Submitted by Stick on Sun, 09/27/2015 - 08:27


Message from the One and Only

September  23, 2015

In the Light of at-ONE-ment




This crucial message from the One and Only was received today, September 23rd, 2015 by Gerald O’Donnell, a day when the portals to the Most High were kept opened and unencumbered as the day of at-One-ment unfolded.



Today is an important day in the unfolding of the Creative processes which the One and Only operates.

Today, all the gates which perceptually separate man from his Maker have been kept open, on purpose, so that a flow is restored between the original Source of all thoughts and creative endeavors, and their manifold expressions at all levels of Creation.

This is a unique and important moment, a point of singularity, that allows the One to enter at will the many that are expressing It on all levels.

Creation is at a crossroads between eternal Peace and Life, and final chaos.

In this very difficult period and challenge, the two real final opposite poles of perceptive realms -- The One and the many -- have to turn around and at long last embrace themselves, face to face, in a final act of Love and Unification, where the One perceives the many as Himself and thence cares for them as Himself, and the many Creatures, at all levels, perceive the One as themselves and thence care for Its expression and manifestation across and throughout their realms of operations.

This final embrace has been long in the making.

Many entities have spoken at length about this era which pertains not only to this Creation but to all Creations at once.

It is the beginning a new era -- the Real Creation, the Real Beginning, where man listens to God, and God listens to the desires and hopes of man, and manifest them as they are in tune with His tendencies and hopes for them, as Himself.

A great deal of dislocation, imbalance, and suffering has already occurred in this and many other realms.

Battling forces that have lost all contact with their origins are fighting to impose their will or mode of operations upon others.

Many have faltered and lost their ways and this is becoming acutely manifested across most levels of Creation.

The cry of the innocent and the meek is seldom heard.

The Earth has been pillaged intensively and deeply damaged for her resources, and great instability shall soon ensue if humankind does not correct its ways and balance itself in a loving embrace, face to face, with its environment that nurtures it and gives it sustenance and Life force.

Great and Holy souls have been deeply injured in a final attempt to rescue a lost humanity from a disastrous fate. Many have ceased to speak. Many have departed, discouraged and deeply wounded.

Mankind knows only of few of those, and instead of listening to their common messages, they have rather created stories or legends around their lives and focused far, far more on the stories of these short lives than on the messages that they were trying to convey. And those messages were always asking humanity to unite and love each other, and never ever to engage in unjust combat, battles, and competition against each other.  

And the Holy Source of these messages became lost and forgotten as mankind started to focus mostly on the messengers and not on the message. So the messages became distorted in order to fit the tendencies that many powerful men wanted them to reflect.

Many ask if God is now actively causing all the strong convulsions which are ripping humanity throughout this planet. And the answer is: It does not have to do so, since chaos is brought about by mankind and imbalanced energies that have infiltrated this realm and abode in order to keep man separated from its Maker.

The One is only about Oneness, peace, unity, hope, and great Love spreading across all and every creatures.

Barriers are unknown to Its Mind; so are colors, races, religions, or systems of economical and political dreams, for to the One all is but One, and the One sees all as Himself, as One.

The perception of separation is foreign to It. That perception is only given to Its lower elements and creatures, through ingenious systems that allow for such perceptions to exist and operate between facets, groupings and all the points of Light that they encompass.

Were the One to remove these perceptions fully, all the facets, all the points of His Consciousness, would merge into One and fully disappear within Its One Eternal and Infinite Mind.

That is why the reconciliation of the One with the many needs to be achieved in a slow, painstaking but glorious manner, and soon so.

You are running out of perceived time. Although time is but an illusion, steps are not. And within the effects that you are causing, a moment shall soon come, a point, where the full fragile balance of your common biological parent which is the Holy Kingdom of Nature shall start to collapse, rapidly so, and engulf all of humanity without any exception into a very painful horrific period which could culminate in the end of this experience if you, as mankind, do not take immediate steps to let go of your perceived differences and lack of understanding of each other and of your role here and engage fully in all your endeavors and your energies into full cooperation and a great desire to save yourselves from your selves.

You will need to let go of old programs that have shown not to serve you well. You will need to unwind patterns that you keep repeating blindly that have hurt so many so often and that have no reasons to exist ever more again.

You will need to unite across all boundaries, all separations, all cultures, all religions, and break these barriers once and for all in the name of the true Loving Unity that you were born in and come from and should go back to.

You can still do it and when and if you so decide to achieve this Holy goal, the One will manifest healing of your Being, both individually and collectively, and of the magnificent planet of operation upon which you were placed and created from.  

And miraculous moments shall arrive where you will feel finally that you are all one family and have this feeling in the depth of your soul as a constant reminder of who you are, where you come from, and where you shall all go to again.

Lay down your weapons, be they on physical planes, or mental ones.

Create only technologies that advance the totality of the human condition in full harmony with its planetary body.

Do not create technologies in order to profit from them only. This is the pitfall of man, to put his desire for profits above the good of all his brothers and sisters.

Return to your roots. Respect the sacredness of the incredible miracle which life is as it was gifted to all of you by the Eternal. Do not soil it. Do not deprave it. It is in the creation of Life that you are co-creating with the Creator.

Focus only on that, on your nurturing this Holy gift and propagating it. Do not cease it from propagating! Do not shorten its span of experiences! Focus on your children. Cherish them more than you cherish your selves and the Eternal will see you for the pillars of strength and love which you are manifesting as mother and father. Do not stop this magnificent experiment!

Believe, in the depth of yourself, that you, together with your Creator, can bring about a higher, far better expression of your creative selves across this universe. And soon, as you engage in that across all the universes, they will sing in unison the symphony of Love of the Holy One manifested across all of His world forever and ever, as your life becomes but the Life of the Eternal and the Eternal becomes but fully imbued with His manifold Lives. And Eternal Life shall then be you fate.

This will be all.

The One and Only



Kindly spread this message as wide and to as many as you can. This would be a great act of Love and Oneness towards others and appreciated as such. PLEASE share this transforming communication with as many friends,  family, and other individuals as you can. Here is the link to this message: The Light of at-ONE-ment. Message from the One and Only. September 23, 2015

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