Triple Water Astrology – The Critical Degree! Weekly Horoscope – Week Starting Friday, October 30, 2015

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 10/29/2015 - 18:15


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Sun continues his transit through Scorpio this week. Mercury enters the Scorpio sign overnight on November 1 (United States time zones) drawing attention to the watery, intense Scorpio energy manifesting via thought and communication: uncovering occult knowledge, discovering secrets – or keeping them, research, solving riddles and puzzles, and perhaps intuiting future trends and anticipating events or situations via the mind are within the domain of Mercury in Scorpio. Poseidon (Transneptunian) has been in the Scorpio sign for over two decades, and transiting Sun conjuncts Poseidon exactly on November 3. Depth of insight, intense experiences and encounters that reveal information or perspectives that allow for true understanding, and subtly, yet magnetically, reaching large groups and audiences has great potential from November 2 to 4.

The stellium of planets in Virgo, Venus, Mars, and Jupiter, create a somewhat paradoxical theme of ‘driven ease and abundance’ or, stated differently, something to the effect of ‘assertively expanding collaborative efforts’. The stellium is especially favorable for work. The trio in Virgo forms a trine to Pluto in Capricorn at the beginning of the week. While Venus and Mars drift away from a harmonious connection via a trine to Pluto by the week’s end, Jupiter remains trine to Pluto all week. The two create a theme of ‘expanding power’, particularly favorable for work and career. Venus and Mars remain powered up by Pluto during the first half of the week; watch for fortification from Pluto in relationships, for example, in the form of developing perspectives through forming partnerships, again most propitious in the business and career realm.

Uranus makes an indirect but exact angle to Jupiter this week. Besides the two creating a theme of ‘expanding knowledge’, Jupiter’s connection to both Uranus and Pluto, with Uranus and Pluto square, places an increased emphasis on revolution and change this week. Additionally, Scorpio Sun encroaches on the Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto connections at the end of the week. Will Sun and Jupiter’s influence lighten the effects of the tense, long standing struggle between Uranus and Pluto?

What might this week portend for you? Consider your Sun sign and rising sign/ascendant as well.


Sun in Scorpio is meandering in a place in the zodiac far from Aries’ natal Sun. However, Mars, your Sun’s ruler, also classically rules Scorpio. Your fiery, initiating nature has a means of being very effective with Sun in Scorpio, with Pluto’s raw power exuding influence in the transits, and classical co-ruler of Mars having a very familiar influence for you. The first half of the week is opportune for Aries to compete and achieve various goals within work and career. Relationships are influential for you all week, with peak days on November 2 and 3. This week is also about “spiritual dedication” for Aries, a theme that becomes stronger as the week progresses. Dedication and commitment in the form of work and service helps you touch spirit this week, or feel inspiration. Aries also has the opportunity this week to enjoy marriage, togetherness, and extended family to a greater extent than usual from November 1 to 4. The week contains a combination of intensity and uplifting themes for you. Final thought for Aries: no additional insights for Aries this week.


The theme of seeing both “the forest and the trees” basically slides away for Taurus Sun by the end of the week, but taking advantage of the opportunity to consider the details of various situations in the context of the big picture has potential for you again this week, particularly at work. A sense of drive and determination is strong for Taurus all week, most favorable for work, with a peak day on October 31. This week is also about “assertive teamwork” for Taurus, combined with a sense of focus and determination. The earthy feel of the transits, along with Sun opposite your Sun’s sign, is productive in matters of work and perhaps giving service to others. A jolt of “going against the grain” hits Taurus on October 30, but being spontaneous and forging your own path perhaps is an effective way to start this potentially productive week. Final thought for Taurus: no additional insights for Taurus this week.


Gemini Sun’s ruler, Mercury, changes signs this week. Mercury in Scorpio can still be social, but the airy feel to communication and networking becomes more serious and intense after November 1. Attention shifts from creating contacts at the beginning of the week to using them in the second half of it. Gemini has several key dates to pay attention to that can really make or break your week. Persistence, force, and powerful focus has great potential for you, incorporated into the more general themes of the transits, such as productivity in work, on November 1. November 2 is a day for Gemini to shine. November 2 is a day to look your best, create increasing returns based on difficult work and efforts made to form alliances, and use what has been learned in the past to help you move forward in the direction you want to move towards. November 5 has a sense of ‘reality versus fantasy’ that creates an odd theme for you on the last day of the week. If you can manage to look objectively at the past and past issues, it can be a valuable source of inspiration to help you end the week successfully. Final thought for Gemini: depth and meaning in interactions, especially based on what you intuit from other people, is of great importance.


