Submitted by AstroEyes on Fri, 06/13/2014 - 00:46

AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology

Cathy Lindsey

A Sagittarius Full Moon encourages us to have fun, quest for knowledge and expand our visions. Full Moons are a time of releasing. It is a time of releasing the “old” that is no longer working. Go deep into yourself, your foundations, your old perceptions, your Soul, and observe what is no longer working for you….and then release it…. to make way for the new. It is a time of purging and releasing in all areas of your life. With all Full Moons, remember that Full Moon energy last a day and half on each side of the peak. The Full Moon phase suggests that things that we are not aware of….shine bright to make themselves known…..and emotional level’s are highly activated….. similar to high tide in the Ocean. 

At all Full Moons we have the Sun exactly opposite the Moon. So with this Full Moon we have the Moon in Sagittarius and the Sun in Gemini. Full Moons are about bringing the sign energy of the Moon into balance with the sign energy of the Sun. This Full Moon is about learning to balance the polarity of Sagittarius (higher knowledge, religions and philosophies, higher spiritual knowledge, the master teacher, the Truth seeker, travel, optimism and Joy!) with Gemini (communication, teaching, multitasking, youth, chatter, and writing). We are trying to balance Sagittarius’s inner nature and Gemini’s fast flowing thoughts. Sagittarius’s philosophical thoughts, and the mentally expressive Gemini. Sagittarius’s quest for higher meaning in life and Gemini’s need to gather and integrate information. Gemini is where you teach a small class and Sagittarius is where you become the master teacher. Gemini is where you write the book and Sagittarius is where you publish it. Remember that during this shift we are trying to bring Balance into all areas of our lives. Balance is extremely important now. We are being asked to move away from the chatter of Gemini to the more meaningful ways of presenting our truths and wisdom’s. Sagittarius is about the Truth….and the Truth Seeker….seeking Truth in this life time and past life times. The Truth is not intellectual….Truth comes from the Heart!

Full Moons are a time for releasing…release what is no longer vibrating with you, especially in the areas of communication, truths, knowledge, and how you share them through various ways of communication. Meditate on it. What truths are coming up for you that no longer are vibrating with the higher energies that you are now embodying? What truths do you now need to bring out into the open so they can be released for you and humanity? Sagittarius energy is about the truth seeker! Seek your Truth….Walk your Talk….Now is the time!!!! What areas do you now have the energy and courage to become the truth seeker in? Again mediate, connect with your guidance and Listen!

In the big picture…..the Cardinal Square/Cardinal Grand Cross is the back drop of this Sagittarius Full Moon. There is an almost chaotic feeling of a rapid and urgent awakening happening with this Full Sagittarius Moon. To emphasize this even more….we have had several Solar Flares in the last few days. It is still a time of very high intense, transformative and changing energies, with a bit of Urgency. Therefore, it is a time to be careful and cautious. Watch how you drive, and how others drive, and where you walk etc. Be careful at all times and aware. It is a time that you can feel angry or have road rage etc. even if you don’t normally experience those reactions. Watch what you say and how you say it. Exercise, work in the yard, and read a book etc. to Chanel these energies into a productive state.

Grand crosses are very stressful and have a lot of friction type of energy. You may be feeling this in many areas of your life, but especially in areas of communication and relationships of all kinds. Grand Cross’s are also about balance. Bringing “all” into balance is a main focus right now with the energies we are receiving from the Universe. Balancing of the Sacred Feminine and the Sacred Male energies, the yin and yang, the right brain and the left brain, etc. This is a “strong and powerful” type of Grand Cross…..with the outer planets Pluto and Uranus…….interacting with the “social and optimistic ” planet of Jupiter and with the power of Mars, giving us the ability to forge ahead into the higher ways of being, or stay stuck in the battles of the old 3D!

Mars is now moving forward in the Cardinal Grand Cross and lining up for the 3rd time with an exact square (friction and stressful energy) to Pluto. Activating even more lessons in all relationships…..including Family, lovers, and all kinds of partnerships. It is also a time to focus on the ideas that you have been thinking about over the last several weeks and take the steps needed to activate and move forward in those areas. 

