Triple Water Astrology – The Critical Degree! Weekly Horoscope – Week Starting Friday, October 9, 2015

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 10/08/2015 - 16:38


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Uranus and Neptune are now the only two retrograde planets in the heavens. This recalls the current overarching theme of the struggle and connection between the two: time groans slowly forward and carries us closer to Neptune releasing his influence to Uranus and the Age of Aquarius. Of interest and perhaps relief to some people, Mercury in Libra is no longer retrograde. Thought and communication, particularly in a social context, feels more “normal”. However, Mercury retrograde’s better features may have been savored by those who diligently took advantage of the opportunities. (Deep and meaningful communication and initiating extensive networking efforts, to name a few.) Sun in Libra forms a t-square with Uranus and Pluto this week. While Pluto is the focal point of the cardinal t-square, the most direct aspect among the three planets is the Sun-Uranus opposition. With core consciousness touching both Uranus’ revolution and Pluto’s transformation by hard aspects, this week is largely about change. Disruption and upheaval might be unpleasant – but perhaps Sun in Libra is suggesting that teamwork is one antidote to managing the two outer titans’ more undesirable effects. No doubt that opportunities exist via the difficulties. Taking the initiative and finding ways to make change constructive can significantly push personal and professional goals forward this week.

Mars, Jupiter, and Pluto in earth signs still form a “power trio”, particularly useful for work and career goals. Venus starts to encroach on the three by the end of the week. Venus is a busy planet this week, additionally forming an opposition to Neptune. Neptune is much stronger by sign. Venus seems to be saying, the most humble and seemingly insignificant manner of cooperating or giving service is a direct first step to reaching Neptune’s greater collective. Meticulous attention to detail has a direct sense of inspiration and creativity associated with it, particularly within relationships. Jupiter also continues to oppose Neptune; such a strong presence of four planets, including Jupiter and Neptune, in the Virgo-Pisces axis, draws attention to spirituality firmly in the mix of energies this week.

What might this week portend for you? Consider your Sun sign and rising sign/ascendant as well.


This week can be one of really hitting your stride. Aries Sun builds on the earthy intensity of the week, which peaks for you on October 15. The week is highly favorable for an upbeat, sharp manner of attending to work and various demands involving detailed, meticulous efforts. While work and career tend to flow smoothly for Aries, also consider the importance of relationships in moving your goals forward and enjoying life. Sun, Mercury, and Juno opposite your Sun’s sign meld the vitality, work, and relationships themes together nicely elsewhere for you in the transits. This dynamic week also has potential for displaying authority via your specialty and perhaps interacting with those in higher positions from October 9 to 11. Reaching large audiences, using theory, and attaining true understanding of various concepts, situations, or people is promising for Aries from October 11 to 14. Final thought for Aries: listening to or reading about spiritual ideas might be an interesting way to break up your week.


The week has a heavier feel for Taurus Sun, but it can definitely be productive. Authority and various restrictions are most prominent at the beginning of the week. Despite the uphill feeling this imposes, responding to structure and giving attention to detail can pay dividends now or down the road. The spirituality theme grows stronger for Taurus as the week progresses. Difficult, demanding work contains a sense of cheery inspiration and purpose, if you determine to make it so. Ambition and intensity in your personal and professional life also become stronger as the week passes. Relationships, particularly at work, is another theme for Taurus consider how to approach this week. Tending to what appears to be minor details in relationships might become significant in the big picture of your life. Watch also for past issues surfacing more often than usual from October 13 to 15. The final few days of the week are also an opportunity to see situations as they truly exist, and implement some “housekeeping” or cleaning out in your life if you so chose. Final thought for Taurus: if someone obtains the better end of a deal with you, consider allowing it to be something they can pay forward.


Be quick to take advantage of an “up” type day on October 9, a chance for Gemini Sun to be seen, expand business interests, and benefit from practical learning experiences. Also, the beginning of the week is a fantastic opportunity to assess where you’ve been and what direction you want to move forward from this point in your life. Consulting other people, formally or informally, in this regard is an intelligent course of action as well. Support from close relationships and generating ideas from close partners is another valuable theme for Gemini that becomes stronger as the week progresses. Gemini is in a wedge this week that avoids a lot of the tough energies of the transits, but misses many of the smoother ones as well. Not a bad representation of Sun in Libra! Finding the balance in your actions and in relationships this week definitely tends to serve you well and help you attain what you want and need in life. Final thought for Gemini: if you detect something to the effect of “more than meets the eye” in relationships, try tapping into your intuition.