October 31 and November 1 are days for Cancer Sun to “power up”. Transiting Sun in Scorpio flows well for Cancer Sun, and recharging and consolidating your power base in the first half of the week is well attuned to the current transits. Despite the more intense feel of the transits this month, using your creativity and enjoying life works well for Cancer on November 2 and 3. November 2 and 3 are also days more geared towards using the mind for Cancer. By November 5, Cancer Sun is directly affected by the watery and earthy “spiritual service” theme in the transits. Work has a sense of touching spirit at the end of the week. October 31 is perhaps the most intense day of the week for Cancer. A flowing, powerful “transformative inspiration” type theme has potential for cathartic experiences or opportunities to evolve in your life or parts of it. Final thought for Cancer: Jupiter in Virgo’s theme is quite relevant for Cancer this week. The abstract becomes useful when you find a way to apply it!


This week has the feel of a decent week for Leo Sun. Transiting Sun squaring your Sun’s sign is not easy, but productivity and accomplishment also characterizes the nature of a tough square. November 1 and 2 are days of showing leadership and exercising authority via what you know, particularly in work and career. November 2 to 4 slightly overlaps with the leadership theme for you this week, and these three days have potential for using insight, understanding, and reaching large groups in order to move your goals forward. The November 2 to 4 time frame is also an elevated time of touching spirit, feeling inspired, and using imagination, which is a general theme for Leo all week. Elevated use of the mind, logic, and thought starts to encroach into Leo’s week around November 4, rounding out a potentially productive week. Final thought for Leo: an elevated theme of exercising and expanding your influence melds nicely with the theme of reaching large groups this week.


A theme of the transiting planets in five consecutive signs, starting with Virgo Sun’s sign, ends abruptly and briefly this week when your Sun’s ruler, Mercury, enters Scorpio. Sun and Mercury in Scorpio is not incongruent with Virgo’s orientation to life. Sun and Mercury in a receptive and watery sign contains advantages for Virgo, given the effort. For example, your penchant for detail and analysis works well with untangling mysteries and riddles, and the intense manifestation of thought and communication can be an advantage when applied practically and in matters of work. October 30 is a last chance for a while for Virgo to catch an “amped up” brainpower theme that continues from the previous week. A useful theme of applying creativity and imagination to solving logical problems – on the surface paradoxical, but something that can open doors for you – lasts throughout the week, with a peak day on November 1. Generally speaking, the continuing theme of applying effort and giving attention to matters of work and service is of greatest influence for Virgo again this week. Final thought for Virgo: protecting your own interests is a potentially important theme for Virgo this week.


“Balancing at work” is a prominent theme for Libra Sun this week. Mercury moving forward to Scorpio this week is a jolt for Libra, but Mercury’s thought manifesting in the Scorpio sign is an interesting change geared towards stretching and exercising your mind. Relationships are an important theme for Libra this week, even outside of work. Your Sun is naturaully attuned to both considering personal desires and also considering the needs and wants of other people; and the elevated importance of the relationships theme is of interest with Sun in Scorpio. No doubt that obtaining perspectives from other people can help move your work and career forward, as well as assisting you with increasing your personal power. Watch for November 2 this week as opportune for creating alliances and working especially well in a group – or even just for socializing. Final thought for Libra: despite all of the indicators of teams, partnerships, and groups for you this week, consider a solo approach to projects and activities this week if teamwork isn’t working.


Your solar return month is well underway. Scorpio Sun can enjoy the general themes in the transits this week, including a continuing theme of expanding efforts and influence in work and career. November 1 to the end of the week is the strongest part of the week for Scorpio; efforts to obtain what you want and need, particularly at work, is not necessarily easy or simple, but has nice potential for moving your projects and objectives forward. Take advantage of your raw power and transformational talent this week! Relationships of all types, and specifically close relationships, are more influential this week for Scorpio at its beginning. Close relationships require extra effort, but the idea of working to create better close relationships is congruent with the change theme in the transits this month, with transiting Sun in your Sun’s sign. Not that the week is without its uplifting themes for you. Good times, material abundance, and success continues to flow well for Scorpio this week. Final thought for Scorpio: consider that you may find it critical to adjust your strategy in work or personal life this week in order to make projects successful.


