Sheldan Nidle - 7/23/2013

Submitted by MomT on Wed, 07/24/2013 - 05:00

David Porter

Wed, 07/24/2013 - 18:41

HOWEVER::::::::::::::::::::::: Sheldan, what is their intended purpose. You have been posting this very same content for how many years now, creating an urgency in your words just as this message of today that makes one want to sell the farm and move on board your ships to get this party rolling.

But nothing of the sort of your promises to the people have yet to materialize. And you have  promised this about a thousand times now, I think more than that. I am not one to exaggerate, as you have been doing this for many years now and all your "soon s" are used up. 

This time you said: "great wealth was put aside and hidden from the dark. This immense stockpile is kept in special depositories, defended by those pledged to prevent its disclosure until the right divine moment is reached. This time is now. Events are happening around the globe to ensure that this release happens as planned. You are to be blessed in more ways than one! It is to be the great surprise that you have long been waiting for!"

Dearest Sheldan, the other day Kryon said that no such thing as this financial program will be taking place, ever. One of you is exactly WRONG. Personally I don't give much attention to Kryon, but why should anyone put their faith in one that has miss-informed us so much?

If the ones that you claim to channel are for real they will get this comment and have no reason not to respond to it.

Supposedly Their IQ is much higher than mine or yours or anyone else down here, but I have an idea for Them that may not be to much trouble for them to provide in this on going process.

Dear ETs How do you feel the collective down here would respond to seeing a few dozen of you light ships over about ten thousand of our cities all at the same time for say, three consecutive days making shapes of hearts, the peace sign, a cross, an Angel, a dove, a saucer, The Enterprise, President Obama, an ET, etc???

If you tell me this will scare the populous at all, any of them, then I will feel very good about that knowing that I have a higher IQ than you.

Do you have a problem with this? I understand that the Galactic Fed has aprox eighteen million ships stationed around Earth at all times. So make good use of them. And don't even come on to us that you don't have "free will zone rights" as you were given that on Augt, 4th, 2012, you do recall that event, don't you?

Have a nice galactic day, see you in the sky in what, about a couple of decades our time?


Thank you for saying enough is enough, especially with the likes of Sheldon.

We have listened to empty words for far too long.  Maybe if enough of us say "Please be quiet.  You clearly have no truth to speak.  We do not want to hear your lies any more.  Show up, be present or be silent."  Then, they will stop this unending foolishness of soon this, almost that and any day now...the Great Sacred Bird of Happiness will arrive.

How hard is it to simply do this thing?  Or not....

Bless All.

there is so much wrong with this article, I don't know why people even post his messages here on GFP

This guy preaches that higher beings will come down, give us all wealth, take us into their spaceships, and magically ascend us in these devices called light chambers.

If thats not the biggest load of disinformation, I don't know what is.

Especially after many credible and reputable channellers have already said that they aren't going to distribute all of the wealth. Any spiritual intellectual will tell you that nobody can ascend you besides you! Sheldan's idea of them coming down, taking us all to inner earth where we have our own light chambers that will magically ascend us is nothing more than a fictional disinformation that he is putting out.

And the people who are reposting his stuff are doing nothing more than giving him more publicity so he can make more money from his webinars that say the same stuff every time.

He doesn't even talk about love in any of his articles! This guy is a fraud, and obviously he posts his weekly messages to get more traffic to his site to make more sales. As a marketing professional, I applaud his efforts to tap into the New Age niche, and monetize individuals who are seeking the truth. But its not right.

I am shedding light on the truth.

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