The deeper level of our subconscious minds

Submitted by Mario on Fri, 04/04/2014 - 19:02

This is from Patricia under hypnosis working at the subconscious level with Dolores Cannon ( I am sharing for informational purposes and know that this is good information by which reading it can come in handy for not only the future, but the now. )

The aliens are able to break down the molecular structure of the body so it can pass trough solid objects. It is common for the person to pass trough the walls or ceiling of their room.

Patricia: Yes, they have to change me so I go Trough the walls.

Dolores: Does it happen when your asleep?

Patricia: Yes, sometimes they've taken me out of my car. Because when I'm in my car, I'm in a different state of consciousness. And sometimes I'm thinking about other things and they can come in and get me. I can still be driving the car, and yet they can work on my body.

Dolores: Without any danger of having a wreck or anything like that.

Patricia: No, no, no. It's my conscious mind that is doing something else, and they can come in and affect my body because I'm hooked up to the computer. ( This would be from the conscious ships that we don't all see maybe because they are on a different frequency level inter-dimensionally, and while astral traveling we can come in contact with them. )

Dolores: When they take you out of your bed, is the physical body taken on board the craft?

Patricia: I need to ask them. (Long pause) The only thing that I'm getting is that they're taking me physically. I look back in my bed and it looks like I see something there, But I'm not there. It's like I see a shell, but I'm not there. It's like a piece of energy there, but I'm not in the bed. ( ...So this would be her in astral body, viewing down on the bed her physical body but interpreting her seeing the body as illogical because she is up above. )

Dolores: But they do this and you don't remember anything about it.

Patricia: No, no, they've never told me.

Dolores: Is it all right if you know now?

Patricia: They want me to know. I've never known about any of this. They've never told me. I've never had any marks on my body.

Dolores: But now it's time for you to know? (Yes.) Patricia was wanting to know about her purpose. What will Patricia be doing at this time in her life? 2002. From there on, what should she be doing? Can they tell you?

Patricia: Yes. They want me to be more understanding of other people. And to know that earthlings have limitations. I expect Earth people to be more caring and loving with one another and not have wars. And they're not doing that. And I'm frustrated because I can't change it myself, right now. They have spiritual laws of the universe or something. I don't know what it is, let me ask them. (Pause) They said they have a book of symbols and they want the symbols to come to the planet because when people look at the symbols, that changes their consciousness. And the symbols are only of peace and light and love. There are no bad things in the symbols. And it changes people's minds. Instead of thinking about murder and hate and greed and tearing up the planet. They think only of the light and peace and harmony. They want this planet to be a planet of light and love and caring. And they want me to write down some symbols. They want me to wright some words in some books. To tell people about the good things that they can do to one another. But my vocabulary is not such right now that I could tell you exactly. I'm young now.

Patricia was still seeing things from the child's viewpoint. I had forgotten about that. I would have to have her view this information from the adult Patricia's perspective.

Dolores: Ask them, is this what is happening in the year 2002? Many people say they are drawing symbols? Is this what's happening?

I am working with other investigators all over the world on this project. We are all being sent drawings of symbols and strange writings that we are hoping can be deciphered by a computer. The similarity of these is amazing, and it is becoming more widespread. I have also been told that this is the purpose of the Crop Circles. An entire block of information can be conveyed to the conscious mind by the observation of a single symbol in the circle. The person does not have to be physically in the circle. They only have to see the symbol for the information to be transferred to their subconscious mind. The circles are a language that is understood on the subconscious level. It is not intended to be understood by the conscious mind. More on this subject is covered in The Custodians. They have given me examples of the way our minds receive entire blocks of information from a single symbol, even in our everyday life. They have told me that the information is inserted into the brain at a cellular level, and it will be there to access when we need it. It will be spontaneous and we will never even know where the information came from.

Patricia: The symbols are an attempt at our communication with mankind. The symbols, as I have stated before, are of pure divine light and peace and harmony. And when Earth people can look upon these symbols, and take them into their subconscious minds, they will understand the beauty and peace that we are all about. We are the beauty, the peace and the light and we wish this for everyone on the planet. We have great love for those on the planet.

Dolores: This is why these symbols are being communicated to the people?

Patricia: Yes, yes, yes! There are those on the planet that know their meaning and they will come forth and make the knowledge known to everyone on the planet because it's so important at this time. This is 2002.

Dolores: But you mean that people don't have to understand the symbols? They just have to see them.

Patricia: They go into the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is all knowing. The subconscious mind came from the source of the One. The One has the knowledge. When they come upon this planet and they see the symbols again, they remember. It's a communication form that they know on a soul level. They don't know it on a conscious level. So when they read these symbols, they know the meaning of them, and there are those on the planet that can interpret them for the others. And that's why we're doing this. It's not to harm, it's not to scare; just to communicate on a soul level.


There I have experienced these blocks of information many times from different crop circles and lost symbols from artifacts gone by ten thousand's of years old, but this was only in June July and August to September 2013 I had many experiences running from the subconscious mind as GRinD in April 08 2012 My conscious mind was busy on telepathic images that I was getting while my subconscious mind was doing something, writing it down while they where working on my body or astral or auric fields I was getting information from deeper levels of the subconscious mind and the words the symbolic sounds that was created from some of the words did affect me greatly while writing and speaking it out, but at the end I remember becoming more conscious again and for a reason or another I decided to hide the true meaning of what I had wrote down only the symbolic words where not changed but every phrase was over enacted and it's true meaning was destroyed under metamorphosis. And I have been working on it trying to get back to the core, which is the subconscious extremely deep levels of subconscious and conscious workarounds in creative context's to get the true meanings out again but It feels impossible to get back to that state of being. This is an excerpt "We find in the one to all" This would be your subconscious, "Space is either taken or all stolen never blacken" This one has been modified as the rest of it afterwards in GRinD and I can't get the right answers to it again all I know is where I was at before deciding to hide the true knowledge it was almost Symbiotic as when I would read it, it would affect my state of being greatly intense joy and energy in a very calm and meditative state while conveying it and speaking it out it was very interactive and powerful the telepathic images or "video" that I could see from each phrase that I would read was extremely different as not of this world but at the same time showing me or teaching me how to see... What we are in what everything is, how to go to another plane of existence while still in my body and this is what happened I uncovered angels and an astral being I shook his hand and in the pitcher window I saw what seemed as an archon it had a gray alien face and outside I seen whom I called after a while Mikilliziou because my phone did wright it down by itself after I ask what his name was but he was in this suit and in the tree with a small spaceship and portal underneath and I greeted him and he greeted me and it was an amazing experience basically out of this world.

I'm going to put a couple of post underneath here from the past by which I felt something and interpreted in a way crop circles and other events that did happen in 2013 June, July maybe It will happen again that I'll be able to connect as before someday and wish similar experiences to others it feels great.





This is the same as the one above but begins from the main message which is very strong in our consciousness and our being.


The Ones with a * Explain some more

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