What Frequencies Are Your Words, thoughts, Actions At!

Submitted by lynmarie8 on Tue, 12/03/2013 - 07:14

What Frequencies Are Your Words, thoughts, Actions At!

The basic premise of the Law of Attraction is that like energy attracts like energy. You attract to yourself those things and circumstances that are in vibrational harmony with your dominant frequency, which is itself determined by your dominant mental attitude, habitual thoughts and beliefs. If you want to know what a thought looks like, just look around you. Keep in mind these three words "thoughts are things". These thoughts are things that are created into the material form instantaneously- These are your words, thoughts and actions. What are you creating?

Not All Thoughts Are Created Equal: The attractive power of any particular thought is determined by how often you have that thought and by the strength of the feelings or emotions associated with it. The more energy you give to a particular thought, the greater its power to attract its corresponding circumstance into your physical world through the Law of Attraction. Your one-off, passing thoughts do not have the same creative power as your habitual thoughts and beliefs. Remember, that it is of little use to entertain positive thoughts for just a short burst of time each day if you then proceed to think negative or unwanted thoughts for the rest of the day. A negative thought cancels the benefit of a positive thought and vice versa. Since your reality is the sum total of all your thoughts there are many factors influencing your life. This makes it difficult to directly join the dots between the cause (thought) and the effect (circumstance) but the causation is always there. Negative thoughts such as anger, resentments, hatred, jealously carry a frequency of under 75, and Love is a Frequency of 700. What frequency are you send out of your body, is what you will attract back. This is when you need to choose what you are creating to attract and receive in your life every day, you are and have free will to create your reality.

Use Thought Power to Change Your Life: It is your subconscious mind that is the storehouse of your deep-seated beliefs and programs. To change your circumstances and attract to yourself that which you choose, you must learn to program and re-program your subconscious mind. The most effective and practical way to do so, is to learn the simply to stop yourself when you start doing this and say “ I AM uncrating what I just said - cut, cancel and delete those thoughts, words and actions and all it’s effects.”  It is your thought power of your words, thoughts and actions, that are to co-create with the Creator of all that is into manifest into your physical reality.

Become Aware of Your Thoughts But Not Obsessed: It is important that you learn to be aware of your habitual thoughts and to appropriately adjust them so as to maintain an overall positive mental attitude. However, be careful not to become obsessed with every thought that enters your mind as this would be equally counter-productive, if not more so, than not being aware of them at all. Remember that to obsess over your negative, unwanted thoughts, is to give them power and as the saying goes, what you resist persists. So instead of resisting any of your negative thoughts, simply learn to effortlessly cancel them by replacing them as they arise.

Instantly Replace Unwanted Thoughts: To instantly neutralize the power of a negative thought, calmly and deliberately replace it with its opposite, positive equivalent. For instance, if you think to yourself "I'm not good enough, I will never succeed", mentally replace that thought with "I am good enough and success comes to me easily". You can also use the "cancel, cancel" with the “ I AM- Presences, or Theta Healing Method.

Each time you catch yourself thinking an unwanted thought, mentally tell yourself and the Universe "cancel, cancel" and immediately follow it up with a positive statement.


Release:  “I Command my I AM Presence, I AM done Learning and Experiencing this (subject, thoughts, situation), I AM releasing all Karmic Debit, contracts to this while retaining all lessons and experiences. I AM sending 100% unconditional Love, forgiveness, and gratitude for all lesson learned including myself and I Am worthy of this now. Thank you it is done. “


Bring In New: I Command my I AM Presence, I AM Choosing to think only in Positive Thought forms of my conscious, subconscious, unconscious mind including , all words, all actions and that their all of the sound, frequency and tone, color of Love. I AM of That, I AM. I AM choosing to feel and experience this now. Thank you it is done.

Master Saint Germain – gave this information for you to use.

 I AM 'Let the Creator be in action completely, absolutely and appropriately through me and all involved in this situation (you may name the situation if you wish) to result in the experience of harmony, divine healing and attunement with the Creator externally within all and within the consciousness of the Earth.'

'Let the Creator be in action to bring forth love, healing, truth and bliss.'

Remember that you are not offering yourself as an example of the Creator but are allowing the Creator to work through you, in order for this to occur there is a need to be aware of and follow your divine intuition. There are many ways in which you can bring healing to the Earth, help create the Era of Love upon the Earth or even alter the world you exist within but if we were to share practices they wouldn't be as powerful as holding the intention and asking for the Creator to be in action in order to bring forth healing, love, enlightenment, bliss and harmony. Remember that every time you focus upon the light and bring the Creator through your being in whichever way you choose you are supporting a rise in consciousness and vibration within the Earth's frequency and all that are present.

You may use this invocation for releasing things for yourself any situation just says the words out loud- It is very powerful. Watch what happens in your life.

If you are unable to change these things on a deeper level you should come in and have a session so we can change your programs of your words, thoughts and actions and give you new ones.




Copyright ©2013 by LynMarie8 All rights reserved.  Please share articles as long as copyright and contact info are always included and the message is complete and Credit is given to the author.  www.lynmarie8.com or email: lynmarie.8@aol.com

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