The spirituality theme this week hits Cancer directly on October 9 and 10. Your watery Sun, already flowing reasonably well with Neptune in Pisces, is more closely aligned with Neptune’s inspiration and also broaches Jupiter’s blessings at the beginning of the week. Tending to details and partaking in demanding work activities paradoxically might lift your spirits this week, and certainly can be rewarding. Your week lightens up around October 11, a nicer time for Cancer to enjoy relationships, discuss and assimilate ideas, and find a sense of unity with other people in your life. (October 12 is particularly beneficial for reaching others through the mind.) October 13 until the end of the week is a more intense period for Cancer. However, watch for uplifting moments, opportunities to learn new ideas, and revisiting the powerful “spiritual” theme in the transits this week on October 13 and 14. Final thought for Cancer: feeling inspired is more easily attained for you this week when you seek knowledge, an interesting application of the overarching Uranus-Neptune theme mentioned in the opening comments above.


Your Sun’s sign is bereft of planets right now, but Leo Sun has plenty of activity pending this week. Leaning on other people a bit might help stabilize the ups and downs headed your way. Close relationships are especially useful in this regard from October 9 until about October 12. Leo also has the opportunity to deal with various situations in a direct and immediate manner, show leadership, and operate creatively within predefined structures from October 9 to 11, helping to mitigate the week’s potential disruptions at a time when they’re expected to peak. If you can stay a step ahead of potential problems and focus your efforts well, the first half of the week has potential to help you move substantially forward with various goals. The second half of the week isn’t necessarily a letdown for Leo, but is considerably less active. Using the first day of the week as a springboard to leap optimistically into what you want to accomplish helps lead to success by week’s end. Final thought for Leo: friends might bring unexpected, but welcome, perspectives for you this week.


The stellium of planets in your Sun’s sign at the start of the week signifies this week looking up for Virgo Sun. Venus’ ease acting with Jupiter’s abundance in your Sun’s sign doesn’t guarantee immunity from the tougher, more intense influences of the transits, but the duo portends a more enjoyable than average week for Virgo. Benefiting from close relationships and forming alliances with other people, with a bit of luck and work, augments the Venus-Jupiter theme for you, if indirectly. Productivity at work is a favorable theme for Virgo, given the effort to meet the demands of authority and being determined to acclimate to predefined structures. The spirituality theme edges into the picture more strongly for Virgo by the end of the week. Thus a potentially productive and enjoyable week culminates into touching spirit, if you focus on doing so. Final thought for Virgo: repeating lessons and actions might feel tiresome, but the potential reward this week appears to be worth it – increased strength of mind.


The Sun is over halfway through your Sun’s sign at this time. Mercury in your Sun’s sign is now direct. Sun and Mercury therefore create a much different feel for Libra Sun in this second half of your solar return month. Use of logic and the mind, and collaborating in order to learn and benefit from commerce, is a subtle but relevant theme for Libra on October 9 and 10. The same can be said during those two days in determining how to proceed with your life, particularly regarding relationships. Ambition and drive related to work and career is reasonably strong this week. The current “expanding power” theme in the heavens starts influencing you directly by the end of the week, obviously another useful theme in work and career. Also consider how to use additional focus and devotion available to you during the first half of the week. Final thought for Libra: with Jupiter in the Virgo sign, preceding your Sun’s, how might you integrate pieces of something into a larger picture this week?


The change theme this week affects Scorpio Sun most intensely, but your Sun probably would feel slightly let down if the situation were otherwise. Changing self or others, certainly within the realm of your Sun’s conscious purpose, is made to order for you this week. Collaboration and seeking harmony, combined with doing the necessary and difficult work, has much better chances than average of leading to meaningful and lasting change. Not that the entire week is uphill – far from it! Scorpio has a flowing theme of “growth through harmony” entering the picture by the end of this week, a kinder and gentler theme in contrast to the more abrupt, intense change theme. Also consider how favorable energies in the transits this week encourage you to take action, compete, and exert personal will in order to expand your interests and move projects and goals forward in work and career. Final thought for Scorpio: ironically, forming a consensus at key moments, rather than competing, might be an additional, effective way to move your aspirations forward this week.


