Triple Water Astrology – The Critical Degree! Weekly Horoscope – Week Starting Friday, November 13, 2015

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 11/12/2015 - 17:41


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Sun drawing close to the end of Scorpio, along with South Node in the anaretic degree of Pisces, gives a sense of plunging into watery depths this week. The past most certainly can be added to the intense, transcending watery theme, with the adamantine Saturn forming a subtle aspect to a preponderant Hades (Transneptunian) all week. No doubt that the amorphous Neptune meandering through his home sign Pisces also adds to the watery feel in the transits.

Venus lightens up the supernal mix a bit as she makes her way through her home sign, Libra. Venus forms a subtle aspect to her spiritual teacher, Neptune, for the first several days of the week, creating a convenient bridge – socializing, communicating, and balancing with other individuals – in order to reach Neptune’s spirituality and bliss. Adding to the watery paradoxes, illusions, and nebulous ideas and images prominent in this week’s themes is Neptune going direct. Saturn struggles with Neptune via a square, perhaps mitigating Neptune’s less desirable influences and creating a marvelous theme of “structured creativity” for those able to flow well with the material and mix imagination with discipline.

Mars also forges through early Libra this week. Mars is out of place in Venus’ sign, but he is still Mars! Personal drive, passion, and will tend to revert slightly to the wishes of other people rather than one’s self. However, plenty of energy is available for collaborative projects and group activities, if a way to use Mars’ passion can be directed in a synergistic manner.

What might this week portend for you? Consider your Sun sign and rising sign/ascendant as well.


Mars transiting through the sign opposite of your Sun’s gives Aries Sun a few months of considering how to meld a strong personal core with various types of people in all types of relationships. Harmony can work for Aries this week, if you’re willing to consider how your needs align with those of others. November 13 and 14 contain an uplifting theme of presenting your best image, learning and exchanging ideas, and reaping the benefits of applying difficult work in order to expand projects and objectives. Working with authority and responding to limits encroaches on Aries’ week, starting at midweek, but efforts made towards producing results tend to return commensurate rewards. The theme of focusing on future direction, particularly at work, still lingers for you this week. The week has a feel of being out of the ordinary, but you still have chances to shine. Final thought for Aries: no additional comments for Aries this week.


The “structured creativity” theme is quite influential for Taurus Sun this week. While an obvious application of this theme is giving attention to artistic endeavors, imagining how to create form in work and career or any area of life can work well, given the effort. The effect is strongest at the beginning of the week. Taurus also has the opportunity to meet the demands of structure, while operating under those in power. Thus career, and the difficult demands required through it, along with the potential rewards, is front and center for Taurus this week. Change and potential disruption also becomes a prominent theme for Taurus at the end of the week. The week is not entirely about challenges and work, however. Watch for opportunities to show authority, based on your expertise, around November 16. A subtly spiritual beginning of the week for you also ends on a spiritual note, with greater potential for accumulating insights, generating wisdom, and touching spirit on November 18 and 19 in this varied week. Final thought for Taurus: with your Sun’s ruler in Libra, this is quite a week for Taurus to reflect on close relationships, a theme that also melds with the “generating insights” theme on November 18 and 19.


As Gemini Sun’s ruler, Mercury, quickly traverses the final third of Scorpio this week, cogitating the watery depths in the transits and using logic to gather useful perspectives is at the forefront of the challenges and opportunities for you. Be quick to take advantage of a nice running start to the week, in which you can take advantage of an “expanding knowledge” theme, well suited for your intellect. The upbeat feel of the week stretches into about November 16. Dedication to a cause or ideal that resonates with you also flows well for Gemini, and becomes a stronger influence as the week progresses. Venus in Libra is not directly influential for Gemini this week, however, watch for a potentially influential day in regards to close relationships on November 15. A sense of clarity and consciousness tags along with Gemini throughout the week, and watch for opportunities to operate from a stable base in order to use tremendous force to push projects and goals forward on November 19. Final thought for Gemini: watch for a boost from people operating from the same “frequency” as you this week.


