Basics of supernatural order

Submitted by Mario on Mon, 09/07/2015 - 05:47

Basics of supernatural order

Consistency, paramount’s sustainability.

Looking for an uplink, not from co-active fields, but the internal conscious energy, which connects to other beings, traveling around or outside the Earth’s Orbit.

Decisions are one of the main formations which takes part in what is going to be transcribed by energetic downloads, sustainability will be governed by consistency.


Governing flow is changing we are now embarking on consistent flows which should allow us to type on this phone a message where individuals will read from websites/blogs.


Transporting energy Matter in distribution to individuals as packets of energetic downloads which should allow us to bring in a concept or channeling from outside sources by (telepathic) communications.


Substantially... Initially we will partake in a message which is given to Mario from core extensions... Venues which splice the generic formations of our words by sending in energy formulated, transfigured for the human anatomy (Brain/Heart/Body) Soul and Light Body.

Initially my codes have been sent and now we partake in some form of channeling which should allow me to go into a trance where I will connect in deeper ways to substantiate differentials of where these words are going to shift from my writing to transcribing in parts a telepathic communication with beings/ships orbiting Earths Atmosphere.


Downloads are beginning and from Paramountability as an example, Before I wrote the 5 Documents within Paramountability I saw a ship outside with my girlfriend whom I asked to power up and they did. Initially that event did give me downloads which not long after I was able to wright the 5 documents Each having 888 words with the 5th One being named Paramountability which is written with alignments at the end of every line to form waves which are at precise measures, in took from the fabrics of the initial force which I was working with.

Another handy tool which I was utilizing was Amphetamines, this helped me keep long amounts of focus and quality to wright those 5 Writings under 4 Hours, I took Breaks of 10, 5 and 20 to 30 minutes, between each writing before the next assimilation came in. As I am a smoker my breaks consisted of one cigarette.

Links to Paramountability will be posted at the end of this writing.


Now we begin a custom message for Mario Arseneault our grid workers are working thoroughly for high adjustments which portends to fabrics which have shifted by the energetic assembly which is transcribed to Mario.

Initially this message can be brought back to individuals for proof of assessment in connections which are made from some intuitive empaths and more so them who are called star seeds have exponential features which helps us work with them (the ships) and align matters here on Earth by grounding firstly then anchoring the energies which is given to us freely.

Time is the only option which is took for advances within these messages we are all about to have a big wave of energetic events which will portrait great shifts in this Universe as the Earth.

The effects of this wave will be seen by many as for the energy emitted from it will allow us to give into more activity which should allow us to come closer to you, in the sky’s also as the transparent formations of energy (orbs) and more so from your senses... By attuning your senses to us the fabrics which are known to come about from a rise in frequencies which resembles high energy or love energy can be accustomed to our readers as this information is linking points in the grids where we can anchor by allowing yourself to ground these energies in positions where you are at reading this information.

More... Thoroughly the effects can be substantiated by differentials what we expect from you is gathering the necessary awareness to bypass the mind which can deceive or conceive things which are holographic in nature as though forms which can be carried into the atmosphere as Morphogenetic fields can bring about a shift individually if we can keep good statuses of contact or initial downloads which portends to higher frequency stasis which is a formulation for better transparency which allows you to dismember our frequencies to allow new energies to come in.


By remembering the formations, concept, energy which "trans-personalizes" our frequencies to higher attributable forms of conscious energy then we can begin higher forms of contact.

Initially this should be noted as a remembrance to those who are working thoroughly for advances on disclosure and other possible manifestations, events, which can shift the general world view and bring about better experiences and new functions within our own genomes main management processes which are worked around from our senses and our consciousness as awareness and so on. By having fabrics as these develop we will be bringing about better notions to people who have a hard time realiz8ng how easy it can be to see a ship outside in the skies, you don’t need to be smart to understand what I am talking about... All it takes is a bit of practice and asking as yourself who or what you wish to see and then the initial event should happen when the time is right.

Now to take part in these messages should allow us to zero on your consciousness where individually the connections can be made by giving into your consent and liability towards free will choice which should change substantial things as you decisions and ideas towards what you witness with your senses in some amount of time after gradually having more than one active field of awareness open. You shall be able to sense the truth by exemption of your minds awareness from past analogies which can make things difficult for us.

In attendance we will keep a short eye on the problems which takes place on the Earth, as for wars and other dualistic activity which combines the good and bad energies to form what we term war should be noted as something in which we have no understanding of.

Initially these things are very harmful in effects of what is attributable to our worlds (advances) in consciousness and general activity which supplies individuals with formations (words) which can be adequate to initially give a rise in frequencies and subdue the intellect (thoughts) which works by having grounded some past energies from other humans on this Earth.

The percentage of individuals having a hard time to connect to us is partially over 29% of your Earths population.

Many are connected without much notice because we work to bring about change as needed without having to "interfere".

Now this is a nice word inter-fear, the meaning can be known as entering fear, in which we have no allowance on this factor in substantial remarks made by Mario we now see that fear is one of the greatest forms of frequencies which shatter the higher links connections.

As many are not aware that we have connections with them, to them, there is many ways in which they could have feared us from a standpoint which shatters the original picture and gives them a "bad programming" which is initially what we term bypassing the limits of individual fear which corrupts our potential to work as beings which can help instead of deceive.

By allowing ourselves to come to you, it is because you are ready to receive our energies and communion by chance this can bring more fractals in assessments of the connection.


We are working thoroughly to get a good connection with Mario.

In his Initial stages one of our hyper dimensional beings had accepted to go meet Mario on the ground with great care in reasoning the parts which could have brought him to a break in his minds functions.

Because the formulation of the Earths grids while allowing him to initially be connected to us without him noticing, we brought him to susceptible changes which carried on classifications for the time in which we came in contact with him in physicality by having his awareness shift, by doing things in which he would notice by little, the effects of another force which he suspected was something going on inside his brain which was uncomfortable to say the least as he did not want to go to other individuals he wanted to be in a singular space where he could be by himself to work out all that was needed until we had contact with him to bring about a transformation in his general activity and role here on Earth.

This was portrayed and portended/fabricated for him to understand the effects of technologies and other potential links to substantial things which are not known to many on this Earth.

Individually by looking at information on YouTube we can allow a certain percentage of individuals to cross over a threshold which keeps them from or in a cycle which helps them advance at quicker rates for individual or group work with higher dimensional beings and individually other secret forces which are working on the Earth.


Namaste, thank you for taking the time to read we are pleased with the visitors on the site initially this web site has been formed with a lot of effects gathered from channelings and initially events which took place by contact.

Donations are greatly appreciated, we will continue to post messages until the time comes for us to ascend into another space in time.

Brave light workers and light warriors take part in your initial roles to help individuals cross over the threshold where we will be able to work with you in more different ways. Thank you.



Ok so the consistency was there after many words which I had after going into some monotone speed, as the writing was shifting at different places I would speak from the Galactic Federation of Light to individuals whom are reading my messages to supplice information in spaces where the right time, which is needed for us to advance a step further will come in the days to come September and October should be kept a good Eye on (View) of information which individuals have as access from many sources and others which can potentially bring about their higher experiences on this Earth.

Please take care of yourselves and take the time to be grateful and meditate at least 5mins every day for mindfulness and contact.


11:30Pm end of message.



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