Sheldan Nidle 2~7~12 ~ Heaven has authorized us to help direct what is now happening on your planet!

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 02/07/2012 - 14:59

Sheldan Nidle 2~7~12 ~ Heaven has authorized us to help direct what is now happening on your planet.


9 Akbal, 16 Yax, 8 Manik


Dratzo! We return! We come to tell you that Earth’s secret sacred societies are very close to success. Both the Eastern and Western branches of these societies recently signed off on a number of documents confirming that the dark no longer has any input regarding the running of the world’s finances. A good many minor details remain outstanding and are currently being resolved. This means that the dark is no longer an insuperable impediment to change, and the Light, fully in the ascendant, now dictates what will happen in your world. We watch as the various secret sacred societies consult with the appropriate Ascended Masters regarding the timing of your next steps to full consciousness. Your current reality is to be wiped away in accordance with the divine decrees issued by Heaven, and this inevitability has forced the dark finally to see that its resistance is pointless. Nevertheless, each individual is still imbued with a form of madness which longs for an imposed, external object of veneration. It is time for each to understand that a new way of relating and functioning within this reality is needed.


The Light has issued an agenda decreed years ago by Gaia’s Spiritual Hierarchy. These decrees emphasize the need to redefine the relationship between surface humanity and Gaia’s ecosystems. This radical reevaluation of humanity’s approach to Mother Nature will begin once the new governments are in place. Thousands of inventions are to be released which will eradicate land, water, and air pollution, and solve the energy crises forged over the past century by the dark’s greed and mindless exploitation of your environment. You will also be privy to facts about your history that are likely to anger you. We ask that you detail your new governments to hand out just sentencing to the former dark minions, as your upcoming task is to take your prosperity and new technologies and turn your world into something truly magnificent that will bring a happy smile to Mother Earth! As your saying goes, the good times are about to begin! This includes a full disclosure of first contact and of the benevolent nature of this fleet.


Our first contact fleet is watching all this progress and is advising our Earth allies and the Ascended Masters’ secret sacred societies that a divine timetable is in place. Heaven has authorized us to help direct what is now happening on your planet. As noted above, the dark knows its power has pretty much gone, and almost the only activity remaining to it is deliberate acts of provocation and sabotage to disrupt the many freedom movements around the globe. There is also the major plot to attack Iran, which is planned for late winter-early spring of this year. We are very closely monitoring the forces which are determined to launch this dastardly attack as their final act of defiance against the Light. We are also overseeing the round-up of the officials in charge of the remaining secret underground bases and dispatching them to the same facilities being used to house their former employees. These individuals are being screened to evaluate the nature and extent of their crimes.

All told, our mission here has morphed into something more extensive than merely ‘the galactic option.’ We are overseeing your entire global society’s shift out from under the dark’s stranglehold and into a cooperative network of cultures based on freedom and abundance. As you can see, this is a vast undertaking. Our liaison personnel must ensure the correct sequence of steps, beginning with the massive segue to the new global financial system which will be fully supported by a global alliance of new caretaker governments. The secret sacred societies of East and West have begun this huge first step, namely, the takeovers of several major financial corporations, and this will be followed by the abundance deliveries and the start of the changes of government. This is all set to go. We are working closely with our Earth liaisons to set up new governments and then announce the many innovative and startling changes to your global reality. Expect to hear something wonderful announced very shortly!


Blessings, dear Ones! We are your Ascended Masters! Many events are getting ready to happen. Our associates are working with many key individuals to plan the transition from your dilemma-filled world to one of graceful solutions to all your pressing needs. This requires many dedicated souls who, like us, are determined to effect these transitions, beginning step by step with the multitude of detentions and the installation of many caretaker governments. The latter will need the support and protection of their legal systems and these are coming on line as we speak. With these first steps in place, we are setting up the details of the next items on our agenda. Those who have been chosen to head up your transitional governments are preparing their public announcements, which will be followed by a series of directives that will change the very nature of the world you have always known.


Our space and Inner Earth families are to provide the needed protection around all that is to happen, and also to advise us on what can be done to move all harmoniously forward into full consciousness. New technology is available which will augment the prosperity and freedom that will fill your lives. A wide-ranging agenda will be presented to you, covering all aspects of your lives and lifting you up into an era of unprecedented peace and prosperity. Wars will end and a new form of philanthropic governance will be highly encouraged. We will make ourselves known to you, and we ask you to observe a basic morality upholding the freedom and sovereignty of each individual. We ask you to respect each other, and in divine service, together let us reverse the distressing amounts of pollution that befoul our sacred living home, Mother Earth.


There exist great, sacred teachings that need to be disseminated amongst you. Together, we can take these undiluted, universal Truths and apply them all across your world. Many of your religious books and documents have been rewritten, and in this highly diluted form have been used by the rich and powerful to fracture communities and pit nation against nation. It is time to heal these rifts and create a sense of global community. Oneness is our true state of being. We are sacred vehicles of the Creator! Let us in unity employ our immense capacity for Love and Light to bring out the beauty that lies within us. It is a time for prosperity and universal harmony to shine! A time for each to contribute our unique talents and insights. Let this magnificent energy illuminate this final lap of our journey back to full consciousness. Let us show Heaven what you are capable of!


Today, we continued with our discussion on your transition to full consciousness. Your local Spiritual Hierarchy, the peoples of Inner Earth, and the Galactic Federation of Light all assist in this operation. The moment of first contact approaches. Let us greet this moment and celebrate in joy your return to the fold of full consciousness. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!) link to original article


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