IN-Lightenment ~ There awaits a World of Wonder within you!

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Wed, 08/06/2014 - 08:09

Take a look at the world around you. Realize that you are standing on Earth, a planet in a galaxy Earth humans call The Milky Way. It is one of many galaxies, and it exists in one of many universes within the Multiverse of All That Is. Put a hand on your arm now and feel your skin, and visualize the billions of tiny cells that make up your body. Visualize the atoms within those cells. Visualize the minute electrons within those atoms, and see the energy inside those electrons. This is the same energy that created you. It is the same energy that created the Multiverse and the very Earth you currently are standing on. You are this energy. It is the powerful Universal Source energy of All That Is. You are this energy. Read that again: YOU ARE THIS ENERGY!

Knowing this, could you still doubt your true potential?

You have been conditioned to believe that you are separate from your Source and therefore whatever you need will be found outside of yourself.

You have been conditioned to believe that you are small and power-less.

You have been conditioned to believe that you are a victim.

You have even been conditioned to believe that suffering is part and parcel of your human existence.

All of these things are false teachings that have been brought down through many eons of time. These teachings have not been entirely to your detriment, they have been to your benefit also, because they helped you to experience everything you are not. But it is time now for you to know your true self once more. It is time for you to take back your power and begin to realize your potential.

Beloveds, if you only knew how much potential you have you would never doubt yourself ever again! When you call upon your higher potential, you are calling the power that created you. This power is the Universal power of Creation! Do you doubt this power can heal you? Do you doubt this power can give you peace, love, joy, happiness and abundance? Do you believe this power can change anything and everything you choose for it to change? Do you believe you have to beg and supplicate before your prayers are answered? Let us remind you that no prayer goes unanswered. Let us also remind you that there is no need to repeat yourself. We know your every thought, and your very intention.

Let us remind you also that whatever you believe shall be your experience. You have the free will to believe whatever you choose. No one is forcing you to believe anything, and we want to ensure that you remember this.

Beloveds, be embraced by the love that you are! Allow this energy in to help you in all areas of your life. You were never meant to suffer. When you suffer, we feel your pain. When you cry, we feel your tears. Allow us to help you realize who you are and let us help you create the life of your choosing.

Within you lies the Source of your True Power. The Source that created YOU, and the Earth you stand upon. It created the air that you breathe. It is this power that gave you LIFE! There is NO-THING it cannot create, and there is NO-THING it cannot change.

We are One Beloveds. When you doubt yourself, you doubt us, and you doubt your Creator. Everything thought, word and deed has a reverberating effect within the Cosmos of Creation. Let go of your little disbeliefs and what you believe to be your shortcomings and embrace the love that you are. Love is the energy of all Creation, and the Source of All That Is.

We leave you with this thought: There awaits a World of Wonder within you!

Blessed Be!


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