Venus is opposite Saturn during this Full Moon…..Venus is in Taurus which is quite sensual and about Earthly pleasures and intimacy…..and then it runs into Saturn…. and Saturn is saying…….“but Venus…you need to follow the rules and be responsible.” Oh…what’s a Girl (Venus) supposed to do? Again oppositions are about balance…..bringing the Venus/Saturn qualities into a delicate balance is the goal.

Mercury is retrograde during this Full Moon and will soon retrograde (move backwards) into it’s own sign of Gemini on June 17th to July 1st (and give it a few days to fully get moving forward). During this time there can be an over abundance of miss communications, both communication between people and communication with in business and travel. Read everything over several times……re-read all the things you send out. Check plans over several times etc. during this time period. Be cautious of any communication when upset, or angry (triggered by Mars in the Cardinal Grand Cross that is now moving forward) as it could easily get out of hand or you could say something that you might regret later. Think…..breath….relax….before communicating. 

During this Powerful Sagittarius Full Moon we have the Galactic Center being activated by the Moon!! This is a powerful statement from the Universe….God/Goddess!! The Galactic Center is a portal to the Universe and the center of our Galaxy. When the Galactic Center is activated by major astrological configurations, it widens….helping with the birthing of the “New”, which is still in progress. We receive down loads of knowledge and a lot of energetic support from the Universe, through this portal…..to help humanity, the planet, and ourselves, release old belief systems in all areas……so we can move into and co-create the “New.” It also helps us to discover the “Oneness” and how we are interconnected…..throughout all Galaxy’s. We begin to actually see and feel the “Bigger” meaning of life…..and through the activation of the Galactic Center we can feel the level of the collective consciousness expanding!

We also have the Gemini Sun (which is opposite the Sagittarius Moon) sitting on Betilgeuse in the constellation Orion. Betilgeuse is the second brightest star in the constellation Orion, and the ninth brightest star in the night sky. The Orion constellation is a pattern of stars that is repeated in monuments throughout the ancient world, from Egypt to Mexico. This constellation has been the center of the skies for our ancestors. It has been extremely important to all of these ancient civilizations and somehow this importance is linked to where we came from and probably where we’re going. 

Meditate during this Full Moon on the Wisdom's that are being activated and downloaded through the activation of the Galactic Center and Betilgeuse in the constellation of Orion!

We have been experiencing a very intense down load of energies with a magnitude that is off the charts…. over at least the last 6 months. Many seeds have been planted during these times. Some conscious and some are not. Over the next months and years….these seed will be growing, and we will be integrating and learning to embody all the “in your face” energies that have been and are… triggering lessons. It is time to meditate and ask for guidance in how to integrate these energies. Listen to the advice you will receive when you are in quiet and in meditation. Remember prayer is talking with God/Goddess…..mediation is Listening to God/Goddess!!!

Meditate and release what is no longer working for your higher good. Manifest and create a better way….a better world. 

Meditate and manifest on how to bring all areas of your life into Balance!! Also meditate and manifest on ways that you can help to bring the community, your tribe, humanity and the World into a peaceful Balance!! We are co-creating our own reality…..make it a beautiful one! Above all manifest…..meditate….ask for guidance…...and Listen!

Meditate on the “new” world, the “new” Earth, and the “new” you (the “you” you were in 2010 when this shift started is not the “you” you are today). Manifest and create your “new” future, and a beautiful World for all humanity!

These are the energies affecting all of humanity and the Earth. These energies also affect you individually, according to how they activate your own birth chart. 

Learn how the energies activate your individual Birth Chart, through an Astrological Reading (my contact information is below). Knowing how the energies are affecting you personally, gives you the ability to make better choices, and use the energies in the highest way. 

Feel free to share this update, in its entirety! AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology © 2014 Cathy Lindsey All rights reserved. 

Cathy Lindsey
Astroeyes Evolutionary Astrology

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