A sense of creativity and inspiration, along with intense ambition orientated towards detailed efforts and service to others, helps working life touch spirit this week for Sagittarius Sun. Career and spirituality seem to be an odd combination, but perhaps your ruling planet, Jupiter, in the Virgo sign is the key to amalgamating the two this week. Attention to detail, while retaining an understanding of the big picture, is a powerful concept at your disposal if you can find a way to implement it. Focusing on earthy details and expanding your interests via becoming more organized and efficient contains potential for Sagittarius this week. Also consider that ambition does not have to be associated with profit! Providing assistance and service to others might also be rewarding, a path to reaching Neptune’s bliss. Also watch for various relationships taking on added significance for you as the week draws to a close. Final thought for Sagittarius: creatively applying insight at the right times this week by drawing together details into the big picture has promising potential at work for you this week.


Sun in Libra defines the week well for Capricorn Sun. Transiting Sun squaring your Sun by sign can be tough, but also suggests that your natural ambition and achievement-oriented Sun has greater than average opportunities to shine. Thought and logic, particularly involving brainstorming and team efforts, flows well for Capricorn and can provide increasing returns if enough effort is applied. Relationships tend to be very productive at work, however, be aware of too much structure surrounding personal relationships this week. No doubt that the spiritual type theme in the heavens also directly affects Capricorn. Navigating relationships in work and personal life well lead to a sense of inspiration and touching spirit. A strong plus for you this week: a direct, flowing sense of dedication and commitment involved with what you choose to focus your energy on. Final thought for Capricorn: consider how “private” accomplishments carry significance in addition to those you’re recognized for.


Libra Sun’s balance theme hits Aquarius Sun intensely this week, with a peak day on October 11. Libra Sun is well attuned to yours; Libra is an airy sign, as yours is; both your Sun and Sun in Libra are very social; and Libra is about harmony and balance with other people, while your Sun, further along in the zodiac, is about reaching others through associations and ideas. Aquarius is a bit more independent, therefore, but the power of teamwork and combining efforts is a crucial lesson to revisit and works well for you this week. Aquarius ultimately has the opportunity this week to build personal power through relationships with other people that emphasize change. A sense of unity and intensely revisiting the strong balance theme returns on October 12, thus October 11 and 12 have great potential for what you care to make of those days…networking and collaboration can be fantastically productive, and conversely, socializing, sharing, and experiencing the company of others can be immensely enjoyable. Final thought for Aquarius: watch carefully if you find a situation “winding down” – that is probably your cue to find the next path forward.


An earthy week is in store for Watery Pisces Sun. Tough determination to obtain what you want from work and career is a prominent theme for you this week. A more placid side of work also slowly emerges as the week continues. Your Sun is well attuned to spiritual service to other people; tending to details and necessary work in relationships has a fulfilling feel that your Sun is attuned to accessing this week. Awareness of structure is also important throughout the week. Demanding work can result in creative achievements, but too much authority can stifle you! Therefore Sun in Libra right now is useful in finding the correct balance with structure in order to maximize your creative Sun’s potential. You also have special access to a powerful combination of using leadership and authoritative qualities to push your interests forward, despite the “grime” or unpleasant details sometimes inherent with the position of being in charge. For those with Sun in Pisces and an interest in the metaphysical, an unusual (and rarely occurring) theme of “specializing in the occult” and using or discovering little-known techniques or methods to increase mastery of New Age type concepts and practices is in effect for you this week. Final thought for Pisces: bearing in mind the intense “New Age” type theme, don’t be daunted by mysteries this week! Persistence is the key to unraveling them.

Disclaimer: please consult the appropriate professional in regards to any area of your life discussed in this horoscope, as it is not intended to replace them. This is for entertainment purposes only and contains the personal opinions of the writer. Offense to any reader is unintentional. Any problem or protest with the newsletter or the opinions of the author should be relayed to

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