children" down here awaiting to unwrap our long awaited, promised gifts.

PS: I've been looking for something productive to do where I can be of Highest assistance, ask your team if the can use an editor before blessing us with the purposed intent within Their messages to us, to Them I'm up for Higher even if it means I have board the ships. I won't then have need to place my comments from this perspective, will I.


What we are all experiencing now is the upwelling of old negative thought forms, emotional injuries (engrams), and belief systems, all of which no longer serve us as we shift into the higher perspectives of consciousness. "When you change the way you look at things, ~ The things you look at change" is another way of suggesting a change of perspective. One of the beautiful tools that was thoughtfully placed alongside my path that I wish to share is deemed "Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times" and called Parable of Christ Consciousness at  There you will find a short invocation that when practiced daily can make that shift all but natural.

Blessings on your path




This has got to be one of the best Pleiadian messages out there. Everything has led up to this, we came here on assignment, as 'systems busters' to cause trouble and free humanity. Now the cabal is gone, we just have to help the un-enlightened humans ascend. To quote my most Loved Pleiadian, Armesis of the Elohim : Some people would find it like walking through a door, some would find it like crawling through mud, there will also be those who would try to 'cloak' themselves and cheat, but a 4th would know the deception and they will never make it through. There will be millions who would try to 'cheat', ive been hearing its a device that would cloak a 3rd into appearing like a 4th. Probably one of the final plans of the cabal in an attempt to pollute the 4th, since they know theyve lost. But none will get through, the Light workers will know.

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