Teachings of Michael 12-9-13

Submitted by Angel News Network on Sat, 12/21/2013 - 18:50

Channeled by Jeff Fasano, Transcribe/Edited by Joel Anastasi 

You are moving into a new pattern in your life where you can now begin to adjust to the shifts and changes within yourself. You are releasing old habits, patterns and rituals so that you can create a new pattern in your life, a new pattern that will allow you to re-entrain the nervous system that will allow you to move into the next stage in your human incarnation.


As we have said before, as you approach the end of 2013 you are tying up loose ends in your third dimensional physical realm and also within you. You will be seeing your old habits, patterns and rituals, seeing in the mirror what you need to learn, tying up the loose ends in you that have to do with the old habits, patterns and rituals—the conditioning, the old behaviors within yourself that no longer support your soul fragment’s divine plan and the opening of your year 2014. To now take the next step in your soul’s divine plan and a greater step in your purpose and mission for this lifetime.


The only way that next step can be taken is if you now fully move within and do your house cleaning—old behaviors, old wounding, old conditioning, all the aspects  of your old defense patterns of the ego defense. It is time for you to learn the lessons. To do this you must congregate in this new year with those who resonate and vibrate as you do and move on a pathway of peace, harmony, community, equality and tranquility where you are moving on a pathway of abundance to connect with abundance.


Seeing what is in your life because it is now time in your year of 2014 to congregate with those who are ready to shift the collective consciousness of your third dimensional world of form. It is now time to shift that consciousness within you by tying up these loose ends. What are you still perpetuating in your life that keeps the old in place? It is time, if you so choose, to see that and shift that.


You have come to a crucial point in your evolutionary process in your individual and collective lives. It is time to release those who no longer resonate for you. Those who do not resonate at a higher vibrational resonance where you can now begin to collectively, in congruence, connect in abundance, joy and pleasure in relationships.


It is time to come to the common ground of that which is in you. You’re coming to look at relationships and choosing with whom you will walk through that new doorway. The only way you will know what relationships to continue with is if you now tie up the loose ends and look into the mirrors. It is time to shift and change that which you can shift and change within you.


Each of you is being shown in the mirror what needs to be healed because it is time to see it. You might not like what you see, but it is time to see it. It is time to choose the relationships that raise your resonance and vibration. It is time to see the mirror as it is reflected back to you and begin to shift the old patterns, habits and behaviors that hold that old in place.


The doorway that is opening in 2014 is a doorway to a greater unknown. You need to heal what needs to be healed and tie up the loose ends. It is a doorway to take your life to the next level and to fully connect to another level of your soul’s purpose and your mission in this lifetime. That can only be done in group consciousness with those who fully resonate with you, who are in their abundance, knowing who they are and why they are here, their purpose and mission in this lifetime and are moving forward in community, harmony and equality and peacefulness.


If you are engaging with those who continually hold the old in place and you can feel the non-resonance, it is important that you look at this.


If you are in group-consciousness where there is discord it is time that that is brought to the table. The only way that group consciousness can perpetuate in the new is that there is full community, harmony and equality in the individuals in the group consciousness. If discord is still there it is time to look at the personal process of the individuals and see if that resonates for you. It is a time of fully tying up these loose ends, of defining and refining your life for yourself.


It is not about looking outside and shaming and blaming others. They are simply doing or not doing whatever it is they are doing or not doing based upon their soul’s plan. It is not up to you to shift and change others. It is up to you to look at your relationships and ask, is this a relationship I can move forward with through the open doorway of 2014 or will the same perpetuate? Where am I? Who am I? Begin by looking at yourself first.


When you look within, you can see what the mirror is showing you. It is then you can shift and change yourself and then shift and change the relationship you are having with yourself. As you do that you can then look at the relationships you are in. Then ask, based on the relationship I am having with me, do those relationships resonate?


This is what is happening for many now. If you are forming endeavors with others, it is important that each individual is on a similar pathway where the resonance is raising and it resonates with you. It is important for you to know where you are going and what raises your resonance and vibration.


This is an acute, finite choice to make because continuing old relationships that might not resonate for you keeps you in your old habits, patterns and rituals. Ask yourself, why do I continue in that relationship even though it may not resonate for me on certain levels?  


This is important for you to look at as you move into 2014. As you move into 2014, it is important, as you encounter others who resonate and vibrate as you do, to ask your self, why do I continue with relationships that I know do not resonate for me? It is time to look at all of those. These are just a few loose ends you can begin to tie up.


Joel: I told Michael that his explanations of how his teachings help all of us live our lives more fully has been so useful because they have helped me understand the value of the programs I am teaching and how to explain their benefits to others.


Michael: When you are transmitting these teachings it is important to tell how they are affecting you. Important to share from your heart space how these teachings have affected you. Those coming to you to connect with you energetically are doing just that. You are giving them a body of teachings, lessons and exercises that affected you in your heart space. When you do that you are resonating and vibrating at a specific level. It is that resonance that is connecting with and attracting others. It is not so much about the teachings. It is the energy of the teachings and your energy and the way in which you have created your endeavor and your modality—that transfer of energy that has shifted you energetically and has affected you. So the way in which you present your endeavor to others is from that place. And others are attracted to that energy and your energy. That is the way that every soul will connect with others—energetically.


It is not the teachings that are attracting others. It is the energy created through the teachings and the energy of you combined with that. As we said, look at the energy of your relationships. Does it resonate? Does it not resonate...



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