Synchronicity: A Message from Your Inner Universe

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 11/11/2015 - 09:06


By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

Since today is November 11th (11/11), let’s discuss synchronicity.

I started to notice synchronicities with numbers everywhere shortly after I learned about them, and I think one of their purposes is to confirm that what we’re thinking or doing the moment we receive them is in alignment with our path. If we have a thought regarding our work, our spiritual evolution or anything else important, a set of matching numbers (111, 222, etc.) can appear seemingly out of nowhere to confirm that we’re on the right track.

Of course, synchronicities with numbers aren’t the only kind we can pick up on. Has a strange coincidence ever happened to you out of nowhere that left you wondering if it was driven by an underlying, perhaps universal intelligence?

That universal intelligence is constantly trying to reach us and share love, support and guidance, and the only reason more people haven’t realized it exists is because they haven’t been open to it. You can call it whatever you want – God, the universe, departed loved ones, spiritual guides; it doesn’t matter. What does matter is that it’s real, it wants to help us and we can actually communicate with it. All we need to do is request this higher power be with us and be open to any signs or synchronicities we receive, and we could pleasantly surprised to receive sign after sign of its presence.

One of the most commonly discussed aspects of the synchronicity phenomenon is when a month’s number and a certain day line up on the calendar, which is happening today. Some people in the spiritual community will tell you that these alignments temporarily heighten the evolutionary energy we’re receiving from the cosmos, and if we try, we can tap into the heightened energy and ride the wave into a blissful meditation.

We can take in a greater amount of this energy that’s believed to be flowing through our planet in abundance in support of our spiritual evolution, and this will not only give us a good meditation, but give our creative and spiritual work a boost. Some people report deep, introspective meditations on these dates, but there are other significant times when the cosmic energy is believed to intensify. You’ve probably heard about intensified energy during full moons, for example.

There’s a full moon tonight, so according to the logic, the energy will be intense.


December 21, 2012 was and still is popular in the new age community, because it was considered to be the mother of all important evolutionary dates. Many people believed that this date would herald a massive ascension, and those who weren’t ready for this ascension would reincarnate on another planet that hosted third-dimensional conditions in which they could still be comfortable (opinions about that did differ from person to person). A lot of people were holding their breath for this ascension day, and many were disappointed when it didn’t pan out.

Personally, I felt it would offer a little something but wouldn’t overwhelm anyone, and the intense meditation I enjoyed on that day was satisfying enough. I also felt that rather than being an actual ascension day, which I don’t think is yet possible for a number of reasons, it was a starting point of sorts for the real spiritual work to begin.

It was the start of the next phase in human evolution, and in the years following, those who consider ourselves ‘awake’ will be responsible for initiating a massive spiritual revolution that could, in time, lead to the collective evolution so many people were hoping for in December 2012.

Skeptics understandably take the fact that nothing amazing happened as evidence that ascension isn’t real, but since the date came and went, many people have adjusted their perspective on the evolution of the soul.

Some have realized that it’s a gradual and personal process and the whole world can’t just be whisked away from what they know. Rather than waiting for any special timeframe, they’ve made personal spiritual evolution (and collective spiritual revolution) their main priorities. They’re no longer waiting for something to happen, and instead, they’re figuring out how they can glimpse enlightenment while trying to wake up the world by raising awareness and sharing good vibes via an outlet they enjoy.

Unfortunately, the idea that something amazing will happen at a predetermined date is still alive and well in some parts of the spiritual community, and for all I know, someone could’ve claimed that ascension would happen today. Something similar happened when people felt that September 28th of this year would be significant. It could’ve simply been another misinterpreted period of intensified energy, and it comes down to what each individual felt (or didn’t feel) when it happened.


Like I’ve said before, it’s a better use of our time to focus on what we can do in the here and now with the tools we have available than to wait for something, because we need to be actively involved. While I do believe there are higher forces helping us from beyond this state of consciousness, I don’t think they can act unless we do. This is our planet, after all, and they’re waiting for us to step up and make a dedicated inner and outer change.

That doesn’t mean we can’t get the most out of days like today, and especially after my awesome meditation on 12/21/12, I’m convinced these days do intensify the energy and help us raise our vibration; even if it’s only temporary. If we glimpse enlightenment on one of these days, we can come back down to earth with what we felt and learned, ready to offer even more to this (r)evolution.

So, what do other people in the spiritual community have to say about synchronicities? Quite a lot has been said about them, and I’ve collected some material on the subject for us to explore. We might as well learn as much as we can about this fascinating phenomenon, because the spiritual community grows by the day and it’ll be interesting and relevant for years to come.

