Greg Giles ~ Message From The Galactic Federation Of Light ~ 29 January 2012 You are Being Called to duty at this time~

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 01/29/2012 - 13:10

 Galactic Love Reporter Greg Giles ~ Message From The Galactic Federation Of Light ~ 29 January 2012 You are Being Called to duty at this time~


Siam Pali’. I am Pelo of the Galactic Federation of Light. I would like to speak to you today about ascension and what you can do to help your brothers and sisters along the way. There are many things you can do to help ease this transition for your fellow planetary beings, and it all starts with love and compassion. These ideals are very powerful tools for you to possess at this time, and I would like to show you how you can utilize them most efficiently at this time. When someone comes to you either in person or through your Internet and they share with you that they are frightened in any way about the changes occurring either inside of them or outside of them in their world, the first thing you can do is try to find out just what is the cause of this fear. Are they afraid of a specific area of these events, such as the extraterrestrial presence, or are they fearful that they may become separated from their loved ones? In many cases, the only way to find out is to ask, and then to listen.
Many of you have trained extensively to be of service at this time, and it is now time for you all to take a leading role in these proceedings. Many people will come to you with questions, and it is up to you to take the time to field these questions and converse with these people until a suitable state of emotion is reached. Each case is, of course, unique in its complexity, but should only take a few minutes of your time. The service you are doing for your race and your planet is incalculable, and you will be fulfilling your obligations of your individual assignments very well.
Many of you have incarnated into a human physical vessel to be able to apply your talents in this planet’s time of ascension into the higher realms. It is considered an honor to be selected to assist in this way, and each of you has demonstrated a unique talent and skill deemed necessary for the task at hand. Use whatever skills you have wisely. It is time to come out of your shell and into the sun. There are those now awaiting your services, and you are being called to duty at this time. Events are moments away from breaking through the surface of the media blackout, and soon all eyes will be glued to news reports about our presence here and what this means for humanity. It is at this time that your brethren en masse will seek answers and guidance. It is at this time that so many will succumb to fear and confusion, and it is at this time that your talents and skills you have acquired throughout much training will be critically needed. Will you heed the call?
You were chosen out of many to be here today because it was decided by those in charge of the selection process that you were a worthy candidate. It is time to show them that they made a wise choice. It is you that mustn’t allow fear on any level to stop you from making yourselves known for others to find, befriend, and gain insights from. You all have the tools at your disposal that you have been given especially for this assignment. With these tools you have the power to reach an unlimited amount of your brothers and sisters. With these tools so much can be accomplished in such a short period of time. Seek out those who could benefit from your assistance by making it known that you possess adequate understanding of the events unfolding around you. Make it known that you do not fear these events. Make it clear that you are coming from a state of balance, and that you are looking forward to these events. This is the sign you are asked to hang outside your place of business. This is your calling card you will carry with you in your wallet or purse. Make it known to all that you are open for business. It is the time for your grand opening.
All eyes are upon you at this time. You have many on this side of the veil that believe in you, and you have much more assistance from us than you may realize at this time. Together we can do it. Together we can achieve great things in this, humanity’s shining moment. It is the time for this. It is now time for you to release all your attachment to objects of 3D illusion and distraction. These pastimes have nothing to do with your assignments here at this time. Now is the time for work and not play. Now is the time to put all your training to good use. Now is the time to come to the aid of your fellow man. Now is the time to get serious about your reason for being here.
We are the Galactic Federation of Light.
As channeled through Greg Giles

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