~ Mike Quinsey ~ SaLuSa - 3 January 2014

Submitted by Eddie1177 on Fri, 01/03/2014 - 02:05

David Porter

Fri, 01/03/2014 - 18:00

Who ever you are, this is the same almost exact promises that you have written to us for years now. I will if my people ask, go back and re-post your previous messages to us, I have 3 years of them, People???

The time, that's our linear timeline is up, we have come to the time of get in or get fried. So people I suggest that as you continue to absorb support VIA words that you activate now with prayers, mantras, decrees etc for the actual ETs to intervene, make "Their" decent, (disclosure) as has been so long in promise to us by allegedly "THEM."

ETs as we refer to "Them" are in fact as real as you and I and these words and this planet, yes. They are here and always have been, but they will not and cannot by Universal law land or intervene without proper authority. DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND??? YOU ARE THE AUTHORITY that is needed!!!!

So while you still have just a bit of "soon" left on the calendar of your demise before being rounded up by the cabals, which are now readied for such, MAKE THE CALL EVERY DAY EVERY TIME OF THE DAY OR NIGHT THAT YOU CAN FIT IT IN.

We are group I nor them can do this alone, you must make yourselves and INTENT known.

SaLuSa, I'm not down with you just yet. My friend, who ever you are, you will come forward now and prove your intent and authenticity or back off from my people cabal!!! The wrath of your Creator whoever you are is with us, the people on this issue as it is a Universal one now, not just for a small blue planet on the edge of Milky Way.

Stop lying to my people.

Mike, I have no concern who's toes that I step on in my quest made for 2014 "new yr res" and that's to debunk those that lead the people into the corral of the FEMA camps that are up an fully operational in our NOW! If you are not surrounding yourself with the pure Divine Great White Light of Christ before each and every "channeling" then anyone or thing will have way with you.

Best wishes to you and thank you for your support





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