~ Exciting and Uncomfortable Moments in the Ascension Process~
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<p>Welcome to the Galactic Free Press blogs section! This is a place where anybody with <a href="/galacticfreepress/user/register">a free GFP account</a> can post information.</p>
Here's a pretty cool song that fits the picture! :)
Love and Peace,
After a while of following your -mamaGod- instructions I sensed the energy of your spaceship. I got back to your words -they might be copypasted from last year, but who cares: It's the same energy and your instructions are still good enough- I listen to your 'visual song', Ellion. Great! I love it. post more - please!
Wishing you an abundant income, mom
(as in great creator) of this press agency: I will continue to tap into your energy field. Wondering how many of us earthlings
made it in your spaceship last year (Of course I am not talking about the physical body but the light body) and how many did it already this year. Can you give us an idea? I can image that there is an increase of visitors this year. So can you express numbers or even procentages. I know it's all linear stuff but for me and your press members: How is the increase in numbers?
Another question as a footnote: I never heard the term body hologram before. Are you talking about cell fractals?
Love and Light and Laughter and no more lies to all of us! GFGG