Our first snippets come from Nancy Seifer at “When The Soul Awakens”, and she discusses the general synchronies and coincidences people experience, which can be attributed to the guiding universal consciousness trying to get our attention.

“It happens to people all the time these days.  Something prompts you to look at a digital clock at exactly the same time of day or night—1:11, 3:33, 4:44.  You think of someone and soon thereafter that person contacts you.  Or you’ve just read an article, you get into your car, and while driving along you notice that the numbers and letters on the license plate in front of you reflect the subject of the article you’ve just finished reading.  Or, you see spelled out on the truck in the lane next to yours the actual words or names that appeared in the article.

“The odds against such occurrences are so great that when we notice them, they tend to stop us dead in our tracks. Like scenes of exquisite beauty, they take our breath away. Playing back the sequence of events in our minds, we realize that had we left home one minute later, or had the red light lasted 30 seconds longer, we would have missed the license plate or the sign on the truck.

“The more we think about it, the more we realize that such perfectly choreographed events cannot happen randomly. And if we think about it long enough, we come up against the limits of the rational mind.” (1)

Carl Jung. Credit:

She also explains how synchronicity fascinated Carl Jung, who coined the term.

“Interestingly, it was the power of synchronicity to overwhelm the rational mind that held significance for Carl Jung (1875-1961), the Swiss psychiatrist who coined the term and brought the phenomenon to light.  Jung recognized that synchronicity, which he defined as meaningful coincidence, had the effect of breaking through the ‘rationalistic shell’ of the modern scientific mind.

“It is a form of coincidence powerful enough to shatter the notion that material science has discovered all there is to know about the universe. To the person having an experience of synchronicity, the realization dawns that a mysterious force is at play in the world—a kind of ‘cosmic clock’ whose gears operate on a more subtle plane.” (2)

Jung felt that synchronicity gives this universal force a platform to express the invisible and un-expressible.

“Modern science—based on the physical laws of cause and effect—measures and validates the relationship between cause and effect in the dimensions of time and space.  What fascinated Jung about synchronicity was its acausal nature.  He defined it as an ‘acausal relationship of events,’ as there is no apparent explanation for the occurrence of two simultaneous events, one subjective and one objective.

“Further adding to the mystery, Jung noted that the occurrence has special meaning for the person who experiences it.  This implies that unknown forces in our universe have the capacity to make visible, in the world of concrete form, the contents of the invisible realm of consciousness.” (3)

Nancy also shares an incredible story of a synchronicity Jung experienced with one of his patients, which allowed the patient to break through the limits of the rational mind.

“A classic illustration of synchronicity presented by Jung involved one of his patients, a woman with a highly developed rational mind— a fact that made her psychoanalytic treatment difficult.  One day she was telling Jung about a dream she had had in which she received a golden scarab, a beetle with significance in Egyptian mythology.

A golden scarab. Credit:

“Just at that moment, Jung reported, he heard a noise ‘like a gentle tapping’ on his window.  When he opened the window, a scarab-like beetle flew in.  Jung caught the beetle and presented it to his patient saying, ‘Here’s your scarab.’ The stunning impact of this synchronicity overwhelmed the defenses of her rational mind and led to a breakthrough in her treatment.” (4)

I recommend reading the rest of this piece from Nancy, which you can find here, but we’ll go ahead and move on.

Grace at explains that our spiritual guides use synchronicities to communicate with us through our intuition. Keep in mind that as I wrote before, different people define the guiding universal consciousness in different ways and some people define it as a spiritual guide or a set of guides. It’s all the same to me, and if we do have spiritual guides, they’re likely one with the universal consciousness so they essentially are this consciousness.

“There are many ‘synchronicity theories’ and ideas about what synchronicity is and how it works. Swiss psychologist, Carl Jung, coined the term synchronicity, defining it as a ‘meaningful coincidence’ that has a low probability of being a random or chance event. From a spiritual perspective, synchronicity is one of the tools that our intuitive guidance system uses to communicate with us and get our attention.

“Within the Divine Matrix of All That Is, we have many facets and dimensions of support. Part of this support system comes from our spirit guides, who guide us through every moment of our lives. Our spirit guides vibrate at a much higher frequency than we do, and have a much higher perspective than we do on our own lives, on the world and on the Universe as a whole. From that higher perspective, our guides help us navigate our life path, much the way that a navigator in a plane directs the pilot on the best route to the chosen destination.” (5)

Spirit guides. Credit:

It can hard for our guides to communicate with us since we live in a dense vibratory realm, but they still send messages in any way they can. Synchronicity is one of their preferred ways.