The week begins with an upbeat feel for Cancer Sun, just as with Gemini. The start of the week, though cheery, might also feel a bit disruptive, but also offers the opportunity to be spontaneous and increase your knowledge base. Most of the rest of the week has a dour feel to it, but also a sense of partaking in difficult work in order to achieve what you need or want to achieve. November 19 is an abrupt shift, splashing Cancer with the full force of the heavy watery theme in the transits as Sun transits at the end of the Scorpio sign. Time to reflect and ponder how to reach the effusive Neptune’s better qualities of imagination and bliss would probably be well spent on November 19. The mighty Sun nearing the end of watery Scorpio also raises issues of how to deal with and incorporate Pluto’s raw power into your existence, if you so choose, with a key date for this theme occurring on November 15. Final thought for Cancer: a more “strength in numbers” and cooperative type theme subtly pervades the week for Cancer.


Quick thinking, magnetic and powerful communication, and gathering perspectives via networking persist as influential themes for Leo Sun throughout the week. As with several of the other Sun signs, Leo’s week starts in an upbeat manner. Leo’s Sun is in his own sign, and transiting Sun squaring your Sun by sign has its challenges. However, Sun transiting in Pluto’s sign is quite an opportunity to feel and use the magnetic power of the watery Scorpio Sun. Rugged determination and staying fixed on objectives, despite any adversaries or adverse situations, is certainly an outstanding strength for you this week. On the lighter side, feeling attuned to other people in your marriage, extended family, and those in your group (e.g., at work) is a plus for Leo on November 16 and 17. A flowing sense of idealistic commitment to causes you believe in might also be of use, a theme that becomes stronger for Leo as the week moves forward. Final thought for Leo: if impediments to changing direction arise, finding alliances through people with common interests can assist with varying your course.


The week begins with a running start for Virgo Sun, which is no exception to several of the other Sun signs. Enjoy a sense of initiating personal growth and expanding your efforts as a way to start the week, with the exuberant Jupiter in the middle of your Sun’s sign. Also be quick to implement an “innovative analysis” type of theme, if you are so inclined, within the first few days of the week. Togetherness is another reasonably influential theme for Virgo this week. Close relationships are of emphasis on November 15, and community involvement, forming and using contacts to mutual benefit, and enjoying marriage and extended family is a prominent theme on November 16 and 17. The intense, magnetic Sun in late Scorpio also affects Virgo more than average this week. While Scorpio is a watery sign, the energy meshes reasonably well with your earthy Sun, given a bit of effort to adjust. Thus uncovering facts, in depth analysis, and endurance in using the mind, as well as an added element of transforming self, others, or situations, adds to the variety and potential of your week. Final thought for Virgo: No additional insights for Virgo this week.


A sense of ease permeates the week, with Venus at home in your Sun’s sign. Also quite apropos, relationships are of elevated importance for Libra Sun this week. Work and personal life can be the best of all worlds, with an ample amount of personal drive and ambition in the cards for Libra this week, but with a stronger emphasis on using activity to assist with creating harmony, and using collaboration in order to efficiently meet the needs and wants of all involved parties. The entire week builds up a theme of using collaboration in order to develop your personal power and create meaningful change, quite a beneficial concept. The tradeoff is that it will require tremendous effort! Bearing in mind the adage “many hands make a light load” is one way to deal with the difficulties this week. The airy influence of your Sun adds to a favorable theme, strongest at the beginning of the week, of making efforts to generate and use creative ideas, particularly to create form or operate successfully within structure. Final thought for Libra: siblings tend to have greater influence for you this week. Also, with Jupiter in Virgo, a reminder for Libra that putting together pieces of the puzzle to see the big picture may be of great use.


The upbeat feel that several other signs experience at the beginning of the week lasts all week for Scorpio Sun. Enjoy the abundance this week, whenever you can find it or as it flows to you, as you complete your solar return month. Relationships are a strong influence this week for Scorpio. A sense of ease can be felt if significant effort is expended to obtain it, paradoxically. Your intense, powerful Sun is no stranger to making the difficult efforts, however. A sense of accomplishment from working with people in various relationships in personal or work life might be felt if you take action to achieve balance and cooperate this week. November 15 is a strong day for Scorpio experiencing the heavy watery theme in the transits. No worries if you feel a bit more private and reclusive in the middle of the week. A spiritual sense of unity, in tangible form, has potential for Scorpio on November 15 if you can find a way to untangle and manifest such an abstract concept (Jupiter in Virgo is perfect for helping you do so, however!). Final thought for Scorpio: if a project or task is stalling in the middle of things, Scorpio has plenty of passion this week to make it move forward again.


