Triple Water Astrology – The Anaretic Degree! Sun in Scorpio 2015 newsletter

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 10/25/2015 - 21:05


Sun has started his transit through the intense, watery Scorpio sign. The format this month will revert to the usual four topics, but due to time pressure I am going to use the ingress chart as the basis for the analysis. Will Sun entering Sagittarius finally give me a break? lol

The ingress chart is most interesting. Sun makes a conjunction to Apollon (Transneptunian) in the critical degree of Scorpio. It gives the impression of a magnetic, mysterious celebrity. This month is therefore somewhat geared towards more reclusive study and learning, although Apollon is also about making yourself known and presenting a persistent, upbeat image to the world. Apollon-Sun at 0 Scorpio is about presenting a powerful image of yourself, and teaching self or others in order to change your perspectives. Thus the Sun in Scorpio theme begins this year in a manner we will not experience again.

Moon in the ingress chart is not only in Pisces, but she is also trining Sun in Scorpio and she is making an exact conjunction with Neptune retrograde. This links Sun and Moon harmoniously (easy flow between the conscious and subconscious, meshing vitality and purpose with the emotional base smoothly, a flowing link between the masculine and feminine, etc.). The rulers of Sun and Moon in the ingress chart therefore are also brought to attention: Neptune (ruling Pisces; imagination, idealism, spirituality) and Pluto (ruling Scorpio; transformation, raw power) become a strong part of the mix of energies this month.

On that basis, let’s see what is of importance this month, so that you might gear you efforts to be more aligned with the energies in order to experience greater prosperity.


Neptune/Moon in Pisces trining Scorpio Sun gives the impression of navigating the depths of spirituality. The ingress chart isn’t overly watery, but the luminaries and Neptune certainly create watery influence. Saturn squares Moon/Neptune, creating a nice framework for accessing “emotional spirituality” or intuiting spiritual needs or longings from the unconscious. The tradeoff, however, is that it demands great effort. Most certainly the ingress also has a karmic feel (Moon square Saturn).

Poseidon (Transneptunian) is in the same sign as Sun all month. Watch for November 4 to 6 for wisdom, insight, and ultimately, enlightenment. While this obviously is not meant to state that a period of three days can help a person attain complete spirituality, I suggest that significant effort might result in a significant step forward in that regard. Sun-Poseidon over those days is also fantastic for recalling and using one of the opening themes I suggested, learning (more specifically with Poseidon, learning theory).

The Virgo-Pisces axis is powerful at the beginning of the month. Neptune is opposite of her acolyte, Venus, as well as the religious and higher learning-minded Jupiter, with Mars just within an opposition as well. Five of the ten planets in Virgo or Pisces in the ingress chart! I am not sure Moon is a direct bridge to Neptune, although in the ingress chart she basically is due to her proximity. Venus is a direct connection to reaching Neptune’s bliss. The symbolism could not be more appropriate or astounding with Venus in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces. The smallest, most humble act of service to others is a first step to reaching Neptune’s greater collective and endless spiritual domain. Jupiter is also a rather direct step to Neptune, in that religious rituals (in Virgo, meticulous and detailed ceremonies for example), careful, logical learning, and generating wisdom and paying attention to the more philosophical side of life helps lead to Neptune’s infinite bliss.


The intense, watery Scorpio Sun suggests intensity and change in relationships this month. Juno is conjunct Mercury in mid-Libra, quite closely, in the ingress chart. Communication with significant others is therefore of elevated importance. Juno is also opposite Uranus in the ingress chart. This gives close relationships a “wild card” type of feel, could be anything! Spontaneity and using new ideas to help close relationships along definitely is attuned to Uranus-Juno.

Venus (collaboration) is weak by sign, but expanded by Jupiter. Paying attention to details in relationships is a continuing Venus in Virgo theme. Venus tends to be more on the analytical side in Virgo, and she is far from her exaltation, Pisces, in which she shows great empathy and compassion, and can be very emotionally and spiritually attuned to others. Still, I always insist that “weak” or out of place planets can be strengths when the deficits inherent in the way the zodiacal energy manifests through the planet is attended to. Relationships have an upbeat feel due to Jupiter’s proximity, and the Jupiter in Virgo theme (both Venus and Jupiter are weak by sign in Virgo, of great interest) might affect Venus in that seeing both the details of a situation along with the big picture can be used to benefit. Relationships also have a feel of expansion and growth, but shy away from excesses.

Mars in proximity of Venus gives the sense of doing necessary work in relationships, seeing relationships and issues therein in a practical manner, and having plenty of personal drive and will to attend to relationships.

Cupido (Transneptunian) is not particularly in the picture in the ingress chart. Cupido (marriage, togetherness) is at 24 Sagittarius, anticipating a conjunction with the Galactic Center within about three years. Venus-Mars-Jupiter are moving towards a square with Cupido as well; this is especially fortunate for marriage and activities involving groups that you might participate in, whether in work and career or extracurricular. Watching for Venus and Jupiter, especially, hitting 23 Virgo. That is very much worth marking on your calendar (Venus – November 2 and 3; Jupiter starting December 27).


The “big drop” did not last or become worse. I am not sure that I have much to say about finance this month, and I can think of several people who specialize in financial astrology or other methods who are adept at market analysis. I personally like to seek out and follow other types of competent, accurate forecasters (Gann methodologists, Elliotticians).

Pluto (ruler of Scorpio) has an interesting symbolism including that of representing the underworld. Therefore Scorpio is a money sign, already basically known through Scorpio’s reputation for handling joint resources (taxes, insurance, inheritances, debts and earnings contributed to a single household). The fixity of the Scorpio sign suggests, to me, that this time of the year is propitious for assessing your current finances and crafting a strategy for the future, in terms of saving, spending, and investing. The more secret, the better! No need to show everyone your hand (with the exception of advisers, spouses, etc.).

I see no impediments to making large purchases this month. Mercury and Venus in each other’s signs suggests that collaboration when doing research and negotiating is wise.


This month is indeed about work. Sun-Apollon is favorable for expanding your interests and making your faithful, productive efforts known at work. Venus-Mars-Jupiter in Virgo also emphasizes work and service to an employer. Jupiter is about expansion, and Apollon is a multiplier. The two showing influence in the ingress chart draws attention to creating increasing returns from projects already implemented. Personal ambition takes precedence over cooperation and harmony, but it’s still part of the expansion. Jupiter in Virgo is one of my favorite themes – paying attention to the big picture AND the details is an awesome way to look at work or other areas of life. Sun in Scorpio is saying that adding personal power and sharp perspectives to the mix has potential for moving you forward this month. Power up!

Happy solar return to friend with natal Sun in Scorpio. See you next month. Mike

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