Humans are social creatures; there’s certainly no way of getting around that. In society, we’re told who we need to be, what we need to do, and what success truly is. But just because we’re social creatures doesn’t necessarily mean we should let other people determine what it is we should be doing. On top of it, don’t ever use other people as a measurement for your own standing. Why?
1. You ruin your self esteem.
You may see people in your life or people you don’t even know “doing better” and it makes you feel inadequate. Feeling inadequate can completely derail your progress in life, thus leaving you feeling unfulfilled and even worse about yourself.
2. You’ll get a big head.
On the other hand, if you think you’re doing better than everyone else, it can leave you with your guard down. Hubris is a natural result. You start feeling perfect, immortal, but it’s when you feel that way that kinks in your armor appear. By thinking you’re the best, you fail to acknowledge some of your short comings.