The Age of Transparency

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 09/09/2015 - 11:34

There is SO much happening energy wise right now I hardly know where to start.

Firstly, there is a LOT of healing happening within us and between us right now. Really, healing doesn't even feel like the right word. More so we are receiving 'perspective adjustments and corrections' allowing us to say "Ohhhhh" and "Aaaahhh", "Now I see! Now I understand! Now I get it!" And this feels like healing because suddenly the heart doesn't feel so tight. Our tension connected to something, or someone, softens. We are feeling love, compassion, forgiveness or even a neutral 'live and let live' for situations that may have pained us for years or eons. And this feels...liberating. It can also feel very emotional, so you may want to cry. So, cry.

We may not even consciously or mentally comprehend why we suddenly feel 'softer' or 'different'. We just do. Many of you may be having healing interactions in your dreams or real life reality with people from your past or present, allowing a final closure or new opening, allowing old dense energy to leave, allowing space for more of a lighter heart energy. Allowing space for more love. Allowing space for more of who you really are - more of who you always were.

You may not be aware of what is going on in your night time travels, but find yourself waking up feeling different, feeling warm or like something has happened, you just can't remember what. Your body remembers, your cells remember, your energy remembers. Your conscious self will remember whatever it needs to, when it needs to. You might even like to have that as a little affirrmation "I remember what I need to, when I need to."

Old covers that have been over our eyes and our hearts for years, or actually more like thousands of years, are being flung off faster than you can say 'Veil'. Today I referred to these times as the 'Age of Transparency'. A combination of energetic and technological evolution means that we can now see everything, and everyone, including ourselves, more clearly (the good, the bad and the ugly). Energy waves revealing more of our light and our shadow daily, hackers and whistleblowers revealing secrets, truthseekers seeking and revealing truth.

Speaking of revelations, the word Apocalypse is often associated with this time of Revelations. This word is from the Greek and Latin words meaning 'lifting of the veils', 'that which was hidden to be revealed'. So for those out there waiting for the Apocalypse, we're in it right now - thank God, thank Gaia! And (so far) it isn't this one big event, it is a series of waves. Huge, huge waves. Only unlike that ridiculous 2012 movie, they aren't water waves, they are energy waves.

Sometimes they are really soft and gentle, feeling like warm, soothing balm washing over our weary hearts and souls. Other times they are like a mack track, wooshka, slamming into us, awakening any remaining parts of us that had been hitting the snooze button one too many times. Some waves trigger memory, other waves are pressing "GO" on your creativity, passion and purpose.

Somewhat like labour, some waves are more intense than others. Sometimes they come all on top of each other, and we find ourselves receiving a quantum leap to some new awareness, direction or destination. At other times we are given a bit of a break, a rest, a reprieve, a time to integrate and embody our most recent shift within the multiple shifts we are all going through.

Embody is a key word here:

What are you feeling called to do more of, and less of?

What are you being called toward, and away from?

What and who do you want to have around you (and what/who do you not)?

What foods is your body asking you to eat? What are you being asked to let go of.

These waves aren't just here so that we can ask 'when are the waves over already?' They are the waves we have read about, talked about, wished for and asked for, for a looooong time! They are here to help us, so let them help you. Use them to ride forward into the highest possible version of yourself, the version that is here to play a part in creating the best highest possible version of reality for humanity and our planet.

How are you feeling? Do you feel a shift in your heart related to yourself and others? Have you had any profound healing moments or re-connections (dream or real life) lately?

(c) Dana Mrkich 2015


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