The Beloved ~ 2012 is here… And So Are We!

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 01/30/2012 - 08:54

The Beloved ~ 2012 is here… And So Are We!

Galactic Love Reporter Kenton David Bell | January 29 2012

We have all been waiting, looking and working towards this year for some time now. Now that it’s here what’s next?


You are the Source of it All

This year is a time that has been predicted for thousands of years. This year we are going to experience the end of time as we have come to know it, according to the Mayan Calendar. By no means do these prophesies state that we are going to experience any great calamity such as the end of the world or even great natural catastrophes on an epic scale. Rest assured we are not in store for a Hollywood version of 2012!


What I hear and believe from Team Beloved is this is a time of great change in how we relate to ourselves, our human experience, and others. Our priorities are in the midst of great change and this can cause a deep sense of chaos and confusion. This confusion is not just an individuated experience, but collective as well. The majority of us are aware of the change that is currently taking place. We see it in our own lives, we see it in the financial markets. Many of us are personally experiencing a deep change in what is important to us. How do we want to spend our time, how to express ourselves. These are the signs of the times. Welcome to The Change!


It is a time of New Beginnings. A time of finding new ways and means of addressing “old system” dismantling. When we find that the old way of doing is no longer serving, we need to look within, to discover what the new is attempting to revel to us. Not only as individuals but as a collective as well. It is through the Self that the pathway forward will be revealed.


One of the seemingly frustrating experiences of this time is when we look to old solutions, or “old thinking” to solve issues that can no longer be solved in the traditional ways. The solutions live in a New Thinking, a new consciousness, as a matter of fact, it’s not solutions, but new systems that we need to be looking at.


“We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” Albert Einstein


It has been the very fabric of time that has “woven” consciousness according to the energies and magnetics of our “old” time paradigm. This has been dictated by our solar systems’ position in relation the center of the Galaxy and where we have been in our evolution as conscious spiritual beings having the human experience.


This dynamic has created the familiar system, with familiar problems and solutions, until this period we are now entering into.

Therefore the conditions for solutions to address the changes we are now facing no longer lie in the conscious collective “weave” we had become familiar with over the last 13,000 years or so.Let’s look outside the box.


Time After Time

This is a time of stepping into the unfamiliar and the unknown to find the way forward. This is true individually as well as as collectively. This needs to occur individually in order to be assimilated into the collective.

In other words: Become The Change You Wish To See.

This is a time when intuition and guidance will become a necessity to your ability to move forward into the unknown. Trusting your inner compass, to guide you with courage and flexibility.


A Leap In Evolution.

Nothing like this has ever happened before.

We are entering into a time of incredible growth and jump in evolution as individuals as well as a species. You are participating in a giant leap forward. It can feel almost impossible, at moments, to keep up with the changes occurring at such an accelerated rate. Our energies and how we perceive ourselves are evolving at a rapid pace.

Perhaps a more appropriate way to put it would be we are in the midst of remembering who we truly are. You see we’ve been asleep for a long time. Now we are waking up to our Divinity in Human form. This is the most grand time of all times to be here on this planet experiencing this great leap.

You are the chosen ones.


The New Energies And The Human System

As the new energies are revealing themselves it is causing changes within our energy systems. How we metabolize energy is changing. Our Chakras are experiencing shifts in how they use the energies that are becoming more available to us though our shifts in consciousness. When you shift your consciousness into a higher vibration you begin to metabolize the energies to match that shift. This changes the the dynamic of the chakra that is metabolizing the energy from the etheric into the physical.


When you have old issues, patterns, trauma stuck in the chakras, this can prevent the shift into higher consciousness from taking place in the human body.


This is often the reason behind disease as well.

Therefore it is highly desirable to work on releasing these old energies that are associated with the “old paradigm”. In doing so will create a greater ability for the Human System to evolve into greater expression of your Divine Essence, bringing greater health and balance as well.


What Happens When I Shift?

When you clear the old out and begin to allow more of your Divinity to express its’ self through your Human Self you become much more ready and able to live your Divine Expression here on Planet Earth. There is nothing more fulfilling than living one’s Divine Expression through the Human Experience… When we begin to do this on a regular basis we are in the beginnings of creating Heaven on Earth.

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