Submitted by Lia on Fri, 01/20/2012 - 13:51

'Birthing New Reality', heARTfully designed by K. Allen Kay

Self-Love is the well-spring of Kindness, Compassion,
Truth, Freedom, Beauty and Appreciation ... all
expressions of an Illuminated Heart.

In nurturing our Dream Seeds, we are Birthing
New Reality, reconnecting to the Source Code of Love,
and streaming this through our Hearts into the World.

This Love magnetizes to it vibrationally-matched
experiences, drawing to us abundance, creativity,
delightful relationships and fulfillment of our dreams.

It all begins with Self Love.

Just for today ...

Be present to opportunities to practice Self-Love.
Speak kindly of yourself and your dreams. Practice
compassion when self-judgment rises. Identify your
Truth, and live it at all costs. Celebrate the Beauty of
who you really ARE, and Appreciate all that this day


Blooming Humans are WE!


In recognizing our outer reality is simply a projection
of inner state of being - our vibration - we are
empowered to shift our individual consciousness,
and so we change the world.

Accepting we create our own reality precipitates
responsible co-creation, life-affirming action and
attunes our Being-ness to the Superluminal nature
of Love. Self-Love, thus, becomes our First Nature,
and from here we Birth New Reality. One word, one act
of kindness, One moment of Truth at a time.


"Greetings Beloved Ones,

As we allow our beings to unfold into our Conscious
Creation of "Divine Loving Intention" we become the
embodiment of all that we have set into motion; into reality.

Love, Abundance, Peace and Wellness have always been,
we are now at the stage where we consciously understand
that we have the power to birth this into our reality
through Self Love and Self Care. We are One, the more
we care for Ourselves and our spirit, the more others
will benefit from our presence.

On this day honor...love...cherish...bless and nourish
yourself in all that you are, all your bodies wish to align.

Love is the frequency of appreciation. It is time to
appreciate all that exists in you especially the aspects
that bring you pain and discomfort.

Remember the allowance (application) of LOVE dissolves all that is harsh, rigid and timid. Feelings of guilt, shame, anger, vengeance, stuckness, fear, hopelessness and despair are all worthy of Love, for it is this "withholding of love" for the Self (Singular and Universal) that creates this


Understand and know that you are Eternally Divine always, in every moment, that your human qualities are not anything less than Divine. Forgive yourself for
withholding love from the aspects of yourself that bring
you pain, embarrassment or suffering. Consciously Love yourself during these times of discomfort for as you do they will be easier to absorb and eventually dissipate.

Our mission is not an ideal of spiritual perfection;
it reaches far, far, far, beyond that. We have not the time
to fuss over good nor bad, enlightened nor unenlightened.

A total TRUST in our own Divine Nature is calling for
the sake of assisting others to individually know this
truth for themselves. How will we do this if we are caught
up in perfectionism?

Love thy self; Love all."

~ 'Share the Love' community posting


42 Day Blooming Humans Journey ~ Here we grow, Beloveds

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