Submitted by AstroEyes on Tue, 04/15/2014 - 00:29

AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology - Cathy Lindsey

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This Libra Full Moon Eclipse is one of the most powerful, urgent and intense Full Moons of the year! It is a very powerful time….a time of break downs or break through's .  It is time to hold on tight as we climb through the chaos… with urgency….up the hill of change and transformation….to the very peak….where you can begin to see the “New” that you are co-creating!

You will be able to see this Eclipse throughout the United States.   From start to finish…. it will last about 3 hours and 35 minutes. Eclipses create a powerful pin point of energy that creates a “blip/wobble”, or a disruption in time, energy, and the natural flow of light and dark. It also stirs up what is in our subconscious bringing it into consciousness.  An Eclipse also affects the magneto-receptors in our DNA, along with radio waves, and X-ray’s. They also activate shifts in the electromagnetic fields of the Earth itself and all of its inhabitants.  During an Eclipse, a portal to the Universe is opened and information, thoughts, ideas etc. can be downloaded from the Universe at that time. Lunar eclipses are extra-powerful Full Moons. The energy of an Eclipse also affects us for the following 6 months. It is a time to open to the universe, with your guidance, and Feel the energy and down loads as the portal is open. It is a time to be quiet and Listen…..what do you hear?  What visions are you receiving?  What do you feel?  If you are asleep during the Eclipse….know that your Guidance will make sure you receive the down loads and messages that are important for your Soul growth.  Then the next day….mediate and ask your guidance to bring what down loads and messages you received that you are ready to hear….into your consciousness  so you can embody them.

Full Moons are when the tides are high, and feelings are flowing.   Full Moons are a time of releasing.  It is a time of releasing the old that is no longer working for us. During this Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse we will be surrounded by intense releases of  “old” energy that is not vibrating where we are now vibrating. Go deep into yourself and deep in your Soul, your foundations and old perceptions and observe what is no longer working for you, for your community, and humanity…..then release it. Let it go…with Love.  What is no longer vibrating where you are vibrating?   It is a time of purging and releasing in all areas of your life, especially in relationship areas…….love relationships, family relationships, friend relationships, and work relationships. It is time to distance from people, places and things that are not vibrating where you are vibrating….and do this in the most compassionate way…..

All Full Moons involve the Sun, as the Sun opposite the Moon is what creates the Full Moon. This Full Moon being in Libra along with the Sun being in Aries, is all about Balance!!!!  Aries (fiery, impatient, self/me, and the pioneer energy full of passion) is ruled by Mars (male energy, our passion, the initiator, the spiritual warrior and pioneer), and  Libra (feminine, balance, equal give and take, relationships, the “other”, and the peace maker) is ruled by Venus (our love, attraction, creativity, and feminine energy), really emphasizing, and acknowledging the balance we need to achieve…. between the sacred feminine and the sacred masculine.

Balance is a major theme with this Lunar Eclipse in Libra.  Libra itself is about balance.   Libra is about the “other”…..and being with the “other” in an equal give and take manner…. in all your relationships. With this Full Libra Moon we are moving with love & peace (Libra) and passion and war (Aries) into a merging of opposite ends….into a balanced, equal give and take relationship for ourselves along with all humanity, and  all over the world. Another way to phrase this is….Make love not War!  Full Moons symbolize an emotional peak.  With this Full Moon being in Libra…the emotional peak is happening around relationships!

With this Full Libra Moon we also have the dwarf planet Ceres (feminine, nurturing, Mother of the Earth and Grains, rites of passage) and the asteroid Vesta (feminine, the Goddess of the Hearth, the keeper of the fire), sitting with Ceres and both sitting next to the Libra Moon.  Opposite the Moon we have the Aries Sun that is sitting with the asteroid Juno (feminine, Goddess of commitment, and the female warrior), accenting even more the major theme of bringing into balance not only the feminine and the male energies, but also the light and dark, the right brain and the left brain, the yin and the yang etc. etc.  Remember….we must be in balance….to fully receive the Ascension energies of this shift!

The Universe is making another powerful statement with this Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse as the Libra Moon is sitting with the Libra North Node!  The North Node represents the Souls and the Universe’s intent for this time period…. and in this case the Souls/Universes intent is that all Humanity….the collective…..move towards the Libra energy of….Love, balance, creativity, equal give and take in all relationships.    The South Node is sitting next to the Aries Sun.  The South Node represents the Souls and the Universe’s intent to leave behind, during this time period…. and in this case the Souls/Universes intent is that all Humanity….the collective…..move away from the old Aries energy of  the “out of bounds ego”, the “Me” energy as we begin to move it into the “We” energy…..we are all one!  

