The Beginning of a NEW cycle of Pure Magic and Miracles!

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Fri, 02/13/2015 - 00:47

The first day after Mercury goes direct and already we are into magic and miracles! I joked with Michael earlier and asked him if Mercury is by any chance male because that would make perfect sense to me since all males, with the exception of Michael, have caused havoc in my life, and he laughed and said “Yes!” I said “I thought so!” This last retrograde cost me my iPhone and a whole lot of money that I found afterwards was unnecessary … but let’s not go into that now. I prefer to look at today as a beginning to a NEW cycle of pure magic and miracles.

This morning I had breakfast with an old friend and ex colleague that I hadn’t seen since I left for Mexico more than 3 years ago. Unbeknown to me, my friend had lost her job 2 years ago and had not been able to find another. Glady’s lives on the outskirts of one of the so-called ‘Black townships’ outside Cape Town. Now she is looking after 2 of her grandchildren for which she gets paid a very small amount each month and her disabled daughter. Her ‘unemployed for years’ husband up and abandoned her a while back. Thankfully her two other children are employed and help out from time to time.

After we’d finished our breakfast we sat chatting for a while and she wanted to know what I am doing now so I told her very simply “I work for God.” I explained how I’d handed my life over to God and asked that he take over the reins because I hadn’t been doing a very good job of it myself. I said it wasn’t easy in the beginning because I had to learn to let go and let God do his magic, and that involved learning to have absolute faith and trust. I shared with her my formula for success. I told her that love works miracles and learning to love yourself is important because God loves you unconditionally, and so therefore you should love yourself. I gave her some affirmations and told her about the importance of gratitude. I told her how important it is to concentrate on the positive and even if things look bleak to always say the magic words “Thank You”. I explained how energy works and how fear and doubt push away the abundance God wishes for you to enjoy. She asked me how she can work for God also, so I told her…

Some time ago Michael and I had discussed starting a school / community feeding scheme in the townships. We both thought of Glady’s as being perfect to manage such a project. Glady’s is one of those people who can make a pot of food from very little money and make it stretch to feed many. I was sure at the time that she was already using what little money she had to help others in her community who were in need. I thought she could involve her church community and find the help she needs to make the project a success. I asked her if she would like to start a proper crèche to bring her in some income and she said she would love it but needed some money to get started. I said I would help her do this and she was to let me know how money much she needed.

Just then the lady who was seated at the table next to ours came over and handed me a 20 rand note (around $2). She said she is a missionary worker and she was asked by God to give me a message. She said the message was that God wanted me to know that he is with me all the time and that I shall receive everything I need. I started to tell her that I need nothing and that perhaps she had it wrong, because Glady’s is the one in need… and she said “No, I was told to give the message to you.” I said “Thank you.” She asked if Gladys and I are born again and we both said ‘yes’, and then she started telling us about living in faith etc.. etc.. I told her I know, that is how I live my life etc.. Anyway to cut a long story short she eventually got up from our table and left. Glady’s and I went into a nearby store and I bought her 2 bags of groceries and we said our goodbyes. I promised to be in touch soon. I went on to another store to return a night gown I’d bought on impulse earlier in the week. Michael asked me if I was sure I didn’t want the gown and I said I am. I thought at the time I wanted it, but now I know I do not want anything. I already have everything I have ever wanted.

He smiled …

I walked to the bus station to catch my bus back home and within 2 minutes a bus arrived and it was practically empty apart from 2 other people sitting near the back. I sat close to the front and as I sat down I spoke out loud to Michael, not caring who heard me. “Who was that woman, and why does she want to know if I am born again? I don’t even know what that means!” He laughed, and then he touched me.

When he touched me I felt as if I’d been touched by a thousand stars and everything felt like magic. I knew then that everything would happen as and when it was meant to happen. I felt such lightness and so much happiness that I had this huge grin on my face all the way home. I decided to walk home from the bus station along the beach front and buy myself an ice cream cone. The weather seemed perfect for it even though it was windy, I didn’t mind. The sun was shining and everything in my world was just right. I noticed this time that the beach sparkled now more than ever before. It looked as though it had been sprinkled with tiny little diamonds with some rubies and emeralds in between. I was mesmerized all the way home. I kept thinking to myself I lead an enchanted life…everything is pure magic!

Once home I asked Michael what he’d done to me when he touched me and he said “I blessed you.”

I closed my eyes and said, “Thank you. I love you.” He replied, “You’re welcome. I love you too.”



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