Submitted by AstroEyes on Mon, 04/28/2014 - 23:07

AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology - Cathy Lindsey

This Taurus New Moon/Solar Eclipse is one of the most powerful, urgent and intense New Moons of the year!  Solar Eclipses are extra powerful New Moons.  We have just come through a very active 2 week period with a Lunar Eclipse/Full Moon in Libra on April 15th, and then the exact Cardinal Square/Cardinal Grand Cross on April 21/22nd, and that is a lot of energy and down loads to process.  It is a time of letting go of the old and erasing old programs…. as we move into and towards many new possibilities and awakenings.  With the Taurus energy we are being asked, along with the collective, to shift into the higher energies, as we are interacting with the physical world. We are being given the opportunity to ground the energies, and the high Spiritual energies…..that we have been receiving over the last few weeks….. so we can bring them into physical form.  With all the energies and activation's we have been receiving……. we are now, with this Taurus New Moon/Solar Eclipse, being asked to pull back a little….to breathe and to rest.  We are being asked to focus and “see” the beauty in the Earth and the physical world that is all around us, and think of Peace!  

Eclipses create a powerful pin point of energy that creates a “blip/wobble” in time, energies, and the natural flow of light and dark.  It also stirs up what is in our subconscious, bringing it into consciousness.  Eclipses also affect the Earth’s electromagnetic field, realigning its grids and ley lines; it also affects the magneto-receptors in our DNA, along with radio waves, X-ray’s, etc.  Eclipses are known to be points where we change outdated programs and then receive the energies to create the new ones. Eclipses can bring about sudden or unexpected changes within ourselves, the world, and the Earth (earth quakes etc.).  They also affect our cellular memory….which holds our Soul’s blueprint for this incarnation.  They form a portal to and from the Universe……. allowing us to receive energies, information, knowledge and insights……… from all areas of the Universe………. that can then be downloaded at that time.  The energy of an Eclipse also affects us for the following 6 months. It is a time to open to the universe with your guidance, and Feel the energy and down loads as the portal is open. It is a time to be quiet and Listen…..what do you hear?  What visions are you receiving?  What do you feel?  If you are asleep during the Eclipse….know that your Guidance will make sure you receive the down loads and messages that are important for your Soul growth.  Then the next day….mediate and ask your guidance to bring what down loads and messages you received that you are ready to hear….into your consciousness  so you can embody them.

Remember also that New Moons are the most spiritual and intuitive moons of the whole lunar cycle.  This is a powerful New Moon to manifest your personnel intentions, and to co-create the “new” world and the “new” You. This New Moon also has Mercury, Juno, and the South Node sitting with it.  It is also happening on the back drop of the very powerful Cardinal Grand Cross, giving us added energy to manifest with and making this Solar Eclipse/New Moon extremely powerful!  It is time to meditate and to ask for guidance, and then trust in that guidance.  It is an excellent time to manifest and create!    

At this Taurus New Moon/Solar Eclipse we find the Sun (our core energy, our life force) and Moon (our emotional core, our cellular memory, our natural intuition) conjunct (sitting right next to each other), along with the powerful asteroid Juno (asteroid of commitment, love, true lovers, soul colleagues, and all relationships) along with Mercury (our voice, communication, knowledge), the South Node (releasing our past – things from this life time and previous ones). That is quit a line up!  This New Moon/Solar Eclipse is in Taurus…..which is about, enjoying the senses, nurturing, growing your own food and medicines, flowers and gardens, love, sensuality, creativity, grounding, security, the joys of food and cooking, your self worth, your values etc.  Watch that you don’t slip into the grey side of Taurus during this time which is about greed, hoarding tendencies, overindulgence in food/drink, security fears, stubbornness, and withdrawing from others by going into your cave.  Taurus is about self-survival, your values and how you put food on the table and roof over your head.  It also is very Earth orientated and seems to have a special spiritual connection with the Earth.  Earth Spirituality (Taurus) is part of this Eclipse/New Moon.  Focus on the Earth….her beauty, the life she gives us and the love we need to give her back.   

This Taurus New Moon/Solar Eclipse seems to be saying that it is time to connect with the energy of the Earth, to bring into balance the feminine and the Male energies,    During this Taurus New Moon/Solar Eclipse Mercury is sitting with the New Moon.  Mercury is our voice, how we share our knowledge…….rather it is through writing, talking, teaching, or U-tubing.  Mercury in Taurus is asking us to learn how to talk with and communicate with the Earth and all her inhabitants.  Taurus is ruled by Venus which is feminine and love…….the Earth is feminine.  This Taurus New Moon/Solar Eclipse is also about the balance of the feminine and male energies and the honoring of the scared feminine which is also the Earth herself.  We as humans are one with nature……one with the Earth…..we are not separate.     The Universe is speaking loudly here…..walk with the Earth……listen to her…..take care of her and she will take care of you.  Destroy her, and you destroy humankind.
Juno (sitting with this New Moon) is the asteroid of commitment and has to do with relationships.  The energies over the last few months have been centered on relationships. All relationships…..work….family…. friends….and lovers.  A lot of things have been put in our faces, right in our faces, so we can’t miss them….. and therefore we have to deal with them.   We are being asked to move away from places, things, and people that we are no longer vibrating where we are vibrating……and to do it in the most compassionate way.  We may need to try and figure out how we can make relationships work in our lives, and how leaders can make them work throughout the world. This is not easy to do, and with Juno sitting with the Taurus New Moon/Solar Eclipse it is giving us the commitment that we need……. to be in right relationship with the Earth and also with others……   

