Summer of Love

Submitted by lovelylinda on Thu, 05/21/2015 - 22:35

Summer of Love

Not sure of artist but giving gratitude for use of this image

Not sure of artist but giving gratitude for use of this image

That phrase keeps playing in my head and heart. My knowing is that this is to be the Summer of Love, come again. I looked up where the term came from and what it represented. Forty-eight years ago, young people gathered in San Francisco to express the love flame that had been birthed in the Sixties. From Wikipedia:

The event was announced by the Haight-Ashbury’s psychedelic newspaper, the San Francisco Oracle:

A new concept of celebrations beneath the human underground must emerge, become conscious, and be shared, so a revolution can be formed with a renaissance of compassion, awareness, and love, and the revelation of unity for all mankind.

imageThat flame was snuffed out by the powers that be through the divisiveness of the Vietnam War. The war was exact in its intent to divide a generation, creating two camps, soldiers and hippies. It sought to destroy the love that was blossoming in hearts across the land. Many of that generation have survived, though many were lost through the scarring that resulted from the horrors of that time. Our streets are filled with the homeless, former soldiers among the ranks, unable to integrate back into a society that used them for their own agenda. A quote from Grateful Dead guitarist, Bob Weir, expresses that the Summer of Love was about more than free love and drugs:

Haight Ashbury was a ghetto of bohemians who wanted to do anything—and we did but I don’t think it has happened since. Yes there was LSD. But Haight Ashbury was not about drugs. It was about exploration, finding new ways of expression, being aware of one’s existence. (from wikipedia)

The idea was held aloft by the Sixties generation, that there was a better way. They did not know the hows but knew it was worth seeking. Now that love flame is coming full circle as we seek unity and oneness once again.  We have matured and our discernment has grown so that we are able to recognize the ploys to divide that are out pictured through the governments and corporations. We are no longer as gullible, as easily led. People are standing up for freedom, coming together to demand clean air and water, safe food and shelter, for all people. We are feeling the responsibility to work with the earth and be stewards of this land once again.

imageThis shows up in emotional waves for me. Part of my soul, so fatigued, so tired of chasing the carrot of a better day, is hard pressed to lift the lamp. Yet this hope burns bright in my chest and my arm follow suit to raise the torch of love.  The summer of love plays its notes through my being. It is time. Time to let go of separation, of judgment of one another and self, to open our hearts wide and expose this seed we all carry.

The world desires peace, desires a radiant future for their children and grandchildren. The world shimmers and shakes and doorways can open in a moment if we are brave enough to walk through.We are the creators, awakening to our powers. We are the ones who have held that seed in our hearts. We buried it deep with our fears as it was too painful to live in full awareness of the love that was barely tasted. We choked on failed dreams, yet our tears continued to water the seed of love, we thought long dead. The seed remained awaiting its time. Awaiting this Now.

It is growing and beginning to unfurl its beauty in our hearts. I am claiming this love flame, I am shining the light of my attention and intention on it. I am nourishing it with the good soil of loving thoughts, watering it with self love, allowing the sunshine of gratitude to do its work. This love blossom has the ability to change the world as it is seen and felt in more and more hearts. As each of us nourishes this flame, it spreads like wildfire throughout the land. A mighty conflagration that has the possibility of creating a new earth. A new world, the one we have dreamt of forever. We are ready for this. It is ours to claim. It starts heart by heart. As we fan one another’s flames through love, we increase our own blossoming. Soon, all will know their own beauty and we will delight in experiencing that of our brothers and sisters.

The Summer of Love. I see the love pods forming, finding our resonant tribe, working and playing together so that all beings know that they are cherished and valued for their gifts. We are so tired of going it alone. Time to make music together as our hearts sing their notes of love. Time to put a flower in my hair! 


The Uranus-Pluto Cycle
Because through 1965 and 1966 Uranus and Pluto were three times conjunct in the zodiacal sign, Virgo, this cycle takes on just now a very crucial meaning. Much of what is unfolding in the world as these pages are written some four years later can be related quite significantly to events which began a rather drastic process of social and ideological change, the ultimate consequences of which we can only guess at.


The Uranus-Pluto Square - 2012-2015

The Uranus-Pluto Square in Earth's Precessional Cross 2012-2015

Uranus and Pluto's placement relative to Earth's Precessional Cross at the time of the Uranus-Pluto Square of 2012-2015. Uranus and Pluto reside at the centers of their respective sidereal signs.

The Uranus-Pluto "geocentric square" begins in June 2012 and continues through March 2015, consisting of seven triggers (the exact squares occurring due to the planetary retrogrades). During this time, on November 23-24, 2013, the "synodic square" occurs. The synodic square is the actual (heliocentric) square occurring in the current 138-year Uranus-Pluto synodic cycle that began on January 7, 1966, at the exact peak of the Vietnam War and the emergence of the Flower Power Political Movement. This is the first (90°) square in this cycle.

The extreme cultural and societal events of the mid-1960s were a product of the Uranus-Pluto conjunction and the start of this 138-year Uranus-Pluto synodic cycle. The square occurring in 2012-2015 will stimulate dynamic cultural and societal action based upon what was set in motion in the 1960s. This few-year period should also be quite catalytic for those born in the mid-1960s.

Although the few years ahead may stimulate intense revolutionary action and reaction, they also provide opportunity for wide sweeping solution that propels us into a new time/paradigm on Earth. This article is an in-depth exploration of the 2012-2015 Uranus-Pluto Square, the initial Uranus-Pluto synodic cycle that began in the mid-1960s, and the energetics of these events catalyzing what should become another major evolutionary transition for us all. Red areas in the timeline below indicate the intense and challenging periods during the catalytic Uranus-Pluto square.



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