As with several of the other Sun signs, relationships in general are of elevated importance for Sagittarius Sun this week. Close relationships are also a subtle, but relevant, theme all week for Sagittarius. Transiting Sun in the sign previous to yours is of interest, considering that the theme of actively seeking personal power continues from last week and lasts throughout the week. Extra effort will likely be needed to avoid disruptions and reversals in direction, regarding your plans and objectives. Using technology and acting spontaneously can help counter disruptions this week, by turning lemons into lemonade, given the effort. The spiritual theme that has been relatively long lasting for you basically fades by the end of the week. Paying attention to spirit, focusing on service to others, and finding inspiration even in the most ordinary activities might still be used to your benefit this week, however. Final thought for Sagittarius: in dealing with difficulties this week, consider the benefit of seeking counsel from personal contacts, or consulting the internet or various media for guidance.


Issues from the past surfaces as a theme this week for Capricorn Sun. While this is can be an unpleasant theme, useful opportunities also emerge from it, such as being able to finally resolve lingering issues or create something new in part of your life as a result. This theme surfacing with Sun in Scorpio is also most interesting. Quite possibly, a new perspective or previously unknown information will be brought to light if you make the effort to do the “dirty work”. You may also find that making changes to a part of something – a project, an object, or even yourself – while keeping the entirety intact, can be of benefit and keep you moving forward. This week’s new theme complements the existing theme of “spiritual growth” for Capricorn. While your creativity might feel stifled, your natural sense of applying existing structure to what you do can paradoxically increase your creative output dramatically. The heavy theme of Sun in Scorpio, and Mercury’s ingress into Scorpio, challenges Capricorn this week, but ultimately can help you develop your personal power base. Final thought for Capricorn: taking the time to truly listen to words of wisdom can provide a feeling of liberation this week.


This can be a week of building for Aquarius Sun. A direct theme of using machines and capital to accomplish your goals works well for Aquarius across many careers and disciplines. Taking immediate action, and using personal creativity within organization, can give you an advantage this week if you are prepared and willing to make the required efforts to succeed. Jupiter in Virgo is influential for Aquarius this week, and the idea of both creating a long-term, overarching strategy combined with filling in the details and plans within it meshes nicely with the high-energy, focused theme of making your mark immediately in work and career, or other endeavors. Mercury exiting an air sign has a different feel for Aquarius, but Mercury in Scorpio has its advantages. Your natural inclination for innovation and revolution, and thought, is certainly not contradictory to Scorpio Mercury’s rebuilding and transformation via use of logic and the mind, although Mercury will be squaring your Sun by sign. The tense aspect by signs, among other things, simply signifies that efforts made in thinking about and enacting different processes and methods can result in lasting accomplishment and expanding your limits. Final thought for Aquarius: in times of doubt or lack of direction this week, seek someone or something to show you the light at the end of the tunnel.


Watch for a day centered around the concept of ‘unity’ on October 31. The watery transiting Sun in Scorpio flows well for Pisces Sun all week, with a particularly spiritual, flowing day on Halloween. Use of the mind, and communication, also has a different feel after November 1 with Mercury entering Scorpio. The watery nature of thought and communication flows well, generally speaking, for Pisces, and is of benefit in intuiting future trends or anticipating what other people might think or say. Using the mind to explore the depths of the psyche and the secrets of the universe is a rather abstract concept, but also an interesting practical exercise for Pisces. Structure and authority continues to be a heavier theme affecting you this week. Restriction is obviously difficult, but using creativity and faith to surmount obstacles also helps a person expand their limits. Venus, Mars, and Jupiter in the sign opposite of yours continue to emphasize assertive and optimistic collaboration used in order to touch spirit, a theme that continues for you throughout the week. Final thought for Pisces: kinship is something to enjoy this week; you might find it difficult to decipher another person’s motives, however.

Disclaimer: please consult the appropriate professional in regards to any area of your life discussed in this horoscope, as it is not intended to replace them. This is for entertainment purposes only and contains the personal opinions of the writer. Offense to any reader is unintentional. Any problem or protest with the newsletter or the opinions of the author should be relayed to

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