A theme of using the mind starts the week for Sagittarius Sun. Flashes of insight, innovative ideas, and using logic to solve problems is of elevated influence for you from November 13 to 15. Sun’s transit through Scorpio has also been influential for Sagittarius this month and remains so throughout this week. Developing your personal power augments the theme of using the mind at the beginning of the week – sharp perspectives can therefore be used to move objectives forward this week, particularly in career. The watery theme in the transits is important for Sagittarius for other reasons; for example, healing is a potent concept and theme for Sagittarius this week. As you prepare for your solar return month, take time to enjoy and use the varied influences in the transits: ease in relationships, a sense of grounded attention to detail, blessed with the influence of your Sun’s ruler in Virgo, and creating structure and operating from a stable base with Saturn in your Sun’s sign. Final thought for Sagittarius: a philosophical approach to resolving disputes is something to consider this week.


Relationships have a strong influence for Capricorn Sun throughout the week. The first half of the week (until about November 17) contains a heavy focus on the nicer, social side of relationships and implementing harmony between yourself and other individuals. The second half of the week turns a bit more independent for Capricorn, yet retains the collaborative type influence. Thus leadership qualities might be more fully expressed in the latter half of the week, for example. Efforts to create mutual benefit and work towards a common goal have great potential this week. Directing everyone towards the same “page” certainly has its upside, and this week has elevated opportunities to show leadership through drawing from your natural ability to create and respond to structure. Touching spirit also certainly has its place for Capricorn this week. November 19 is an especially powerful day for experiencing the intense, flowing, transcending watery forces as Sun completes his current transit through Scorpio. Final thought for Capricorn: how might you leave behind outmoded ideas or items in your life and embrace new ones?


To repeat the theme at the beginning of the week for several of the other Sun signs, Aquarius Sun has a chipper start to the week. Given the effort, a sense of having unbounded use of the mind is also an influential theme at the start of the week (lasting until about November 16). Your natural inclination to innovate, use flashes of insight, and embrace technology would be well used in the first half of the week. Transiting Sun is squaring your Sun’s sign, a theme drawing to a close this week. Even with the tense square by sign between Scorpio Sun and yours, the last two fixed signs of the zodiac share similarities to be used to your advantage. The Scorpio energy is about depth and permanent transformation. Aquarius is not usually averse to this concept, because your sign is a revolutionary sign. The intense, transcending watery theme in the transits this week can work well for you. Revolution isn’t necessarily transformation, but most often that is the result! Flowing with the week a bit, rather than relying on your natural strengths of socializing and thinking, creates an interesting and potentially fruitful mode of operation for Aquarius this week. Final thought for Aquarius: cogitating how to find a guide this week, if you need one, contains favorable potential.


Relationships are the foremost influence for Pisces Sun at the start of the week. Structure and authority might feel like they’re grating on you this week, but difficult work and discipline help to move goals and projects forward and ultimately help you expand your limits. Your Sun’s ruler, Neptune, also goes direct this week. The elusive qualities of Neptune are acting more within regular parameters, a true but also paradoxical statement. Perhaps, in this week with an intense, watery theme, clues regarding touching spirit and attaining bliss will become apparent, particularly for Pisces. More practically, a fair amount of passion and drive for your various activities becomes more prominent this week starting around November 17. Also watch for opportunities to use your creativity in a thoughtful manner, particularly in career. Final thought for Pisces: mindfulness and intuiting intention in various situations is something for Pisces to consider this week.

Disclaimer: please consult the appropriate professional in regards to any area of your life discussed in this horoscope, as it is not intended to replace them. This is for entertainment purposes only and contains the personal opinions of the writer. Offense to any reader is unintentional. Any problem or protest with the newsletter or the opinions of the author should be relayed to

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