HJ: Intuitive abilities are usually all lumped together, however there are four distinct levels worth noting. Understanding the overlap and differences between these can be highly useful for learning to tune into your intuition if you are just getting started and going even deeper if you are well connected already. Enjoy.
- Truth
How to Tap Into the 5 Levels of Intuitive Awareness
By Betty Scott, EdD | The Intuitive Self
Levels of Intuitive Awareness
The first time I heard the expression, intuition in the large, was in an interview Jeffrey Mishlove did with Frances Vaughan in the Thinking Allowed series. I also read her Awakening Intuition in which I was intrigued by her discussion...
if all else fails.....employ common sense.
the longest journey for any person ...is only one foot apart..from your head to your heart?.. think/feel/see ≈ mind/body/spirit. ~Å~ trine. intuition... a built in bullshit detector.....get intuit....