It will not be long now before you will begin to see some of what you have been hoping for appear

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 02/06/2012 - 11:23

Greetings dear ones, we come again assure you that all is well and is proceeding according to plan. The world is awakening in greater numbers now. Many are beginning to understand that there is much more to their lives than what they had been taught or were expected to believe. Society is changing because the individuals who make up society are becoming more enlightened. There are those in all countries rebelling against the old ways. They are experiencing an inner knowing of their right to freedom to live in ways that are best for them while respecting that same truth for others as well.


Try not to be discouraged for even though you often do not see the changes, they are happening, your news is not clear and you do not hear all that you could. Many who courageously insist upon change in the world have lost their fear, reflecting a new and higher state of awareness now beginning to manifest in the outer.


We congratulate you dear ones and tell you to be patient, observant, and centered within truth at all times. Send Light to the Middle East for this area still holds much denseness and old energy. It will be a new time for this area also, but the heaviness is holding change at a slower pace. There are many in these areas that are enlightened, but are unable to speak of it at this time. We salute the courage of those who live from the heart in spite of appearances.


There is much chaos within your government. It is going to be changing in many ways. The Light is effecting those who hold to what is old and finished. There will be many surprises before your election, and those who play the game as it has always been played are in for these surprises.


It will not be long now before you will begin to see some of what you have been hoping for appear. Again we emphasize that change must come from you, not us. We observe and stand by to help you in your decisions but this world is your world, your choices make up your world, and you have reached a tuning point. Have no fear dear ones, you are doing it. Your awakening is changing the energy of earth.


Gaia, who is a living soul and not a piece of dirt, is releasing all that has been imposed upon her over the ages--the negative energy of battlefields, areas of pain and suffering due to mans' inhumanity to man, areas in which many were made to live and feel less than human, and any locations still holding the resonance of violence and death. Gaia has held these heavy energies for a long time and is now releasing them in order to bring in the higher dimensional energies of ascension.


Do not believe that ascension only took place long ago to one man-Jesus. Each will experience their own ascension as they attain higher and higher states of consciousness allowing them to hold the higher frequencies of Light. Ascension is never an event outside yourselves as many of you have been taught, but is your earned shift into a higher state of consciousness bestowed by your Higher Self only when you are ready.


The rites and rituals of organized religions will slowly become obsolete. You are ready to understand the true meaning that underlies rites and rituals, but at the same time are now ready to let go of giving power to them through believing that they will make you into what you already are. This awareness means that many tools must be let go of as they have served their purpose and many of you have become dependent upon them. Could Divine Source need a crystal, a candle, a certain way of standing or moving, or an organized group in order to be Itself-Source? Think abut these things. You are the manifestation of Source and are being guided by your Higher Selves to understand, incorporate, and make this truth your state of consciousness. This is the entirety of the evolutionary journey--remembering who you are.


Tools are helpful at times. Beautiful crystal energy can sooth, candles give a lovely ambiance and sense of peace. All the tools can be helpful especially for the beginner. We do not say to give up those tools that you love, but to give up the belief that you NEED these things in order to be what you already are. Many who have lived their lives through rites and rituals are finding the idea of giving them up very difficult. Some have come to identify themselves with these rites, rituals, and tools, especially religious leaders and even some "new age" light workers. These dear ones have taught these rites and rituals because they have been handed down and taught to them, and they have worked in the past. Because of this, many take pride and confidence in their abilities and beliefs. However, it is a new time dear ones, you are being guided to let go of all that would draw you outside of yourselves, in order that you can enter into a realization of Oneness--that because you are the manifestation of the Divine, all you need is already within you.


This is the surrender talked about in mystical literature of all ages. This is the death of the ego, the release of all that is not real about who your are. This does not mean that you will never enjoy those things you love, but you will come to know and enjoy them on a higher level.


Know that nothing real can ever be lost, it can only manifest on higher and higher levels because anything real is maintained and sustained by Divine Law. What is real? Love, peace, joy, abundance, harmony, life-- all qualities of Source; infinitely manifesting Itself as you.

We are the Arcturian Group 2/5/2012.

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