This Full Libra Moon Eclipse is also happening on the back drop of the Cardinal Square/Grand Cross,  that becomes exact by degree in 7 days.  This Eclipse is the beginning of the most powerful 2 week period of 2014.  This Libra Full Moon Eclipse happens just 7 days before the 5th out of 7 exact Cardinal Squares (this has never happened in recorded history) which also is a Cardinal Grand Cross with the planets Pluto, Uranus, Jupiter and Mars. This means that there is a lot of Urgent, stressful, powerful, transformative, and  intense energies of change,  along with much friction and tension….“Make it or Break it” types of energies all around us during this 2 week period.  There will be more information on this powerful exact Cardinal Square/Grand Cross later in the week as it becomes exact on the 21st/22nd.   

This Libra Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse, is sitting on the Star Arcturus.  The Moon is sitting at 25 degrees Libra and Arcturus is at 24 degrees Libra.  Arcturus is the fourth-brightest star in the sky.  Edgar Cayce mentioned Arcturus more than 30 times in his readings, calling it “the highest civilization in our galaxy” and “the way or the door out of this system.”   Other channeled sources identify Arcturus as one of several extraterrestrial groups who seeded life on Earth and who continue to aid humanity’s evolution. 

.The Star Sirius is also involved in this lunation as stationary retrograde Pluto is opposite Sirius during this Eclipse.  Sirius is the brightest star in the sky and one of the closest.  Historical links to Sirius are found in cultures around the world.  Mystic Alice Bailey has called Sirius “the great star of initiation”, and “the source of wisdom.”  Esoterically, Sirius is considered our Spiritual sun, helping to direct the awakening of humanity.

When these ancient star systems and stars are being activated….we can connect with their energies and wisdoms. Wow what a powerful message from the Universe.  During this Libra Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse…..meditate on the Arcturians and Sirius…. be open to receiving communication from them in whatever form it manifest in.  With a powerful activation like this Eclipse….there must be something the Universe wants us to learn from Arcturus and the Arcturians and Sirius.         Meditate, be still and Listen during this time

The Veils are getting very thin now.   We can see, feel, and hear so much more then we have ever been able to before.  We are moving into the Oneness…..no separation.  This very powerful month of April is helping us to shed what is no longer in the right vibration of the ascension energy so that we can really see the Oneness merging…with the “New World” that we are co-creating. We can see it start to appear…..The baby that we birthed on Dec 21, 2012…..is now growing!  

This is a time to be extremely careful.  Watch where you are driving and watch for others and how they are driving.  Watch where you are walking etc.   Be cautious….especially of accidents with metal…..and if you need elective surgery….try to schedule it sometime later into May.    Watch what you say and how you say it.  If you are sending an e-mail etc., and you are a little irritated…put it in “send later” and re-read it again when you are calmer before sending it out.

The Earth is also receiving these energies, and she will be purging even more over the next couple of weeks.   Watch for more earthquakes, tornadoes, volcanoes, etc. and wild and unusual weather all over.

WE are being asked to move now…..to co-create…..to be the Spiritual Pioneer……….to bring into balance the feminine and the male……to bring balance to the Earth…. etc.   We are being asked to come from the Heart…..it is time to take action….it is not a time to escape!    The Universe is speaking loudly…take a step…any step….Just Move!!!!    

Remember this is a lot of changeable, urgent and transformative energy for our bodies, and the Earth, to try to handle and embody.   Relax, mediate, get out doors, exercise, be creative and manifest….to help the body absorb these energies in a more peaceful and loving way.  Allow your life to unfold naturally. Sit by a body of water and pay attention to your dreams.

 Meditate and release what is no longer working for your higher good, and then Manifest and create a better way….a better world.   Meditate and manifest ways to bring all areas of your life into Balance!!  Also meditate and manifest ways that you can help to bring the community, your tribe, humanity and the World into a peaceful Balance!!   We are co-creating our own reality…..make it a beautiful one!   Above all manifest…..meditate….ask for guidance…...and LISTEN!

These are the energies affecting all of humanity and the Earth.  These energies also affect you individually, according to how they activate your own birth chart. Learn how they activate your chart through an Astrological Reading.  Knowing how they are affecting you personally, gives you the ability to make choices, and use the energies in the highest way.

Feel free to share this update, in its entirety!   AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology © 2013  Cathy Lindsey     All rights reserved. 

Cathy Lindsey

Astroeyes Evolutionary Astrology







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