With the South Node conjunct this New Moon/Solar Eclipse, it is also a time to release all the things that you need to release……. not only this life time, but past life times…..meditate on this.  Listen and feel what is coming up for you……. from deep in your Soul. What cycles keep repeating and repeating themselves?  They may not be comfortable to look at, or to have to deal with…….but the Universe believes that you are ready to face it and to make some changes.  This is a time to release and to manifest and intend!   Mediate during this time….the energy is very powerful and will be for several days.  Ask to be given the strength to release the things that you no longer need…… so that you can manifest, on this New Moon/Solar Eclipse, the “new” that you are co-creating.

Remember that this Taurus New Moon/Solar Eclipse is happening on the back drop of the Cardinal Grand Cross which will be in effect through May.  I wrote a lot about this Cardinal Grand Cross last week on April 21/22.  Refer back to that post for more information on the energies of the Cardinal Grand Cross and how this Eclipse can be affected by its energies.  If you don’t have a way to re-read my report from last week and would like to…..feel free to contact me and I will get it to you.

This Taurus New Moon/Solar Eclipse is asking us to bring old outdated structures into balance with nature.   One area that has really opened up in this arena over this last year is organic foods (Taurus), and no GMO’s etc…..the ability to grow and eat these foods without corporations controlling them.   Also, a lot has been put out there in the arena of natural medicines.   Again, bringing the focus to balance, between corporate (pharmaceuticals, GMO’s) and the individual (natural foods and medicines).  Meditate/manifest during this New Taurus Moon/Solar Eclipse …….. to bring about ways to make this happen.

Remember also that during all these activation's in the month of April……. that seeds are being planted in our sub-conscious and our consciousness and also collectively.  These seeds will continue to grow and multiply over the next few years……as we shift from the “old” into the “new” energies.   We are approaching a time where we need to either accept our roles in the “new”, accept our spirituality and make a choice to awaken fully so we can continue to move forward in the higher energies, the Oneness energy etc…….. or to remain where we are.    We are at a place where we are being given opportunities to choose.  Remember for some, choosing to take a step into the unknown is simply too much for them at this time.  I think that there really isn't a right or wrong here as those that choose not to awaken fully are creating a different life path for themselves

It is also a time that you might feel a little stuck or restricted (Taurus) and you may think that life isn't flowing like it should.  Ask yourself if you are happy…...can you feel joy…..??   If not, these energies of April will help you find the areas that you need to make changes in……so that you can begin to feel happiness and Joy.  Just breathe, meditate, ask for guidance and Listen!  You will find then that these feelings will soften.

Again at times things can seem a little scary, challenging and unstable, (especially with this powerful Grand Cardinal Cross that is still in effect and the Eclipses’), but remember that we are being given everything that we need to make these changes.  Being aware of the energies that are affecting us (especially by your own birth chart), will give you the knowledge to be able to navigate them successfully.

Again the Universe is speaking loudly……take a step…any step…..just move!   

 Be careful during these intense energies of the New Moon/Solar Eclipse as these energies will last for awhile.  Because of the back drop of the Cardinal Grand Cross….the energies will be strongly affecting us through May!   Be careful driving, walking, talking and watch out for the “other.”    It is a very intense time…..the energies are coming from many directions with many activation's.   Be cautious and remember the Earth is receiving the energies also……there could be Earthquakes, wild weather etc……..and more.

This Taurus energy is being accented by the Universe now for a reason and the Universe wants us to pay attention to these energies.    Take time during this Eclipse energy and especially during the week after this Taurus New Moon/Solar Eclipse, and breathe………just breathe.    Connect with the Earth…..walk barefooted, touch the Earth!   Planet flowers and food…..get Dirty!    Embody the Earth Spirituality!  What do you feel and sense from the Earth?  Take time to be outside and look…..walk, ride, sit with the Earth…..what do you see in nature that you haven’t taken the time to look at for a while?  Notice the trees, the flowers, the clouds?  Feel the stones; talk with love to the animals.  Watch the animals play, the butterflies, the birds.  Get in touch with the Fairies and the Earth Elemental s.   Listen to the Earth sounds…..remember them?  Take a day or two or more and connect with the cycles of the Moon and the Stars.  As above…..so below.   Manifest and create the beauty of the “New.”    Meditate and Listen to what the Earth sends you intuitively.  Embrace the Magic

These are the energies affecting all of humanity and the Earth.  These energies also affect you individually, according to how they activate your own birth chart. Learn how they activate your chart through an Astrological Reading.  Knowing how they are affecting you personally, gives you the ability to make choices, and use the energies in the highest way.

Feel free to share this update, in its entirety!   AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology © 2014  Cathy Lindsey     All rights reserved.  
Cathy Lindsey
Astroeyes Evolutionary Astrology

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