“Our guides are always communicating with us, but because the third dimension is very slow and dense in its vibration, most humans are too dense to perceive or understand their guidance. Guides attempt to communicate with us through our dreams, gut feelings, signs, symbols, déjà vu, and through synchronicity.

“Not only do our guides use synchronicity to get our attention, but they also literally move heaven and earth to co-ordinate those synchronicities so that we take notice of a particular path or message. Once you become aware of tapping into synchronicity, you can align with your guides and let synchronicity be an intuitive decision making tool.” (6)

So we’ve established that this universal force, however you choose to define it, uses synchronicities to send us important and potentially life-changing messages. But what about 11/11, the synchronicity/alignment we’re celebrating today? What’s the significance of numeric synchronicities involving the number eleven?

According to Crystalinks, the number 11 is a symbol of awakening and DNA activation.

Reality is a consciousness program (hologram, simulation, illusion, dream) created by digital codes. Numbers, numeric codes, define our existence and experiences. Human DNA, our genetic memory, triggers (remembers) by digital codes at specific times and frequencies as we experience. Those codes awaken the mind to the change and evolution of consciousness. 11 is one of those codes, meaning activation of twin spiraling human DNA.” (7)


The brain, which is the most advanced computer we’ll ever have, processes and creates reality through a sequence of zeroes and ones.

“The brain is an electrochemical machine (computer) that processes through binary code zeroes and ones that create patterns of experiences and realities.”

“The illusion of physical reality is created by the patterns of the Fibonacci Sequence – the Golden Spiral of Consciousness consisting of zeros and ones that align with the brain.” (8)

The number 11 apparently triggers the brain to ‘wake up’, which can lead to a number of significant synchronicities that ultimately lead one to a higher consciousness and/or the discovery of their life purpose.

“The 11 pattern continues to haunt/taunt people as if a catalyst. When people see the 11 it triggers part of their DNA linked to remember we exist in a Holographic Universe. This leads to an ongoing series of synchronicities to find truth.

“11 can show up in its various forms when someone is overcome by emotions, feels lost, or becomes indecisive. Here 11 is used by the brain as a conditioned grounding mechanism to balance the circuits to focus and function. People who experience in ‘zone 11’ have the most interesting stories to tell.” (9)


The author of the referenced article believes the hashtag is a subliminal message that has to do with the number 11.

“The # (number sign, hashtag) is almost 11 vertically and horizontally balance by numbers #subliminalmessages.

“11 may appear anywhere from daily experiences, to nature and the Fibonacci Code, on other levels of experience such as dreams, and more. It’s all just code in a biogenetic experiment. If you haven’t figured it out, you will.” (10)

I have to agree with the author’s last point. If you’re even the slightest bit interested in synchronicities, you probably will embark on a journey to understand how they’re relevant for you and how they can help you spiritually evolve. These numbers guide my life every day, and synchronicities seem to rejuvenate me when I feel depleted or I don’t want to keep going.

It’s 10:22 on the clock as I write this!

Synchronicities involving the number four are the most common for me, and I believe they’re messages that your guides, the universal force, etc. is with you and you can call on it for strength and support. I always feel energized with a sense of purpose when I see these repeated numbers, and every synchronicity is powerful and reminds me that I (and the rest of you) am here for a reason.


Synchronicity is a powerful phenomenon that’s popular in the spiritual community, and I hope you get the most out of the 11/11 and full moon energy today as you start to notice the synchronicities all around. We probably don’t notice the majority of signs we receive throughout the day, and a little openness to them can go a long way.

So keep your eyes open to the little coincidences you experience, and you might learn that coincidence is an illusion and life does indeed operate intelligently and with purpose. I think this purpose is enlightenment, ascension, spiritual evolution, or whatever you want to call it, and we can align with it by aligning with our own higher consciousness and embracing some kind of work that helps us raise awareness and encourage the world to change.

We can do it, and we have this universal force by our side to guide us when we struggle. It communicates with us in some pretty interesting ways, and the more open we are to its continuous messages, the more we’ll learn about ourselves and the intelligent, coherent manner in which our reality operates.


  1. “Synchronicity and the Soul” by Nancy Seifer, When the Soul Awakens, 2008 –
  2. Loc. cit.
  3. Loc. cit.
  4. Loc. cit.
  5. “Synchronicity: An Intuitive Decision Making Tool” by Grace,, Not Dated –
  6. Loc. cit.
  7. “11:11 Phenomenon” Crystalinks, Not Dated –
  8. Loc. cit.
  9. Loc. cit.
  10. Loc. cit.


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