~ Solstice 2011 ~ 21/22 December ~Anrita Melchizedek

Submitted by Lia on Wed, 12/21/2011 - 14:50

~ Solstice 2011 ~ 21/22 December ~Anrita Melchizedek




As these Solar Beings of Light, and transfiguring Flames of Divine Love, the Solstice energies offer us an opportunity of deeper transformation and manifestation in illuminating the essence of our own magnificence. As we are surrounding in the sacred copper-gold flame of Solar Service, we merge with our I Am Presence and connect through the Sun to the Central Sun and Great Central Sun. From the center of Love, we ground these energies through our bodies, into the Golden Solar Sun disc within our hearts, and from here, into the inner earth sun, as these physical vessels of Divine Love.


Transformation is offered to us primarily in healing the polarity of gender and false planetary contracts, while balancing the Divine Masculine and Feminine within. The keycodes experienced through this Solar Gateway of Manifestation, illuminates and further activates the Golden Solar Sun Disc Discs within and around the Unity Grid. As we experience the new DNA encodings of Light being amplified at this time, we can use these fifth dimensional zero field energies of Divine Love to work with our own personal issues, transmuting, healing and loving, while bringing into manifestation that which was previously unmanifest, as we journey into the Ascension Seat within the Solar Core through the Overlighting of Helios and Vesta, and the Beings of Light from On High.


As we are embraced eternally within the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God, we experience ourselves as these transfiguring Flames of Divine Love and all that this brings with it, through both the shadow and the Light. And it is in completely trusting and surrendering to the Divine that we find the joy and appreciation of Life, gently flowing and guided intuitively into the greater planetary and cosmic rhythms of the One Heart of All Creation.

Anrita Melchizedek





One and a half hour tele/webinar conference session with Anrita Melchizedek

$33 (Approximately €25.00/£21.50/R240)

New Year Transmission through the Elders

Friday December 30th - 7pm GMT/UTC, 11am PST, 2pm EST

London/Lisbon 7pm, Johannesburg 9pm, LA 11am, New York 2pm, Sydney 6am (December 31st)

As we enter into this glorious year of 2012, we are Overlighted by the Golden Flame of One Unity Consciousness, amplified through the Unity Grid of Divine Love and connecting us in Unified Cosmic Consciousness awareness to one another and with all Life.

"The twelfth ray of Unity Consciousness or Christ Consciousness is the golden ray of the Age of Aquarius, and holds the predominant focus of integrating and transcending the dualities of Humanity for the experience of One Unity Consciousness in this new Golden Age. When we talk about "Christ Consciousness" we are referring to the state of Divine Perfection, illuminating intelligence, wisdom, Love, peace, empowerment, abundance, creativity and harmony that is inherently the birthright of every Soul in Creation".

Join Anrita and the Elders as we set our intentions for 2012, create the Group I AM Avatar Body of Light, and experience keycode activations, and downloads through the Unity Grid that will take us into this wave of Unity Consciousness and Divine Love through the Overlighting of the Company of Heaven and the realms of Illumined Truth.

The I Am Avatar Body of Light is in essence the etheric, electronic body of Light, the Adam Kadmon Body of Light that is created through the merging with our I AM Presence, the integration of the Planetary Light frequencies and sacred geometries, the rays, keycode activations and the DNA encodings within our own physical bodies, and further creates the holographic imprinting of the Golden Flower of Life around our hologram, energy field and body. The Group I AM Avatar Body of Light connects all Light workers and starseeded ones through the holographic Golden Flower of Life around the Light Body of Mother Earth, taking us into the Temple of Divine Love, the emerging New Earth, and One Unity Consciousness, through the collective Higher Light of all Life on this earth plane. And it is within this sacred Temple of Divine Love holding the blueprints of this New Earth, that we can affect and create the most change, individually and collectively as we ascend into this Golden Age of Light.

Come and join us in this transformational transmission through the Elders, ancient celestial Beings and High Council Members to the Order of Melchizedek, as together we create Heaven on Earth as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love.

All participants will receive a high quality Mp3 recording following the teleseminar, so you can listen to this recording on an ongoing basis. You may also like to consider registering and receiving the recording if you are not able to listen live at this time.

To make payment under the Teleseminar link, via paypal or credit card please click here.

For your time relative to the above times, please click here (Anrita is in Cape Town, South Africa)


How does the Teleconference work?

If you would like to join this teleconference, click on the related link to make payment via credit card or paypal. Once we have received your payment, we will send you a link to the pre-events page where we will be hosting the conference and a password will be sent to you at least 24 hours prior the event. On the appointed day and time, go back to this page so you can listen in via the web with DSL, wireless or dial-up connection. If you are local to the States and would prefer to use a landline or mobile phone to listen into the conference, this number is also on this link page. These calls are free to US participants only.

There will be a general Q&A session, usually the last fifteen minutes of each session at which time you will get an opportunity to ask your questions. A box is provided on the link page for those listening in via the web. Please feel free to email us at info@pleiadianlight.net with any questions you may have around the teleconference.


Join our new network of Light at Higher Consciousness Resources ~ the Resource Center for all Light Beings www.higherconsciousnessresources.com

Brought to you by The Melchizedek and Pleiadian Light Network www.pleiadianlight.net


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