The Kardashian 2013 Christmas Card: A Tribute to the Illuminati Entertainment Industry
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time to go Kardahians
This is creative? This is art? This is Christmas? Ugh it gets uglier everyday...
Love them, that's what they
Love them, that's what they desperately need!
Oh My
Makes one feel sorry for them at least they are doing their part to expose the darkness.
Christmas Card?
I am surprised that in front of the first pyramid there is
like these beings with what appears to be like horns coming out of their head
you know,
I do not see anything christmasy about that
its just strange..(like miley cyrus strange)
like what is going on with humanity right now
As an artist myself ,,,I am sorry that is rather strange art
Tara Grace...
I like the other
The Kardashians by no means plan their own Christmas card photographs. That's pretty naive to think.
Ever hear of satire? I would say their publicist is very witty, and decided to rip on the entire absurd notion of Illuminati.
Joke's on you.
I don't see it mentioned that
The Cardashians